require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') require 'em-http' def compiler_test file, ext, src, &test, "w+"){|f| f.write(src)} cf = Slinky::Compilers.cfile_for_file(file) called_back = false $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Compiled #{file}".foreground(:green)) cf.compile{|cpath, _, _, error| error.should == nil cpath.nil?.should == false cpath.end_with?(ext).should == true == true called_back = true } called_back.should == true end describe "Compilers" do before :each do FileUtils.rm_rf("/compilers") rescue nil FileUtils.mkdir("/compilers") end context "SassCompiler" do it "should be able to compile SASS files" do src = <<eos h1 color: red eos compiler_test("/compilers/test.sass", ".css", src){|s| s.include?("color: red;") } end it "should be able to compile SCSS files" do src = <<eos h1 { a { color: red; } } eos compiler_test("/compilers/test.scss", ".css", src){|s| s.include?("color: red;") && s.include?("h1 a") } end end context "LessCompiler" do it "should be able to compile LESS files" do src = <<eos @width: 0.5; .class { width: percentage(@width); } eos compiler_test("/compilers/test.less", ".css", src){|s| s.include?("width: 50%;") } end end context "CoffeeCompiler" do it "should be able to compile .coffee files" do src = <<eos test = {do: (x) -> console.log(x)}"Hello, world") eos compiler_test("/compilers/", ".js", src){|s| s.include?("function(x) {") } end end context "HamlCompiler" do it "should be able to compile .haml files" do src = <<eos !!!5 %head %title Hello! %body eos compiler_test("/compilers/test.haml", ".html", src){|s| s.include?("<title>Hello!</title>") } end end context "JSXCompiler" do it "should be able to compile .jsx files" do src = <<-EOF /** @jsx React.DOM */ React.renderComponent( <h1>Hello, world!</h1>, document.getElementById('example') ); EOF compiler_test("/compilers/test.jsx", ".js", src){|s| s.include?("Hello, world!") } end end end