module RubyXL
- ST_Axis
- ST_BevelPresetType
- ST_BlackWhiteMode
- ST_BlendMode
- ST_BlipCompression
- ST_BorderStyle
- ST_CalcMode
- ST_CalendarType
- ST_CellComments
- ST_CellFormulaType
- ST_CellType
- ST_CfType
- ST_CfvoType
- ST_ColorSchemeIndex
- ST_Comments
- ST_CompoundLine
- ST_ConditionalFormattingOperator
- ST_DataConsolidateFunction
- ST_DataValidationErrorStyle
- ST_DataValidationImeMode
- ST_DataValidationOperator
- ST_DataValidationType
- ST_DateTimeGrouping
- ST_DvAspect
- ST_DynamicFilterType
- ST_EffectContainerType
- ST_FilterOperator
- ST_FontCollectionIndex
- ST_GradientType
- ST_HorizontalAlignment
- ST_IconSetType
- ST_LightRigDirection
- ST_LightRigType
- ST_LineCap
- ST_LineEndLength
- ST_LineEndType
- ST_LineEndWidth
- ST_Objects
- ST_OleUpdate
- ST_Orientation
- ST_PageOrder
- ST_Pane
- ST_PaneState
- ST_PathFillMode
- ST_PathShadeType
- ST_PatternType
- ST_PenAlignment
- ST_PhoneticAlignment
- ST_PhoneticType
- ST_PivotAreaType
- ST_PresetCameraType
- ST_PresetColorVal
- ST_PresetLineDashVal
- ST_PresetMaterialType
- ST_PresetPatternVal
- ST_PresetShadowVal
- ST_PrintError
- ST_RectAlignment
- ST_RefMode
- ST_SchemeColorVal
- ST_ShapeType
- ST_SheetViewType
- ST_SmartTagShow
- ST_SortBy
- ST_SortMethod
- ST_SystemColorVal
- ST_TargetScreenSize
- ST_TextAlignType
- ST_TextAnchoringType
- ST_TextAutonumberScheme
- ST_TextCapsType
- ST_TextFontAlignType
- ST_TextHorzOverflowType
- ST_TextShapeType
- ST_TextStrikeType
- ST_TextTabAlignType
- ST_TextUnderlineType
- ST_TextVertOverflowType
- ST_TextVerticalType
- ST_TextWrappingType
- ST_TileFlipMode
- ST_TimePeriod
- ST_UnsignedShortHex
- ST_UpdateLinks
- ST_VectorBaseType
- ST_VerticalAlignment
- ST_Visibility
- ST_WebSourceType
Public Class Methods
click to toggle source
Convert any path passed to absolute path (within the XLSX file).
# File lib/rubyXL.rb, line 7 def self.from_root(path) return path unless path.absolute? path.relative_path_from(OOXMLTopLevelObject::ROOT) end