require 'rubygems' gem 'minitest' require 'minitest/autorun' gem 'minitest-reporters' require 'minitest/reporters' Minitest::Reporters.use!( require 'fileutils' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib')) require 'mail' require 'postageapp' require 'postageapp/mailer' require 'mocha/setup' require 'with_environment' # This fixes an issue in Rails where HashWithIndifferentAccess isn't # being loaded properly during testing. if (defined?(ActiveSupport) and !defined?(HashWithIndifferentAccess)) require 'active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access' end class MiniTest::Test include WithEnvironment def self.require_action_mailer(version) if (defined?(ActionMailer)) if (ActionMailer::VERSION::MAJOR == version) return yield end end define_method(:test_skipped) do skip("Not testing against ActionMailer #{version}.x") end end def setup # Resetting to default configuration PostageApp.configure do |config| config.api_key = '1234567890abcdef' = true config.protocol = 'https' = '' config.port = 443 config.proxy_host = nil config.proxy_port = nil config.proxy_user = nil config.proxy_pass = nil config.http_open_timeout = 5 config.http_read_timeout = 10 config.recipient_override = nil config.requests_to_resend = %w( send_message ) config.project_root = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__) config.environment = 'production' config.logger = nil config.framework = 'undefined framework' end if (defined?(ActionMailer)) ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.clear end end def mock_successful_send(status = 'ok') Net::HTTP.any_instance.stubs(:post).returns(, nil, nil)) Net::HTTPResponse.any_instance.stubs(:body).returns({ response: { uid: 'sha1hashuid23456789012345678901234567890', status: status }, data: { message: { id: 999 } } }.to_json) end def mock_failed_send Net::HTTP.any_instance.stubs(:post).returns(nil) end # Briefly substitutes a new object in place of an existing constant. def const_replace(name, object) original = Object.const_defined?(name) && Object.const_get(name) Object.send(:remove_const, name) if (original) Object.const_set(name, object) yield ensure Object.send(:remove_const, name) Object.const_set(name, original) end end