module ShowBreadcrumb # Recursive function to lookup through parent breadcrumbs def collect_crumbs(obj, crumbs=[]) crumbs << obj crumbs = collect_crumbs(obj.breadcrumb_parent, crumbs) unless obj.breadcrumb_parent.nil? crumbs end # View helper to generate breadcrumbs def breadcrumb(obj, action = nil, options = {}) crumb_html = "" crumbs = collect_crumbs(obj) if options.has_key?(:forced_parent) crumb_link = url_for :controller => options[:forced_parent].class.to_s.underscore.pluralize, :action => "show", :id => options[:forced_parent].id crumb_html = link_to options[:forced_parent].breadcrumb_name, crumb_link elsif crumbs.length == 1 crumb_link = url_for :controller => obj.class.to_s.underscore.pluralize crumb_html = link_to obj.class.model_name.human.pluralize, crumb_link end crumbs.reverse.each do |crumb_obj| unless crumb_html += ' > ' if crumb_html.length > 0 crumb_link = url_for :controller => crumb_obj.class.to_s.underscore.pluralize, :action => "show", :id => crumb_html += link_to crumb_obj.breadcrumb_name, crumb_link end end crumb_html += ' > ' + action + ' ' + obj.class.model_name.human.titleize if !action.nil? crumb_html.html_safe end end