require "numru/gphys/gphys" require "numru/gphys/varraygtool3" =begin =module NumRu::GPhys::Gtool3_IO helps read/write Gtool3-formatted data ==Module functions ---is_a_Gtool3?(filename) test whether the file is a Gtool3 control file. ARGUMENTS * filename (String): filename to test. RETURN VALUE * true/false ---open(file, varname) GPhys constructor from Gtool3. ARGUMENTS * file (Gtool3 or String): file to read. If string, it must be the name (path) of a Gtool3 control file. * varname (String): name of the varible in the file, for which a GPhys object is constructed. RETURN VALUE * a GPhys EXAMPLE * Suppose that you have a file T.jan.ctl in the currentdirectly, and it contains a variable "T". The following creates a GPhys object representing the variable in the file. require "numru/gphys" include GPhys temp ="T.jan.ctl","T") #---write(file, gphys, name=nil) # # writes a GPhys object into a Gtool3 file. -- !!only 4D data is supported!! ---var_names(file) ARGUMENTS * file (Gtool3 or String): if string, it must be the name (path) of a Gtool3 control file. RETURN VALUE * names of variables (Array): this return the names of variables which the file has. ---var_names_except_coordinates(file) same as var_names =end module NumRu class GPhys module Gtool3_IO module_function @@default_calendar = nil # e.g., "360_day" def default_calendar=(cal) @@default_calendar = cal end def default_calendar @@default_calendar end def is_a_Gtool3?(filename) Gtool3.is_a_Gtool3?(filename) end def open(file, varname) if file.is_a?(String) file = elsif ! file.is_a?(Gtool3) raise ArgumentError, "1st arg must be a Gtool3 or a file name" end var = file.var(varname) data = axes = for i in 0...var.rank gax = var.axis(i) gloc = gax["LOC"] if gloc["ITEM"]=="time" loc =, @@default_calendar) else loc = VArrayGtool3.make_coord(gloc) end # if (gwgt = gax("WGT")) # wgt =, gwgt, gwgt.delete("ITEM")) # cell_center = true # cell = true # else cell = false # end axis =,false) if !cell axis.set_pos( loc ) end axes[i] = axis end grid = *axes ),data) end # def write(file, gphys, name=nil) # end def var_names(file) opened = false case file when String file =,"r") when Gtool3 opened = true else raise ArgumentError, "arg must be a Gtool3 or a file name" end var_names = file.var_names file.close unless opened return var_names end def var_names_except_coordinates(file) var_names(file) end end end end ###################################################### if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu Gtool3.gtaxdir = File.expand_path("~/dennou/GTAXDIR") file = ARGV[0] varname = ARGV[1] or raise("Need two args") gp =,varname) GPhys::Gtool3_IO.default_calendar = "360_day" p gp p gp[false,0].val p gp[false,0,0].copy print "\n****\n" gp.att_names.each{|k| print k," ",gp.get_att(k),"\n"} print "\n******\n" p gp.coord(0).name gp.coord(0).att_names.each{|k| print k," ",gp.get_att(k),"\n"} p gp.coord(-1).name gp.coord(-1).att_names.each{|k| print k," ",gp.get_att(k),"\n"} end