cwd = File.dirname(File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__))) $:.unshift(cwd + "/lib") require 'balanced' begin Balanced::Card rescue NameError raise "wtf" end require 'balanced' Balanced.configure("8bb66df4e80711e290df026ba7cd33d0") puts "create our marketplace" begin marketplace = rescue Balanced::Conflict => ex # balanced automatically maps the body's response # for convenience, so for example: puts ex.response[:body] # you'll notice this hash is mapped to nice attributes raise "Not Present" if ex.response[:body]["status"] != ex.status # you can find all of the attributes here: # marketplace = Balanced::Marketplace.mine end # create a new card card = :card_number => "5105105105105100", :expiration_month => "12", :expiration_year => "2015", :phone_number => "INCORRECT PHONE NUMBER" ) begin rescue Balanced::BadRequest => ex puts ex.extras[:phone_number] puts "All the fields that have errors are: #{ex.extras.keys}" end