defmodule Forth do defmodule State do @type t :: %__MODULE__{} defstruct stack: [], defs: %{}, input: [] end @opaque evaluator :: State.t() defmodule Primitives do def defs do %{ "+" => &math_op(&1, :+), "-" => &math_op(&1, :-), "*" => &math_op(&1, :*), "/" => &math_op(&1, :/), "DUP" => &dup/1, "DROP" => &drop/1, "SWAP" => &swap/1, "OVER" => &over/1 } end defp math_op(s, op) do {s, [a, b]} = pop(s, 2) res = case op do :+ -> a + b :- -> a - b :* -> a * b :/ when b == 0 -> raise Forth.DivisionByZero :/ -> div(a, b) end push(s, res) end defp dup(s) do {s, [x]} = pop(s, 1) %{s | stack: [x, x | s.stack]} end defp drop(s) do {s, _} = pop(s, 1) s end defp swap(s) do {s, [a, b]} = pop(s, 2) %{s | stack: [a, b | s.stack]} end defp over(s) do case s.stack do [b, a | t] -> %{s | stack: [a, b, a | t]} _ -> raise Forth.StackUnderflow end end # Pops and returns in reverse order (so the patterns catching those args can # be written in the way you'd think about them in Forth). defp pop(s, n) do {stack, acc} = do_pop(s.stack, n, []) {%{s | stack: stack}, acc} end defp do_pop(stack, 0, acc), do: {stack, acc} defp do_pop([h | t], n, acc), do: do_pop(t, n - 1, [h | acc]) defp do_pop([], _, _), do: raise(Forth.StackUnderflow) defp push(s, x), do: %{s | stack: [x | s.stack]} end @doc """ Create a new evaluator. """ @spec new() :: evaluator def new() do %State{defs: Primitives.defs()} end @doc """ Evaluate an input string, updating the evaluator state. """ @spec eval(evaluator, String.t()) :: evaluator def eval(ev, s) do do_eval(%{ev | input: ev.input ++ tokenize(s)}) end defp do_eval(s = %State{input: []}), do: s defp do_eval(s = %State{stack: stack, input: [h | t]}) when is_integer(h) do do_eval(%{s | stack: [h | stack], input: t}) end defp do_eval(s = %State{input: [":", h | t]}) do if is_binary(h) do w = String.upcase(h) # Find the ";", otherwise just return the current state and wait for the # user to finish the definition. case Enum.split_while(t, &(&1 != ";")) do # ";" not found {_, []} -> s {ws, [";" | r]} -> do_eval(%{s | defs: Map.put(s.defs, w, ws), input: r}) end else # User tried to define a number. raise Forth.InvalidWord, word: h end end defp do_eval(s = %State{defs: defs, input: [h | t]}) when is_binary(h) do w = String.upcase(h) case defs[w] do nil -> raise Forth.UnknownWord, word: w d when is_function(d) -> do_eval(d.(%{s | input: t})) # To evaluate a user defined function we'll just put the function # definition in the input list. That should do the trick. d when is_list(d) -> do_eval(%{s | input: d ++ t}) end end defp tokenize(s) do Regex.scan(~r/[\p{L}\p{N}\p{S}\p{P}]+/u, s) |> |> t -> case Integer.parse(t) do {i, ""} -> i _ -> t end end) end @doc """ Return the current stack as a string with the element on top of the stack being the rightmost element in the string. """ @spec format_stack(evaluator) :: String.t() def format_stack(%State{stack: stack}) do # Enum.join calls to_string on each element, no need to do that ourselves. Enum.reverse(stack) |> Enum.join(" ") end end defmodule Forth.StackUnderflow do defexception [] def message(_), do: "stack underflow" end defmodule Forth.InvalidWord do defexception word: nil def message(e), do: "invalid word: #{inspect(e.word)}" end defmodule Forth.UnknownWord do defexception word: nil def message(e), do: "unknown word: #{inspect(e.word)}" end defmodule Forth.DivisionByZero do defexception [] def message(_), do: "division by zero" end