module Crucible module Tests class HistoryTest < BaseSuite def id 'History001' end def description 'Initial Sprinkler tests (HI01,HI02,HI03,HI04,HI05,HI06,HI07,HI08,HI09,HI10,HI11) for testing resource history requests.' end def initialize(client1, client2=nil) super(client1, client2) @category = {id: 'core_functionality', title: 'Core Functionality'} end def setup @resources = @patient = @resources.minimal_patient @create_date = @version = [] result = @client.create(@patient) assert_response_ok(result) @id = @version << result.version @patient.xmlId = @id @patient.telecom << 'email', value: '') update_result = @client.update(@patient, @id) assert_response_ok(update_result) @version << update_result.version del_result = @client.destroy(FHIR::Patient, @id) assert_response_code(del_result,204) @entry_count = @version.length # add one for deletion @version_count = @entry_count + 1 end test 'HI01','History for specific resource' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["history"] } result = @client.resource_instance_history(FHIR::Patient,@id) assert_response_ok result bundle = result.resource assert_equal "history", bundle.fhirType, "The bundle type is not correct" assert_equal @version_count,, "the number of returned versions is not correct" check_sort_order(bundle.entry) end test 'HI01.1','History request entries' do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["history"] } result = @client.resource_instance_history(FHIR::Patient,@id) assert_response_ok result bundle = result.resource entries = bundle.entry assert_equal 1,{|entry| entry.request.try(:method) == 'DELETE' }.size, 'Wrong number of DELETE transactions in the history bundle' assert_equal 1,{|entry| entry.request.try(:method) == 'PUT' }.size, 'Wrong number of PUT transactions in the history bundle' assert_equal 1,{|entry| entry.request.try(:method) == 'POST' }.size, 'Wrong number of POST transactions in the history bundle' end test "HI02", "full history of a resource by id with since" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["history"] } before = @create_date - 1.minute after = before + 1.hour all_history = @client.resource_instance_history(FHIR::Patient,@id) result = @client.resource_instance_history_as_of(FHIR::Patient,@id,before) assert_response_ok result bundle = result.resource assert_equal @version_count,, "the number of returned versions since the creation date is not correct" entry_ids_are_present(bundle.entry) check_sort_order(bundle.entry) result = @client.resource_instance_history_as_of(FHIR::Patient,@id,after) assert_response_ok result assert_equal 0,, "there should not be any history one hour after the creation date" end test "HI03", "individual history versions" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["vread", "history"] } result = @client.resource_instance_history(FHIR::Patient,@id) assert_response_ok result bundle = result.resource active_entries(bundle.entry).each do |entry| pulled = @client.vread(FHIR::Patient, entry.resource.xmlId, entry.resource.meta.versionId) assert_response_ok pulled assert !pulled.nil?, "Cannot find version that was present in history" end deleted_entries(bundle.entry).each do |entry| # FIXME: Should we parse the request URL or drop this assertion? if entry.resource pulled = @client.vread(FHIR::Patient, entry.resource.xmlId, entry.resource.meta.versionId) assert pulled.resource.nil?, "resource should not be found since it was deleted" assert_response_gone pulled end end end test "HI04", "history for missing resource" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["history"] } result = @client.resource_instance_history(FHIR::Patient,'3141592unlikely') assert_response_not_found result assert result.resource.nil?, 'bad history request should not return a resource' end test "HI06", "all history for resource with since" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["history-type"] } before = @create_date - 1.minute after = + 1.hour result = @client.resource_history_as_of(FHIR::Patient,before) assert_response_ok result bundle = result.resource entry_ids_are_present(bundle.entry) check_sort_order(bundle.entry) result = @client.resource_history_as_of(FHIR::Patient,after) assert_response_ok result assert_equal 0,, "Setting since to a future moment still returns history" end test "HI08", "all history whole system with since" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: nil, methods: ["history-system"] } before = @create_date - 1.minute after = + 1.hour result = @client.all_history_as_of(before) assert_response_ok result bundle = result.resource entry_ids_are_present(bundle.entry) check_sort_order(bundle.entry) warning { assert_navigation_links(bundle) } result = @client.resource_history_as_of(FHIR::Patient,after) assert_response_ok result assert_equal 0,, "Setting since to a future moment still returns history" end test "HI09", "resource history page forward" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["history-type"] } page_size = 2 page = @client.history(resource: FHIR::Patient, history: {since: ( - 1.hour), count: page_size}) forward_count = 0 # browse forwards while page != nil assert !page.resource.nil?, "Unable to page forward through results. A bundle was not returned from the page forward request." warning { entry_ids_are_present(page.resource.entry) } assert page.resource.entry.size <= page_size, "Server returned a page with more entries than set by _count" forward_count += page.resource.entry.size page = @client.next_page(page) end assert forward_count > 2, "there should be at least 2 history entries" end test "HI10", "resource history page backwards" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: "Patient", methods: ["history-type"] } page_size = 2 page = @client.history(resource: FHIR::Patient, history: {since: ( - 1.hour), count: page_size}) forward_count = 0 last_page = page # browse forwards while page != nil assert !page.resource.nil?, "Unable to page forward through results. A bundle was not returned from the page forward request." forward_count += page.resource.entry.size page = @client.next_page(page) last_page = page if page end backward_count = 0 page = last_page # browse backwards while page != nil warning { entry_ids_are_present(page.resource.entry) } assert page.resource.entry.size <= page_size, "Server returned a page with more entries than set by _count" backward_count += page.resource.entry.size page = @client.next_page(page, FHIR::Sections::Feed::BACKWARD) end assert_equal forward_count, backward_count, "entry numbers were different moving forwards and backwards" end test "HI11", "first page full history" do metadata { links "#{REST_SPEC_LINK}#history" requires resource: "Patient", methods: ["create", "update", "delete"] validates resource: nil, methods: ["history-system"] } history = @client.all_history assert !history.resource.nil?, "A bundle was not returned from the history request." assert history.resource.entry.size >= 3, "there should be at least 3 history entries" end ### ### Test first and last pages ### #### #### Check sice with timezones????? #### def deleted_entries(entries) do |entry| assert !entry.request.nil?, "history bundle entries do not have request elements, deleted entries cannot be distinguished" entry.request.try(:method) == "DELETE" end end def active_entries(entries) entries - deleted_entries(entries) end def entry_ids_are_present(entries) relevant_entries ={|x|x.request.try(:method)!='DELETE'} ids = rescue assert(false, 'Unable to find IDs for resources returned by the bundle') # check that we have ids and self links assert_equal relevant_entries.length, ids.size, 'All PUT and POST entries must have an ID' end def url?(v) v =~ /\A#{URI::regexp}\z/ end def check_sort_order(entries) relevant_entries ={|x|x.request.try(:method)!='DELETE'}!(&:resource).map!(&:meta).compact rescue assert(false, 'Unable to find meta for resources returned by the bundle') relevant_entries.each_cons(2) do |left, right| if !left.versionId.nil? && !right.versionId.nil? assert (left.versionId > right.versionId), 'Result contains entries in the wrong order.' elsif !left.lastUpdated.nil? && !right.lastUpdated.nil? assert (left.lastUpdated >= right.lastUpdated), 'Result contains entries in the wrong order.' else raise 'Unable to determine if entries are in the correct order -- no meta.versionId or meta.lastUpdated' end end end end end end