require 'spec_helper' describe Springboard::Client::Response do include_context "client" let(:raw_body) { '{"key":"value"}' } let(:raw_headers) { 'X-Custom-Header: Hi' } let(:status_code) { 200 } let(:path) { '/path' } let(:patron_response) {, status_code, 0, raw_headers, raw_body) } let(:response) {, client) } describe "body" do describe "if raw body is valid JSON" do it "should return a Springboard::Client::Body" do response.body.should be_a Springboard::Client::Body end it "should wrap the parsed response body" do response.body.to_hash.should == {"key" => "value"} end end describe "if raw body is not valid JSON" do let(:raw_body) { 'I am not JSON!' } it "should raise an informative error" do expect { response.body }.to raise_error \ Springboard::Client::BodyError, "Can't parse response body. (Hint: Try the raw_body method.)" end end describe "if raw body is empty" do let(:raw_body) { '' } it "should raise an informative error" do expect { response.body }.to raise_error \ Springboard::Client::BodyError, "Response body is empty. (Hint: If you just created a new resource, try: response.resource.get)" end end end describe "raw_body" do it "should return the raw body JSON" do response.raw_body.should == raw_body end end describe "headers" do it "should return the response headers as a hash" do response.headers.should == {'X-Custom-Header' => 'Hi'} end end describe "resource" do describe "when Location header is returned" do let(:raw_headers) { 'Location: /new/path' } it "should be a Springboard::Client::Resource" do response.resource.should be_a Springboard::Client::Resource end it "should have the Location header value as its URL" do response.resource.uri.to_s.should == '/new/path' end end describe "when Location header is not returned" do let(:raw_headers) { '' } it "should be nil" do response.resource.should be_nil end end end describe "[]" do it "should forward [] to body" do response.body.should_receive(:[]).with("key").and_return("value") response["key"].should == "value" end end describe "success?" do %w{100 101 102 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 226 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308}.each do |code| it "should return true if the response status code is #{code}" do response.stub!(:status).and_return(code.to_i) response.success?.should === true end end %w{400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 420 422 423 424 425 426 428 429 431 444 449 450 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 598 599}.each do |code| it "should return false if the response status code is #{code}" do response.stub!(:status).and_return(code.to_i) response.success?.should === false end end end end