# This is the initialization for the RPM Rails plugin require 'new_relic/control' # If you are having problems seeing data, be sure and check the # newrelic_agent log files. # # If you can't find any log files and you don't see anything in your # application log files, try uncommenting the two lines at the # bottom of this file to verify the plugin is being loaded, # then send the output to support@newrelic.com if you are unable to # resolve the issue. # Initializer for the NewRelic Agent # We use this to test the agent to ensure it's not loading classes inappropriately #require 'new_relic/agent/patch_const_missing' #ClassLoadingWatcher.flag_const_missing = true begin # JRuby's glassfish plugin is trying to run the Initializer twice, # which isn't a good thing so we ignore subsequent invocations here. if ! defined?(::NEWRELIC_STARTED) ::NEWRELIC_STARTED = "#{caller.join("\n")}" NewRelic::Control.instance.init_plugin(defined?(config) ? {:config => config} : {}) else NewRelic::Control.instance.log.debug "Attempt to initialize the plugin twice!" NewRelic::Control.instance.log.debug "Original call: \n#{::NEWRELIC_STARTED}" NewRelic::Control.instance.log.debug "Here we are now: \n#{caller.join("\n")}" end rescue => e NewRelic::Control.instance.log! "Error initializing New Relic plugin (#{e})", :error NewRelic::Control.instance.log! e.backtrace.join("\n"), :error NewRelic::Control.instance.log! "Agent is disabled." end #ClassLoadingWatcher.flag_const_missing = nil # ::RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "RPM detected environment: #{NewRelic::Control.instance.local_env.to_s}, RAILS_ENV: #{RAILS_ENV}" # ::RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "Enabled? #{NewRelic::Control.instance.agent_enabled?}"