# encoding: ASCII-8BIT
# images.rb : Implements PDF image embedding
# Copyright April 2008, James Healy, Gregory Brown. All Rights Reserved.
# This is free software. Please see the LICENSE and COPYING files for details.
require 'digest/sha1'
module Prawn
module Images
# add the image at filename to the current page. Currently only
# JPG and PNG files are supported.
# Arguments:
# filename:: the path to the file to be embedded
# Options:
# :at:: the location of the top left corner of the image.
# :position:: One of (:left, :center, :right) or an x-offset
# :height:: the height of the image [actual height of the image]
# :width:: the width of the image [actual width of the image]
# :scale:: scale the dimensions of the image proportionally
# Prawn::Document.generate("image2.pdf", :page_layout => :landscape) do
# pigs = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/images/pigs.jpg"
# image pigs, :at => [50,450], :width => 450
# dice = "#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/data/images/dice.png"
# image dice, :at => [50, 450], :scale => 0.75
# end
# If only one of :width / :height are provided, the image will be scaled
# proportionally. When both are provided, the image will be stretched to
# fit the dimensions without maintaining the aspect ratio.
def image(file, options={})
Prawn.verify_options [:at,:position, :height, :width, :scale], options
if file.kind_of?(IO)
image_content = file.read
raise ArgumentError, "#{file} not found" unless File.file?(file)
image_content = File.read_binary(file)
image_sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(image_content)
# register the fact that the current page uses images
proc_set :ImageC
# if this image has already been embedded, just reuse it
image_obj = image_registry[image_sha1]
if image_registry[image_sha1]
info = image_registry[image_sha1][:info]
image_obj = image_registry[image_sha1][:obj]
# build the image object and embed the raw data
image_obj = case detect_image_format(image_content)
when :jpg then
info = Prawn::Images::JPG.new(image_content)
build_jpg_object(image_content, info)
when :png then
info = Prawn::Images::PNG.new(image_content)
build_png_object(image_content, info)
image_registry[image_sha1] = {:obj => image_obj, :info => info}
# find where the image will be placed and how big it will be
w,h = calc_image_dimensions(info, options)
if options[:at]
x,y = translate(options[:at])
x,y = image_position(w,h,options)
move_text_position h
# add a reference to the image object to the current page
# resource list and give it a label
label = "I#{next_image_id}"
page_xobjects.merge!( label => image_obj )
# add the image to the current page
instruct = "\nq\n%.3f 0 0 %.3f %.3f %.3f cm\n/%s Do\nQ"
add_content instruct % [ w, h, x, y - h, label ]
return info
def image_position(w,h,options)
options[:position] ||= :left
x = case options[:position]
when :left
when :center
bounds.absolute_left + (bounds.width - w) / 2.0
when :right
bounds.absolute_right - w
when Numeric
options[:position] + bounds.absolute_left
return [x,y]
def build_jpg_object(data, jpg)
color_space = case jpg.channels
when 1
when 4
obj = ref(:Type => :XObject,
:Subtype => :Image,
:Filter => :DCTDecode,
:ColorSpace => color_space,
:BitsPerComponent => jpg.bits,
:Width => jpg.width,
:Height => jpg.height,
:Length => data.size )
obj << data
return obj
def build_png_object(data, png)
if png.compression_method != 0
raise ArgumentError, 'PNG uses an unsupported compression method'
if png.filter_method != 0
raise ArgumentError, 'PNG uses an unsupported filter method'
if png.interlace_method != 0
raise ArgumentError, 'PNG uses unsupported interlace method'
if png.bits > 8
raise ArgumentError, 'PNG uses more than 8 bits'
case png.pixel_bytes
when 1
color = :DeviceGray
when 3
color = :DeviceRGB
# build the image dict
obj = ref(:Type => :XObject,
:Subtype => :Image,
:Height => png.height,
:Width => png.width,
:BitsPerComponent => png.bits,
:Length => png.img_data.size,
:Filter => :FlateDecode
unless png.alpha_channel
obj.data[:DecodeParms] = {:Predictor => 15,
:Colors => png.pixel_bytes,
:Columns => png.width}
# append the actual image data to the object as a stream
obj << png.img_data
# sort out the colours of the image
if png.palette.empty?
obj.data[:ColorSpace] = color
# embed the colour palette in the PDF as a object stream
palette_obj = ref(:Length => png.palette.size)
palette_obj << png.palette
# build the color space array for the image
obj.data[:ColorSpace] = [:Indexed,
(png.palette.size / 3) -1,
# *************************************
# add transparency data if necessary
# *************************************
# For PNG color types 0, 2 and 3, the transparency data is stored in
# a dedicated PNG chunk, and is exposed via the transparency attribute
# of the PNG class.
if png.transparency[:grayscale]
# Use Color Key Masking (spec section 4.8.5)
# - An array with N elements, where N is two times the number of color
# components.
val = png.transparency[:grayscale]
obj.data[:Mask] = [val, val]
elsif png.transparency[:rgb]
# Use Color Key Masking (spec section 4.8.5)
# - An array with N elements, where N is two times the number of color
# components.
rgb = png.transparency[:rgb]
obj.data[:Mask] = rgb.collect { |val| [val,val] }.flatten
elsif png.transparency[:indexed]
# TODO: broken. I was attempting to us Color Key Masking, but I think
# we need to construct an SMask i think. Maybe do it inside
# the PNG class, and store it in alpha_channel
#obj.data[:Mask] = png.transparency[:indexed]
# For PNG color types 4 and 6, the transparency data is stored as a alpha
# channel mixed in with the main image data. The PNG class seperates
# it out for us and makes it available via the alpha_channel attribute
if png.alpha_channel
smask_obj = ref(:Type => :XObject,
:Subtype => :Image,
:Height => png.height,
:Width => png.width,
:BitsPerComponent => 8,
:Length => png.alpha_channel.size,
:Filter => :FlateDecode,
:ColorSpace => :DeviceGray,
:Decode => [0, 1]
smask_obj << png.alpha_channel
obj.data[:SMask] = smask_obj
return obj
def calc_image_dimensions(info, options)
# TODO: allow the image to be aligned in a box
w = options[:width] || info.width
h = options[:height] || info.height
if options[:width] && !options[:height]
wp = w / info.width.to_f
w = info.width * wp
h = info.height * wp
elsif options[:height] && !options[:width]
hp = h / info.height.to_f
w = info.width * hp
h = info.height * hp
elsif options[:scale]
w = info.width * options[:scale]
h = info.height * options[:scale]
def detect_image_format(content)
top = content[0,128]
if top[0, 3] == "\xff\xd8\xff"
return :jpg
elsif top[0, 8] == "\x89PNG\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a"
return :png
raise ArgumentError, "Unsupported Image Type"
def image_registry
@image_registry ||= {}
def next_image_id
@image_counter ||= 0
@image_counter += 1