services: - docker:1.13-dind stages: - check - sanity - test - qa variables: TEST_IMAGE: DOCKER_DRIVER: overlay DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375 QA_SCREENSHOTS_DIR: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/screenshots QA_LOGS_DIR: $CI_PROJECT_DIR/logs before_script: - bundle install - if [ -n "$TRIGGERED_USER" ] && [ -n "$TRIGGER_SOURCE" ]; then echo "Pipeline triggered by $TRIGGERED_USER at $TRIGGER_SOURCE"; fi check:rubocop: stage: check image: $TEST_IMAGE script: bundle exec rubocop except: - triggers tags: - docker check:rspec: stage: check image: $TEST_IMAGE script: bundle exec rspec except: - triggers tags: - docker .sanity: &sanity stage: sanity image: $TEST_IMAGE only: - schedules tags: - docker ce:version: script: bin/qa Test::Sanity::Version CE allow_failure: true <<: *sanity ee:version: script: bin/qa Test::Sanity::Version EE allow_failure: true <<: *sanity .test: &test stage: test image: $TEST_IMAGE retry: 1 tags: - docker artifacts: when: on_failure expire_in: 30d paths: - screenshots/ - logs/ .high-capacity: &high-capacity tags: - docker - 7gb - triggered-packages ce:instance: # Checking if the build is triggered for a EE image. In that case, we need # not run CE specific tests. This doesn't apply to nightly/regular branch # builds as RELEASE will not match gitlab-ce in those cases. script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ee); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Instance::Image ${RELEASE:=CE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ee:instance: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ce); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Instance::Image ${RELEASE:=EE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ce:image: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ee); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Omnibus::Image ${RELEASE:=CE} <<: *test ee:image: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ce); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Omnibus::Image ${RELEASE:=EE} <<: *test ce:update: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ee); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Omnibus::Update ${RELEASE:=CE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ee:update: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ce); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Omnibus::Update ${RELEASE:=EE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ee-previous-to-ce-next:update: script: - bin/qa Test::Omnibus::Update EE CE <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ce:upgrade: script: - if [[ $RELEASE ]]; then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Omnibus::Upgrade <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ce:mattermost: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ee); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Integration::Mattermost ${RELEASE:=CE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ee:mattermost: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ce); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Integration::Mattermost ${RELEASE:=EE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ee:geo: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ce); then exit 0; fi - bin/qa Test::Integration::Geo ${RELEASE:=EE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ce:ldap: script: - bin/qa Test::Integration::LDAP ${RELEASE:=CE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity ee:ldap: script: - bin/qa Test::Integration::LDAP ${RELEASE:=EE} <<: *test <<: *high-capacity qa:staging: script: - if $(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -q gitlab-ce); then exit 0; fi - export GITLAB_USERNAME="gitlab-qa" - export GITLAB_PASSWORD="$GITLAB_QA_PASSWORD" - unset EE_LICENSE - bin/qa Test::Instance::Staging <<: *test retry: 0 stage: qa when: manual except: - triggers