require 'erb' require 'json' module GovukTechDocs module ApiReference class Renderer def initialize(app, document) @app = app @document = document # Load template files @template_api_full = get_renderer('api_reference_full.html.erb') @template_path = get_renderer('path.html.erb') @template_schema = get_renderer('schema.html.erb') @template_operation = get_renderer('operation.html.erb') @template_parameters = get_renderer('parameters.html.erb') @template_responses = get_renderer('responses.html.erb') end def api_full(info, servers) paths = '' paths_data = @document.paths paths_data.each do |path_data| # For some reason paths.each returns an array of arrays [title, object] # instead of an array of objects text = path_data[0] paths += path(text) end schemas = '' schemas_data = @document.components.schemas schemas_data.each do |schema_data| text = schema_data[0] schemas += schema(text) end @template_api_full.result(binding) end def path(text) path = @document.paths[text] id = text.parameterize operations = operations(path, id) @template_path.result(binding) end def schema(text) schemas = '' schemas_data = @document.components.schemas schemas_data.each do |schema_data| all_of = schema_data[1]["allOf"] properties = [] if !all_of.blank? all_of.each do |schema_nested| do |property| properties.push property end end end schema_data[1].properties.each do |property| properties.push property end if schema_data[0] == text title = schema_data[0] schema = schema_data[1] return @template_schema.result(binding) end end end def schemas_from_path(text) path = @document.paths[text] operations = get_operations(path) # Get all referenced schemas schemas = [] operations.compact.each_value do |operation| responses = operation.responses responses.each do |_rkey, response| if response.content['application/json'] schema = response.content['application/json'].schema schema_name = get_schema_name(schema.node_context.source_location.to_s) if !schema_name.nil? schemas.push schema_name end schemas.concat(schemas_from_schema(schema)) end end end # Render all referenced schemas output = '' schemas.uniq.each do |schema_name| output += schema(schema_name) end if !output.empty? output.prepend('


') end output end def schemas_from_schema(schema) schemas = [] properties = [] do |property| properties.push property[1] end if schema.type == 'array' properties.push schema.items end all_of = schema["allOf"] if !all_of.blank? all_of.each do |schema_nested| do |property| properties.push property[1] end end end properties.each do |property| # Must be a schema be referenced by another schema # And not a property of a schema if property.node_context.referenced_by.to_s.include?('#/components/schemas') && !property.node_context.source_location.to_s.include?('/properties/') schema_name = get_schema_name(property.node_context.source_location.to_s) end if !schema_name.nil? schemas.push schema_name end # Check sub-properties for references schemas.concat(schemas_from_schema(property)) end schemas end def operations(path, path_id) output = '' operations = get_operations(path) operations.compact.each do |key, operation| id = "#{path_id}-#{key.parameterize}" parameters = parameters(operation, id) responses = responses(operation, id) output += @template_operation.result(binding) end output end def parameters(operation, operation_id) parameters = operation.parameters id = "#{operation_id}-parameters" output = @template_parameters.result(binding) output end def responses(operation, operation_id) responses = operation.responses id = "#{operation_id}-responses" output = @template_responses.result(binding) output end def markdown(text) if text Tilt['markdown'].new(context: @app) { text }.render end end def json_output(schema) properties = schema_properties(schema) JSON.pretty_generate(properties) end def json_prettyprint(data) JSON.pretty_generate(data) end def schema_properties(schema_data) properties = if defined? do |key, property| properties[key] = property end end properties.merge! get_all_of_hash(schema_data) properties_hash = properties.each do |pkey, property| if property.type == 'object' properties_hash[pkey] = items = property.items if !items.blank? properties_hash[pkey] = schema_properties(items) end if ! properties_hash[pkey] = schema_properties(property) end elsif property.type == 'array' properties_hash[pkey] = items = property.items if !items.blank? properties_hash[pkey].push schema_properties(items) end else properties_hash[pkey] = !property.example.nil? ? property.example : property.type end end properties_hash end private def get_all_of_array(schema) properties = if schema.is_a?(Array) schema = schema[1] end if schema["allOf"] all_of = schema["allOf"] end if !all_of.blank? all_of.each do |schema_nested| do |property| if property.is_a?(Array) property = property[1] end properties.push property end end end properties end def get_all_of_hash(schema) properties = if schema["allOf"] all_of = schema["allOf"] end if !all_of.blank? all_of.each do |schema_nested| do |key, property| properties[key] = property end end end properties end def get_renderer(file) template_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates/' + file) template =, 'r').read end def get_operations(path) operations = {} operations['get'] = path.get if defined? path.get operations['put'] = path.put if defined? path.put operations['post'] = if defined? operations['delete'] = path.delete if defined? path.delete operations['patch'] = path.patch if defined? path.patch operations end def get_schema_name(text) unless text.is_a?(String) return nil end # Schema dictates that it's always components['schemas'] text.gsub(/#\/components\/schemas\//, '') end def get_schema_link(schema) schema_name = get_schema_name schema.node_context.source_location.to_s if !schema_name.nil? id = "schema-#{schema_name.parameterize}" output = "#{schema_name}" output end end end end end