Sequel.migration do # Updates the database with the changes specified in the block. up do rename_column(:custom_fields, :visual_editor, :text_editor) create_table(:custom_field_methods) do primary_key :id String :name, :unique => true end # Insert all the possible methods. Zen.database[:custom_field_methods].insert_multiple([ {:name => 'input_text'}, {:name => 'input_checkbox'}, {:name => 'input_radio'}, {:name => 'input_password'}, {:name => 'textarea'}, {:name => 'select'}, {:name => 'select_multiple'}, ]) create_table(:custom_field_types) do primary_key :id String :name , :null => false String :language_string, :null => false String :css_class TrueClass :serialize , :null => false, :default => false TrueClass :allow_markup, :null => false, :default => false foreign_key( :custom_field_method_id, :custom_field_methods, :on_delete => :cascade, :on_update => :cascade, :key => :id ) end # For some reason foreign keys didn't work for this column. add_column( :custom_fields, :custom_field_type_id, Integer, :index => true ) field_methods = {} Zen.database[:custom_field_methods].each do |m| field_methods[m[:name]] = m[:id] end default_types = [ { :name => 'textbox', :language_string => 'custom_fields.special.type_hash.textbox', :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['input_text'] }, { :name => 'checkbox', :language_string => 'custom_fields.special.type_hash.checkbox', :serialize => true, :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['input_checkbox'] }, { :name => 'radio', :language_string => '', :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['input_radio'] }, { :name => 'password', :language_string => 'custom_fields.special.type_hash.password', :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['input_password'] }, { :name => 'textarea', :language_string => 'custom_fields.special.type_hash.textarea', :allow_markup => true, :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['textarea'], :css_class => 'text_editor' }, { :name => 'select', :language_string => '', :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['select'] }, { :name => 'select_multiple', :language_string => 'custom_fields.special.type_hash.select_multiple', :serialize => true, :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['select_multiple'] }, { :name => 'date', :language_string => '', :custom_field_method_id => field_methods['input_text'], :css_class => 'date' } ] # Insert the default fields Zen.database[:custom_field_types].insert_multiple(default_types) field_types = {} Zen.database[:custom_field_types].each do |t| field_types[t[:name]] = t[:id] end # Replace the text values with the correct IDs Zen.database[:custom_fields].each do |field| Zen.database[:custom_fields].filter(:id => field[:id]).update( :custom_field_type_id => field_types[field[:type]] ) end # Drop the text based column now that all the data has been migrated. drop_column(:custom_fields, :type) end # Reverts the changes made in the up() block. down do rename_column(:custom_fields, :text_editor, :visual_editor) types = {} fields = Zen.database[:custom_fields].all Zen.database[:custom_field_types].each do |type| types[type[:id]] = type[:name] end # Put the string based fields type back in place add_column(:custom_fields, :type, String) fields.each do |field| Zen.database[:custom_fields].filter(:id => field[:id]).update( :type => types[field[:custom_field_type_id]] ) end drop_column(:custom_fields, :custom_field_type_id) drop_table(:custom_field_types) drop_table(:custom_field_methods) end end