(function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; function CubePortfolio(obj, options, callback) { /*jshint validthis: true */ var t = this; if ($.data(obj, 'cubeportfolio')) { throw new Error('cubeportfolio is already initialized. Destroy it before initialize again!'); } // js element t.obj = obj; // jquery element t.$obj = $(obj); // attached this instance to obj $.data(t.obj, 'cubeportfolio', t); // extend options t.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.cubeportfolio.options, options, t.$obj.data('cbp-options')); // store the state of the animation used for filters t.isAnimating = true; // default filter for plugin t.defaultFilter = t.options.defaultFilter; // registered events (observator & publisher pattern) t.registeredEvents = []; // queue for this plugin t.queue = []; // has wrapper t.addedWrapp = false; // register callback function if ($.isFunction(callback)) { t.registerEvent('initFinish', callback, true); } // when there are no .cbp-item var children = t.$obj.children(); t.$obj.addClass('cbp'); if (children.length === 0 || children.first().hasClass('cbp-item')) { t.wrapInner(t.obj, 'cbp-wrapper'); t.addedWrapp = true; } // jquery wrapper element t.$ul = t.$obj.children().addClass('cbp-wrapper'); // wrap the $ul in a outside wrapper t.wrapInner(t.obj, 'cbp-wrapper-outer'); t.wrapper = t.$obj.children('.cbp-wrapper-outer'); t.blocks = t.$ul.children('.cbp-item'); t.blocksOn = t.blocks; // wrap .cbp-item-wrap div inside .cbp-item t.wrapInner(t.blocks, 'cbp-item-wrapper'); // register and initialize plugins t.plugins = {}; $.each(CubePortfolio.plugins, function(key, value) { var fn = value(t); if (fn) { t.plugins[key] = fn; } }); // used by the filters plugin. @todo - remove from here and create proper API with position for plugins t.triggerEvent('afterPlugins'); // wait to load all images and then go further t.loadImages(t.$obj, t.display); } $.extend(CubePortfolio.prototype, { storeData: function(blocks, indexStart) { var t = this; indexStart = indexStart || 0; // used by loadMore blocks.each(function(index, el) { var item = $(el), width = item.width(), height = item.height(); item.data('cbp', { index: indexStart + index, // used when I sort the items and I need them to revert that sorting wrapper: item.children('.cbp-item-wrapper'), widthInitial: width, heightInitial: height, width: width, // used by drag & drop wp @todo - maybe I will use widthAndGap height: height, widthAndGap: width + t.options.gapVertical, heightAndGap: height + t.options.gapHorizontal, left: null, leftNew: null, top: null, topNew: null, pack: false, }); }); }, // http://bit.ly/pure-js-wrap wrapInner: function(items, classAttr) { var t = this, item, i, div; classAttr = classAttr || ''; if (items.length && items.length < 1) { return; // there are no .cbp-item } else if (items.length === undefined) { items = [items]; } for (i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { item = items[i]; div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute('class', classAttr); while (item.childNodes.length) { div.appendChild(item.childNodes[0]); } item.appendChild(div); } }, removeAttrImage: function(img) { img.removeAttribute('width'); img.removeAttribute('height'); img.removeAttribute('style'); }, /** * Wait to load all images */ loadImages: function(elems, callback) { var t = this; // wait a frame (Safari bug) requestAnimationFrame(function() { var imgs = elems.find('img').map(function(index, el) { // don't wait for images that have a width & height defined if (el.hasAttribute('width') && el.hasAttribute('height')) { el.style.width = el.getAttribute('width') + 'px'; el.style.height = el.getAttribute('height') + 'px'; if (el.hasAttribute('data-cbp-src')) { return null; } if (t.checkSrc(el) === null) { t.removeAttrImage(el); } else { var img = $(''); img.on('load.cbp error.cbp', function() { $(this).off('load.cbp error.cbp'); t.removeAttrImage(el); }); if (el.srcset) { img.attr('sizes', el.sizes || '100vw'); img.attr('srcset', el.srcset); } else { img.attr('src', el.src); } } return null; } else { return t.checkSrc(el); } }); var imgsLength = imgs.length; if (imgsLength === 0) { callback.call(t); return; } $.each(imgs, function(i, el) { var img = $(''); img.on('load.cbp error.cbp', function() { $(this).off('load.cbp error.cbp'); imgsLength--; if (imgsLength === 0) { callback.call(t); } }); // ie8 compatibility if (el.srcset) { img.attr('sizes', el.sizes); img.attr('srcset', el.srcset); } else { img.attr('src', el.src); } }); }); }, checkSrc: function(el) { var srcset = el.srcset; var src = el.src; if (src === '') { return null; } var img = $(''); if (srcset) { img.attr('sizes', el.sizes || '100vw'); img.attr('srcset', srcset); } else { img.attr('src', src); } var node = img[0]; if (node.complete && node.naturalWidth !== undefined && node.naturalWidth !== 0) { return null; } return node; }, /** * Show the plugin */ display: function() { var t = this; // store to data values of t.blocks t.storeData(t.blocks); t.triggerEvent('initStartRead'); t.triggerEvent('initStartWrite'); // make layout t.layoutAndAdjustment(); t.triggerEvent('initEndRead'); t.triggerEvent('initEndWrite'); // plugin is ready to show and interact t.$obj.addClass('cbp-ready'); t.runQueue('delayFrame', t.delayFrame); }, delayFrame: function() { var t = this; requestAnimationFrame(function() { t.resizeEvent(); t.triggerEvent('initFinish'); // animating is now false t.isAnimating = false; // trigger public event initComplete t.$obj.trigger('initComplete.cbp'); }); }, /** * Add resize event when browser width changes */ resizeEvent: function() { var t = this; CubePortfolio.private.resize.initEvent({ instance: t, fn: function() { // used by wp fullWidth force option t.triggerEvent('beforeResizeGrid'); if (t.width !== t.$obj.outerWidth()) { if (t.options.gridAdjustment === 'alignCenter') { t.wrapper[0].style.maxWidth = ''; } // reposition the blocks with gridAdjustment set to true t.layoutAndAdjustment(); t.triggerEvent('resizeGrid'); } t.triggerEvent('resizeWindow'); } }); }, gridAdjust: function() { var t = this; // update the current grid width t.width = t.$obj.outerWidth(); // if responsive if (t.options.gridAdjustment === 'responsive') { t.responsiveLayout(); } else { // reset the style attribute for all blocks so I can read a new width & height // for the current grid width. This is usefull for the styles defined in css // to create a custom responsive system. // Note: reset height if it was set for addHeightToBlocks t.blocks.removeAttr('style'); t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'), bound = el.getBoundingClientRect(), width = t.columnWidthTruncate(bound.right - bound.left), height = Math.round(bound.bottom - bound.top); data.height = height; data.heightAndGap = height + t.options.gapHorizontal; data.width = width; data.widthAndGap = width + t.options.gapVertical; }); t.widthAvailable = t.width + t.options.gapVertical; } // used by slider layoutMode t.triggerEvent('gridAdjust'); }, layoutAndAdjustment: function() { var t = this; t.gridAdjust(); t.layout(); }, /** * Build the layout */ layout: function() { var t = this; t.computeBlocks(t.filterConcat(t.defaultFilter)); if (t.options.layoutMode === 'slider') { t.sliderLayoutReset(); t.sliderLayout(); } else { t.mosaicLayoutReset(); t.mosaicLayout(); } // positionate the blocks t.positionateItems(); // resize main container height t.resizeMainContainer(); }, computeFilter: function(expression) { var t = this; t.computeBlocks(expression); t.mosaicLayoutReset(); t.mosaicLayout(); // filter call layout t.filterLayout(); }, /** * Default filter layout if nothing overrides */ filterLayout: function() { var t = this; t.blocksOff.addClass('cbp-item-off'); t.blocksOn.removeClass('cbp-item-off') .each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); data.left = data.leftNew; data.top = data.topNew; el.style.left = data.left + 'px'; el.style.top = data.top + 'px'; }); // resize main container height t.resizeMainContainer(); t.filterFinish(); }, /** * Trigger when a filter is finished */ filterFinish: function() { var t = this; // if blocks are sorted (the index ascending is broken) revert // this state so the index is ascending again if (t.blocksAreSorted) { t.sortBlocks(t.blocks, 'index'); } t.isAnimating = false; t.$obj.trigger('filterComplete.cbp'); t.triggerEvent('filterFinish'); }, computeBlocks: function(expression) { var t = this; // blocks that are visible before applying the filter t.blocksOnInitial = t.blocksOn; // blocks visible after applying the filter t.blocksOn = t.blocks.filter(expression); // blocks off after applying the filter t.blocksOff = t.blocks.not(expression); t.triggerEvent('computeBlocksFinish', expression); }, /** * Make this plugin responsive */ responsiveLayout: function() { var t = this; // calculate numbers of cols t.cols = t[($.isArray(t.options.mediaQueries) ? 'getColumnsBreakpoints' : 'getColumnsAuto')](); t.columnWidth = t.columnWidthTruncate((t.width + t.options.gapVertical) / t.cols); t.widthAvailable = t.columnWidth * t.cols; if (t.options.layoutMode === 'mosaic') { t.getMosaicWidthReference(); } t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'), cols = 1, // grid & slider layoutMode must be 1 width; if (t.options.layoutMode === 'mosaic') { cols = t.getColsMosaic(data.widthInitial); } width = t.columnWidth * cols - t.options.gapVertical; el.style.width = width + 'px'; data.width = width; data.widthAndGap = width + t.options.gapVertical; // reset height if it was set for addHeightToBlocks el.style.height = ''; }); var imgs = []; t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { $.each($(el).find('img').filter('[width][height]'), function(index, el) { var width = $(el).parent().width(); var imgWidth = parseInt(el.getAttribute('width'), 10); var imgHeight = parseInt(el.getAttribute('height'), 10); var ratio = parseFloat((imgWidth / imgHeight).toFixed(10)); imgs.push({ el: el, width: width, height: Math.round(width / ratio), }); }); }); $.each(imgs, function(index, item) { item.el.width = item.width; item.el.height = item.height; item.el.style.width = item.width + 'px'; item.el.style.height = item.height + 'px'; }); t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'), bound = el.getBoundingClientRect(), height = Math.round(bound.bottom - bound.top); data.height = height; data.heightAndGap = height + t.options.gapHorizontal; }); }, getMosaicWidthReference: function() { var t = this, arrWidth = []; t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); arrWidth.push(data.widthInitial); }); arrWidth.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); if (arrWidth[0]) { t.mosaicWidthReference = arrWidth[0]; } else { t.mosaicWidthReference = t.columnWidth; } }, getColsMosaic: function(widthInitial) { var t = this; if (widthInitial === t.width) { return t.cols; } var ratio = widthInitial / t.mosaicWidthReference; if (ratio % 1 >= 0.79) { ratio = Math.ceil(ratio); } else { ratio = Math.floor(ratio); } return Math.min(Math.max(ratio, 1), t.cols); }, /** * Get numbers of columns when t.options.mediaQueries is not an array */ getColumnsAuto: function() { var t = this; if (t.blocks.length === 0) { return 1; } var columnWidth = t.blocks.first().data('cbp').widthInitial + t.options.gapVertical; return Math.max(Math.round(t.width / columnWidth), 1); }, /** * Get numbers of columns if t.options.mediaQueries is an array */ getColumnsBreakpoints: function() { var t = this, gridWidth = t.width, mediaQuery; $.each(t.options.mediaQueries, function(index, obj) { if (gridWidth >= obj.width) { mediaQuery = obj; return false; } }); if (!mediaQuery) { mediaQuery = t.options.mediaQueries[t.options.mediaQueries.length - 1]; } // the columns breakpoints is triggered t.triggerEvent('onMediaQueries', mediaQuery.options); return mediaQuery.cols; }, /** * Defines how the columns dimension & position (width, left) will be truncated * * If you use `Math.*` there could be some issues with the items on the right side * that can have some pixels hidden(1 or 2, depends on the number of columns) * but this is a known limitation. * * If you don't use the built-in captions effects (overlay at hover over an item) returning * the possibly floated values may be a solution for the pixels hidden on the right side. * * The column width must be an integer because browsers have some visual issues * with transform properties for caption effects. * * The initial behaviour was return Math.floor * */ columnWidthTruncate: function(value) { return Math.floor(value); }, positionateItems: function() { var t = this, data; t.blocksOn.removeClass('cbp-item-off') .each(function(index, el) { data = $(el).data('cbp'); data.left = data.leftNew; data.top = data.topNew; el.style.left = data.left + 'px'; el.style.top = data.top + 'px'; }); t.blocksOff.addClass('cbp-item-off'); // if blocks are sorted (the index ascending is broken) revert // this state so the index is ascending again if (t.blocksAreSorted) { t.sortBlocks(t.blocks, 'index'); } }, /** * Resize main container vertically */ resizeMainContainer: function() { var t = this, height = Math.max(t.freeSpaces.slice(-1)[0].topStart - t.options.gapHorizontal, 0), maxWidth; // set max-width to center the grid if I need to if (t.options.gridAdjustment === 'alignCenter') { maxWidth = 0; t.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'), rightEdge = data.left + data.width; if (rightEdge > maxWidth) { maxWidth = rightEdge; } }); t.wrapper[0].style.maxWidth = maxWidth + 'px'; } // set container height for `overflow: hidden` to be applied if (height === t.height) { t.triggerEvent('resizeMainContainer'); return; } t.obj.style.height = height + 'px'; // if resizeMainContainer is called for the first time skip this event trigger if (t.height !== undefined) { if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { t.$obj.one(CubePortfolio.private.transitionend, function() { t.$obj.trigger('pluginResize.cbp'); }); } else { t.$obj.trigger('pluginResize.cbp'); } } t.height = height; t.triggerEvent('resizeMainContainer'); }, filterConcat: function(filter) { return filter.replace(/\|/gi, ''); }, pushQueue: function(name, deferred) { var t = this; t.queue[name] = t.queue[name] || []; t.queue[name].push(deferred); }, runQueue: function(name, fn) { var t = this, queue = t.queue[name] || []; $.when.apply($, queue).then($.proxy(fn, t)); }, clearQueue: function(name) { var t = this; t.queue[name] = []; }, /** * Register event */ registerEvent: function(name, callbackFunction, oneTime) { var t = this; if (!t.registeredEvents[name]) { t.registeredEvents[name] = []; } t.registeredEvents[name].push({ func: callbackFunction, oneTime: oneTime || false }); }, /** * Trigger event */ triggerEvent: function(name, param) { var t = this, i, len; if (t.registeredEvents[name]) { for (i = 0, len = t.registeredEvents[name].length; i < len; i++) { t.registeredEvents[name][i].func.call(t, param); if (t.registeredEvents[name][i].oneTime) { t.registeredEvents[name].splice(i, 1); // function splice change the t.registeredEvents[name] array // if event is one time you must set the i to the same value // next time and set the length lower i--; len--; } } } }, addItems: function(items, callback, position) { var t = this; // wrap .cbp-item-wrap div inside .cbp-item t.wrapInner(items, 'cbp-item-wrapper'); t.$ul[position](items.addClass('cbp-item-loading').css({ top: '100%', left: 0 })); if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { items.last().one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, function() { t.addItemsFinish(items, callback); }); } else { t.addItemsFinish(items, callback); // @todo - on ie8 & ie9 callback triggers to early } t.loadImages(items, function() { t.$obj.addClass('cbp-updateItems'); if (position === 'append') { // push to data values of items t.storeData(items, t.blocks.length); $.merge(t.blocks, items); } else { // push to data values of items t.storeData(items); var itemsLen = items.length; t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { $(el).data('cbp').index = itemsLen + index; }); // push the new items to t.blocks t.blocks = $.merge(items, t.blocks); } t.triggerEvent('addItemsToDOM', items); t.layoutAndAdjustment(); // if show count was actived, call show count function again if (t.elems) { CubePortfolio.public.showCounter.call(t.obj, t.elems); } }); }, addItemsFinish: function(items, callback) { var t = this; t.isAnimating = false; t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-updateItems'); items.removeClass('cbp-item-loading'); if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(t, items); } // trigger public event onAfterLoadMore t.$obj.trigger('onAfterLoadMore.cbp', [items]); }, removeItems: function(items, callback) { var t = this; t.$obj.addClass('cbp-updateItems'); if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { items.last().one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, function() { t.removeItemsFinish(items, callback); }); } else { t.removeItemsFinish(items, callback); // @todo - on ie8 & ie9 callback triggers to early } items.each(function(index, el) { t.blocks.each(function(index2, el2) { if (el === el2) { var removeEl = $(el2); // remove element from blocks t.blocks.splice(index2, 1); if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { removeEl.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, function() { removeEl.remove(); }); removeEl.addClass('cbp-removeItem'); } else { removeEl.remove(); } } }); }); t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { $(el).data('cbp').index = index; }); t.layoutAndAdjustment(); // if show count was actived, call show count function again if (t.elems) { CubePortfolio.public.showCounter.call(t.obj, t.elems); } }, removeItemsFinish: function(items, callback) { var t = this; t.isAnimating = false; t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-updateItems'); if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(t, items); } }, }); /** * jQuery plugin initializer */ $.fn.cubeportfolio = function(method, options, callback) { return this.each(function() { if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { return CubePortfolio.public.init.call(this, method, options); } else if (CubePortfolio.public[method]) { return CubePortfolio.public[method].call(this, options, callback); } throw new Error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jquery.cubeportfolio.js'); }); }; CubePortfolio.plugins = {}; $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor = CubePortfolio; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; $.extend(CubePortfolio.prototype, { mosaicLayoutReset: function() { var t = this; // flag to be set after the blocks sorting is done t.blocksAreSorted = false; // when I start the layout again all blocks must not be positionated // reset height if it was set for addHeightToBlocks t.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { $(el).data('cbp').pack = false; if (t.options.sortToPreventGaps) { el.style.height = ''; } }); // array of objects where I keep the spaces available in the grid t.freeSpaces = [{ leftStart: 0, leftEnd: t.widthAvailable, topStart: 0, topEnd: Math.pow(2, 18) // @todo - optimize }]; }, mosaicLayout: function() { var t = this; for (var i = 0, blocksLen = t.blocksOn.length; i < blocksLen; i++) { var spaceIndexAndBlock = t.getSpaceIndexAndBlock(); // if space or block are null then start sorting if (spaceIndexAndBlock === null) { t.mosaicLayoutReset(); // sort blocks t.sortBlocksToPreventGaps(); // after the sort is finished start the layout again t.mosaicLayout(); return; } t.generateF1F2(spaceIndexAndBlock.spaceIndex, spaceIndexAndBlock.dataBlock); t.generateG1G2G3G4(spaceIndexAndBlock.dataBlock); t.cleanFreeSpaces(); t.addHeightToBlocks(); } // sort the blocks from top to bottom to add properly displayAnimation and animationType if (t.blocksAreSorted) { t.sortBlocks(t.blocksOn, 'topNew'); } }, /** * Chose from freeSpaces the best space available * Find block by verifying if it can fit in bestSpace(top-left space available) * If block doesn't fit in the first space available & t.options.sortToPreventGaps * is set to true then sort the blocks and start the layout once again * Decide the free rectangle Fi from F to pack the rectangle R into. */ getSpaceIndexAndBlock: function() { var t = this, spaceIndexAndBlock = null; $.each(t.freeSpaces, function(index1, space) { var widthSpace = space.leftEnd - space.leftStart, heightSpace = space.topEnd - space.topStart; t.blocksOn.each(function(index2, block) { var data = $(block).data('cbp'); if (data.pack === true) { return; } if (data.widthAndGap <= widthSpace && data.heightAndGap <= heightSpace) { // now the rectagle can be positioned data.pack = true; spaceIndexAndBlock = { spaceIndex: index1, dataBlock: data }; data.leftNew = space.leftStart; data.topNew = space.topStart; // if the block is founded => return from this loop return false; } }); // if first space don't have a block and sortToPreventGaps is true => return from loop if (!t.blocksAreSorted && t.options.sortToPreventGaps && index1 > 0) { spaceIndexAndBlock = null; return false; } // if space & block is founded => return from loop if (spaceIndexAndBlock !== null) { return false; } }); return spaceIndexAndBlock; }, /** * Use the MAXRECTS split scheme to subdivide Fi(space) into F1 and F2 and * then remove that space from spaces * Insert F1 & F2 in F in place of Fi */ generateF1F2: function(spaceIndex, block) { var t = this, space = t.freeSpaces[spaceIndex]; var F1 = { leftStart: space.leftStart + block.widthAndGap, leftEnd: space.leftEnd, topStart: space.topStart, topEnd: space.topEnd }; var F2 = { leftStart: space.leftStart, leftEnd: space.leftEnd, topStart: space.topStart + block.heightAndGap, topEnd: space.topEnd }; // remove Fi from F t.freeSpaces.splice(spaceIndex, 1); if (F1.leftEnd > F1.leftStart && F1.topEnd > F1.topStart) { t.freeSpaces.splice(spaceIndex, 0, F1); spaceIndex++; } if (F2.leftEnd > F2.leftStart && F2.topEnd > F2.topStart) { t.freeSpaces.splice(spaceIndex, 0, F2); } }, /** * Generate G1, G2, G3, G4 from intersaction of t.freeSpaces with block */ generateG1G2G3G4: function(block) { var t = this; var spaces = []; $.each(t.freeSpaces, function(index, space) { var intersectSpace = t.intersectSpaces(space, block); // if block & space are the same push space in spaces and return if (intersectSpace === null) { spaces.push(space); return; } t.generateG1(space, intersectSpace, spaces); t.generateG2(space, intersectSpace, spaces); t.generateG3(space, intersectSpace, spaces); t.generateG4(space, intersectSpace, spaces); }); t.freeSpaces = spaces; }, /** * Return the intersected rectagle of Fi and block * If the two spaces don't intersect or are the same return null */ intersectSpaces: function(space1, block) { var t = this, space2 = { leftStart: block.leftNew, leftEnd: block.leftNew + block.widthAndGap, topStart: block.topNew, topEnd: block.topNew + block.heightAndGap, }; if (space1.leftStart === space2.leftStart && space1.leftEnd === space2.leftEnd && space1.topStart === space2.topStart && space1.topEnd === space2.topEnd) { return null; } var leftStart = Math.max(space1.leftStart, space2.leftStart), leftEnd = Math.min(space1.leftEnd, space2.leftEnd), topStart = Math.max(space1.topStart, space2.topStart), topEnd = Math.min(space1.topEnd, space2.topEnd); if (leftEnd <= leftStart || topEnd <= topStart) { return null; } return { leftStart: leftStart, leftEnd: leftEnd, topStart: topStart, topEnd: topEnd }; }, /** * The top subdivide space */ generateG1: function(space, intersectSpace, spaces) { if (space.topStart === intersectSpace.topStart) { return; } spaces.push({ leftStart: space.leftStart, leftEnd: space.leftEnd, topStart: space.topStart, topEnd: intersectSpace.topStart }); }, /** * The right subdivide space */ generateG2: function(space, intersectSpace, spaces) { if (space.leftEnd === intersectSpace.leftEnd) { return; } spaces.push({ leftStart: intersectSpace.leftEnd, leftEnd: space.leftEnd, topStart: space.topStart, topEnd: space.topEnd }); }, /** * The bottom subdivide space */ generateG3: function(space, intersectSpace, spaces) { if (space.topEnd === intersectSpace.topEnd) { return; } spaces.push({ leftStart: space.leftStart, leftEnd: space.leftEnd, topStart: intersectSpace.topEnd, topEnd: space.topEnd }); }, /** * The left subdivide space */ generateG4: function(space, intersectSpace, spaces) { if (space.leftStart === intersectSpace.leftStart) { return; } spaces.push({ leftStart: space.leftStart, leftEnd: intersectSpace.leftStart, topStart: space.topStart, topEnd: space.topEnd }); }, /** * For every Fi check if is another Fj so Fj contains Fi * @todo - refactor */ cleanFreeSpaces: function() { var t = this; // sort space from top to bottom and left to right t.freeSpaces.sort(function(space1, space2) { if (space1.topStart > space2.topStart) { return 1; } else if (space1.topStart < space2.topStart) { return -1; } else { if (space1.leftStart > space2.leftStart) { return 1; } else if (space1.leftStart < space2.leftStart) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } }); t.correctSubPixelValues(); t.removeNonMaximalFreeSpaces(); }, /** * If topStart values for spaces are <= 1px then align those spaces */ correctSubPixelValues: function() { var t = this, i, len, diff, space1, space2; for (i = 0, len = t.freeSpaces.length - 1; i < len; i++) { space1 = t.freeSpaces[i]; space2 = t.freeSpaces[i + 1]; if ((space2.topStart - space1.topStart) <= 1) { space2.topStart = space1.topStart; } } }, /** * Remove spaces that are not maximal * If Fi contains Fj then remove Fj from F */ removeNonMaximalFreeSpaces: function() { var t = this; t.uniqueFreeSpaces(); t.freeSpaces = $.map(t.freeSpaces, function(space1, index1) { $.each(t.freeSpaces, function(index2, space2) { // don't compare the same free spaces if (index1 === index2) { return; } if (space2.leftStart <= space1.leftStart && space2.leftEnd >= space1.leftEnd && space2.topStart <= space1.topStart && space2.topEnd >= space1.topEnd) { space1 = null; return false; } }); return space1; }); }, /** * Remove duplicates spaces from freeSpaces */ uniqueFreeSpaces: function() { var t = this, result = []; $.each(t.freeSpaces, function(index1, space1) { $.each(result, function(index2, space2) { if (space2.leftStart === space1.leftStart && space2.leftEnd === space1.leftEnd && space2.topStart === space1.topStart && space2.topEnd === space1.topEnd) { space1 = null; return false; } }); if (space1 !== null) { result.push(space1); } }); t.freeSpaces = result; }, /** * If freeSpaces arrray has only one space and that space overlap the * height of the bottom blocks with 1px cut those blocks */ addHeightToBlocks: function() { var t = this; $.each(t.freeSpaces, function(indexSpace, space) { t.blocksOn.each(function(indexBlock, block) { var data = $(block).data('cbp'); if (data.pack !== true) { return; } if (!t.intersectSpaces(space, data)) { return; } var diff = space.topStart - data.topNew - data.heightAndGap; if (diff === -1) { block.style.height = (data.height - 1) + 'px'; } }); }); }, /** * Sort by the longer width first, followed by a comparison of the shorter height */ sortBlocksToPreventGaps: function() { var t = this; t.blocksAreSorted = true; t.blocksOn.sort(function(block1, block2) { var data1 = $(block1).data('cbp'), data2 = $(block2).data('cbp'); // order desc by width if (data1.widthAndGap < data2.widthAndGap) { return 1; } else if (data1.widthAndGap > data2.widthAndGap) { return -1; } else { // order desc by height if (data1.heightAndGap < data2.heightAndGap) { return 1; } else if (data1.heightAndGap > data2.heightAndGap) { return -1; } else { // order asc by index if (data1.index > data2.index) { return 1; } else if (data1.index < data2.index) { return -1; } } } }); }, /** * Generic sort block function from lower to highest values */ sortBlocks: function(blocks, compare) { var t = this; blocks.sort(function(block1, block2) { var data1 = $(block1).data('cbp'), data2 = $(block2).data('cbp'); // if the items are equally order them from left to right if (data1[compare] > data2[compare]) { return 1; } else if (data1[compare] < data2[compare]) { return -1; } else { if (data1.leftNew > data2.leftNew) { return 1; } else if (data1.leftNew < data2.leftNew) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } }); } }); })(jQuery, window, document); // Plugin default options jQuery.fn.cubeportfolio.options = { /** * Define the wrapper for filters * Values: strings that represent the elements in the document (DOM selector). */ filters: '', /** * Define the search input element * Values: strings that represent the element in the document (DOM selector). */ search: '', /** * Layout Mode for this instance * Values: 'grid', 'mosaic' or 'slider' */ layoutMode: 'grid', /** * Sort the items (bigger to smallest) if there are gaps in grid * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'mosaic'` * Values: true or false */ sortToPreventGaps: false, /** * Mouse and touch drag support * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: true or false */ drag: true, /** * Autoplay the slider * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: true or false */ auto: false, /** * Autoplay interval timeout. Time is set in milisecconds * 1000 milliseconds equals 1 second. * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: only integers (ex: 1000, 2000, 5000) */ autoTimeout: 5000, /** * Stops autoplay when user hover the slider * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: true or false */ autoPauseOnHover: true, /** * Show `next` and `prev` buttons for slider * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: true or false */ showNavigation: true, /** * Show pagination for slider * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: true or false */ showPagination: true, /** * Enable slide to first item (last item) * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: true or false */ rewindNav: true, /** * Scroll by page and not by item. This option affect next/prev buttons and drag support * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'slider'` * Values: true or false */ scrollByPage: false, /** * Default filter for plugin * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'grid'` * Values: strings that represent the filter name(ex: *, .logo, .web-design, .design) */ defaultFilter: '*', /** * Enable / disable the deeplinking feature when you click on filters * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'grid'` * Values: true or false */ filterDeeplinking: false, /** * Defines which animation to use for items that will be shown or hidden after a filter has been activated. * Option available only for `layoutMode: 'grid'` * The plugin use the best browser features available (css3 transitions and transform, GPU acceleration). * Values: - fadeOut * - quicksand * - bounceLeft * - bounceTop * - bounceBottom * - moveLeft * - slideLeft * - fadeOutTop * - sequentially * - skew * - slideDelay * - rotateSides * - flipOutDelay * - flipOut * - unfold * - foldLeft * - scaleDown * - scaleSides * - frontRow * - flipBottom * - rotateRoom */ animationType: 'fadeOut', /** * Adjust the layout grid * Values: - default (no adjustment applied) * - alignCenter (align the grid on center of the page) * - responsive (use a fluid algorithm to resize the grid) */ gridAdjustment: 'responsive', /** * Define `media queries` for columns layout. * Format: [{width: a, cols: d}, {width: b, cols: e}, {width: c, cols: f}], * where a, b, c are the grid width and d, e, f are the columns displayed. * e.g. [{width: 1100, cols: 4}, {width: 800, cols: 3}, {width: 480, cols: 2}] means * if (gridWidth >= 1100) => show 4 columns, * if (gridWidth >= 800 && gridWidth < 1100) => show 3 columns, * if (gridWidth >= 480 && gridWidth < 800) => show 2 columns, * if (gridWidth < 480) => show 2 columns * Keep in mind that a > b > c * This option is available only when `gridAdjustment: 'responsive'` * Values: - array of objects of format: [{width: a, cols: d}, {width: b, cols: e}] * - you can define as many objects as you want * - if this option is `false` Cube Portfolio will adjust the items * width automatically (default option for backward compatibility) */ mediaQueries: false, /** * Horizontal gap between items * Values: only integers (ex: 1, 5, 10) */ gapHorizontal: 10, /** * Vertical gap between items * Values: only integers (ex: 1, 5, 10) */ gapVertical: 10, /** * Caption - the overlay that is shown when you put the mouse over an item * NOTE: If you don't want to have captions set this option to an empty string ( caption: '') * Values: - pushTop * - pushDown * - revealBottom * - revealTop * - revealLeft * - moveRight * - overlayBottom * - overlayBottomPush * - overlayBottomReveal * - overlayBottomAlong * - overlayRightAlong * - minimal * - fadeIn * - zoom * - opacity * - '' */ caption: 'pushTop', /** * The plugin will display his content based on the following values. * Values: - default (the content will be displayed without any animation) * - fadeIn (the plugin will fully preload the images before displaying the items with a fadeIn effect) * - fadeInToTop (the plugin will fully preload the images before displaying the items with a fadeIn effect from bottom to top) * - sequentially (the plugin will fully preload the images before displaying the items with a sequentially effect) * - bottomToTop (the plugin will fully preload the images before displaying the items with an animation from bottom to top) */ displayType: 'fadeIn', /** * Defines the speed of displaying the items (when `displayType == default` this option will have no effect) * Values: only integers, values in ms (ex: 200, 300, 500) */ displayTypeSpeed: 400, /** * This is used to define any clickable elements you wish to use to trigger lightbox popup on click. * Values: strings that represent the elements in the document (DOM selector) */ lightboxDelegate: '.cbp-lightbox', /** * Enable / disable gallery mode * Values: true or false */ lightboxGallery: true, /** * Attribute of the delegate item that contains caption for lightbox * Values: html atributte */ lightboxTitleSrc: 'data-title', /** * Markup of the lightbox counter * Values: html markup */ lightboxCounter: '
{{current}} of {{total}}
', /** * This is used to define any clickable elements you wish to use to trigger singlePage popup on click. * Values: strings that represent the elements in the document (DOM selector) */ singlePageDelegate: '.cbp-singlePage', /** * Enable / disable the deeplinking feature for singlePage popup * Values: true or false */ singlePageDeeplinking: true, /** * Enable / disable the sticky navigation for singlePage popup * Values: true or false */ singlePageStickyNavigation: true, /** * Markup of the singlePage counter * Values: html markup */ singlePageCounter: '
{{current}} of {{total}}
', /** * Defines which animation to use when singlePage appear * Values: - left * - fade * - right */ singlePageAnimation: 'left', /** * Use this callback to update singlePage content. * The callback will trigger after the singlePage popup is open. * Values: function */ singlePageCallback: null, /** * This is used to define any clickable elements you wish to use to trigger singlePageInline on click. * Values: strings that represent the elements in the document (DOM selector) */ singlePageInlineDelegate: '.cbp-singlePageInline', /** * Enable / disable the deeplinking feature for singlePageInline * Values: true or false */ singlePageInlineDeeplinking: false, /** * This is used to define the position of singlePageInline block * Values: - above ( above current element ) * - below ( below current elemnet) * - top ( positon top ) * - bottom ( positon bottom ) */ singlePageInlinePosition: 'top', /** * Push the open panel in focus and at close go back to the former stage * Values: true or false */ singlePageInlineInFocus: true, /** * Use this callback to update singlePageInline content. * The callback will trigger after the singlePageInline is open. * Values: function */ singlePageInlineCallback: null, /** * Used by the plugins registered to set local options for the current instance * Values: object */ plugins: {}, }; (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; var $window = $(window); CubePortfolio.private = { publicEvents: function(eventName, time, beforeEventCallback) { var t = this; // array of objects: {instance: instance, fn: fn} t.events = []; t.initEvent = function(obj) { if (t.events.length === 0) { t.scrollEvent(); } t.events.push(obj); }; t.destroyEvent = function(instance) { t.events = $.map(t.events, function(val, index) { if (val.instance !== instance) { return val; } }); if (t.events.length === 0) { // remove scroll event $window.off(eventName); } }; t.scrollEvent = function() { var timeout; // resize $window.on(eventName, function() { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function() { if ($.isFunction(beforeEventCallback) && beforeEventCallback.call(t)) { return; } $.each(t.events, function(index, val) { val.fn.call(val.instance); }); }, time); }); }; }, /** * Check if cubeportfolio instance exists on current element */ checkInstance: function(method) { var t = $.data(this, 'cubeportfolio'); if (!t) { throw new Error('cubeportfolio is not initialized. Initialize it before calling ' + method + ' method!'); } t.triggerEvent('publicMethod'); return t; }, /** * Get info about client browser */ browserInfo: function() { var t = CubePortfolio.private, appVersion = navigator.appVersion, transition, animation, perspective; if (appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 8.') !== -1) { // ie8 t.browser = 'ie8'; } else if (appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 9.') !== -1) { // ie9 t.browser = 'ie9'; } else if (appVersion.indexOf('MSIE 10.') !== -1) { // ie10 t.browser = 'ie10'; } else if (window.ActiveXObject || 'ActiveXObject' in window) { // ie11 t.browser = 'ie11'; } else if ((/android/gi).test(appVersion)) { // android t.browser = 'android'; } else if ((/iphone|ipad|ipod/gi).test(appVersion)) { // ios t.browser = 'ios'; } else if ((/chrome/gi).test(appVersion)) { t.browser = 'chrome'; } else { t.browser = ''; } // check if perspective is available perspective = t.styleSupport('perspective'); // if perspective is not available => no modern browser if (typeof perspective === undefined) { return; } transition = t.styleSupport('transition'); t.transitionend = { WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd', transition: 'transitionend' }[transition]; animation = t.styleSupport('animation'); t.animationend = { WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationEnd', animation: 'animationend' }[animation]; t.animationDuration = { WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationDuration', animation: 'animationDuration' }[animation]; t.animationDelay = { WebkitAnimation: 'webkitAnimationDelay', animation: 'animationDelay' }[animation]; t.transform = t.styleSupport('transform'); if (transition && animation && t.transform) { t.modernBrowser = true; } }, /** * Feature testing for css3 */ styleSupport: function(prop) { var supportedProp, // capitalize first character of the prop to test vendor prefix webkitProp = 'Webkit' + prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1), div = document.createElement('div'); // browser supports standard CSS property name if (prop in div.style) { supportedProp = prop; } else if (webkitProp in div.style) { supportedProp = webkitProp; } // avoid memory leak in IE div = null; return supportedProp; }, }; CubePortfolio.private.browserInfo(); CubePortfolio.private.resize = new CubePortfolio.private.publicEvents('resize.cbp', 50, function() { if (window.innerHeight == screen.height) { // this is fulll screen mode. don't need to trigger a resize return true; } }); })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; CubePortfolio.public = { /* * Init the plugin */ init: function(options, callback) { new CubePortfolio(this, options, callback); }, /* * Destroy the plugin */ destroy: function(callback) { var t = CubePortfolio.private.checkInstance.call(this, 'destroy'); t.triggerEvent('beforeDestroy'); // remove data $.removeData(this, 'cubeportfolio'); // remove data from blocks t.blocks.removeData('cbp'); // remove loading class and .cbp on container t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-ready').removeAttr('style'); // remove class from ul t.$ul.removeClass('cbp-wrapper'); // remove resize event CubePortfolio.private.resize.destroyEvent(t); t.$obj.off('.cbp'); // reset blocks t.blocks.removeClass('cbp-item-off').removeAttr('style'); t.blocks.find('.cbp-item-wrapper').each(function(index, el) { var elem = $(el), children = elem.children(); if (children.length) { children.unwrap(); } else { elem.remove(); } }); if (t.destroySlider) { t.destroySlider(); } // remove .cbp-wrapper-outer t.$ul.unwrap(); // remove .cbp-wrapper if (t.addedWrapp) { t.blocks.unwrap(); } if (t.blocks.length === 0) { t.$ul.remove(); } $.each(t.plugins, function(key, value) { if (typeof value.destroy === 'function') { value.destroy(); } }); if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(t); } t.triggerEvent('afterDestroy'); }, /* * Filter the plugin by filterName */ filter: function(param, callback) { var t = CubePortfolio.private.checkInstance.call(this, 'filter'), expression; if (t.isAnimating) { return; } t.isAnimating = true; // register callback function if ($.isFunction(callback)) { t.registerEvent('filterFinish', callback, true); } if ($.isFunction(param)) { expression = param.call(t, t.blocks); if(expression === undefined) { throw new Error('When you call cubeportfolio API `filter` method with a param of type function you must return the blocks that will be visible.'); } } else { if (t.options.filterDeeplinking) { var url = location.href.replace(/#cbpf=(.*?)([#\?&]|$)/gi, ''); location.href = url + '#cbpf=' + encodeURIComponent(param); if (t.singlePage && t.singlePage.url) { t.singlePage.url = location.href; } } t.defaultFilter = param; expression = t.filterConcat(t.defaultFilter); } t.triggerEvent('filterStart', expression); if (t.singlePageInline && t.singlePageInline.isOpen) { t.singlePageInline.close('promise', { callback: function() { t.computeFilter(expression); } }); } else { t.computeFilter(expression); } }, /* * Show counter for filters */ showCounter: function(elems, callback) { var t = CubePortfolio.private.checkInstance.call(this, 'showCounter'); // register callback function if ($.isFunction(callback)) { t.registerEvent('showCounterFinish', callback, true); } t.elems = elems; elems.each(function() { var el = $(this); var count = t.blocks.filter(el.data('filter')).length; el.find('.cbp-filter-counter').text(count); }); t.triggerEvent('showCounterFinish', elems); }, // alias for append public method appendItems: function(els, callback) { CubePortfolio.public.append.call(this, els, callback); }, /* * Append elements */ append: function(els, callback) { var t = CubePortfolio.private.checkInstance.call(this, 'append'), items = $(els).filter('.cbp-item'); if (t.isAnimating || items.length < 1) { if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(t, items); } return; } t.isAnimating = true; if (t.singlePageInline && t.singlePageInline.isOpen) { t.singlePageInline.close('promise', { callback: function() { t.addItems(items, callback, 'append'); } }); } else { t.addItems(items, callback, 'append'); } }, /* * Prepend elements */ prepend: function(els, callback) { var t = CubePortfolio.private.checkInstance.call(this, 'prepend'), items = $(els).filter('.cbp-item'); if (t.isAnimating || items.length < 1) { if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(t, items); } return; } t.isAnimating = true; if (t.singlePageInline && t.singlePageInline.isOpen) { t.singlePageInline.close('promise', { callback: function() { t.addItems(items, callback, 'prepend'); } }); } else { t.addItems(items, callback, 'prepend'); } }, /* * Remove elements from the instance and DOM. * els - jQuery DOM Object */ remove: function(els, callback) { var t = CubePortfolio.private.checkInstance.call(this, 'remove'), items = $(els).filter('.cbp-item'); if (t.isAnimating || items.length < 1) { if ($.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(t, items); } return; } t.isAnimating = true; if (t.singlePageInline && t.singlePageInline.isOpen) { t.singlePageInline.close('promise', { callback: function() { t.removeItems(items, callback); } }); } else { t.removeItems(items, callback); } }, }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; // @todo - gandit cum ar trebui sa fac aici ca nu prea ar merge un plugin // pt slider ca as extinde pe CubePortfolio.prototype la fiecare initializare $.extend(CubePortfolio.prototype, { updateSliderPagination: function() { var t = this, pages, i; if (t.options.showPagination) { // get number of pages pages = Math.ceil(t.blocksOn.length / t.cols); t.navPagination.empty(); for (i = pages - 1; i >= 0; i--) { $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-nav-pagination-item', 'data-slider-action': 'jumpTo' }).appendTo(t.navPagination); } t.navPaginationItems = t.navPagination.children(); } // enable disable the nav t.enableDisableNavSlider(); }, destroySlider: function() { var t = this; if (t.options.layoutMode !== 'slider') { return; } t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-mode-slider'); t.$ul.removeAttr('style'); t.$ul.off('.cbp'); $(document).off('.cbp'); // @todo - don't interfer with the lightbox if (t.options.auto) { t.stopSliderAuto(); } }, nextSlider: function(el) { var t = this; if (t.isEndSlider()) { if (t.isRewindNav()) { t.sliderActive = 0; } else { return; } } else { if (t.options.scrollByPage) { t.sliderActive = Math.min(t.sliderActive + t.cols, t.blocksOn.length - t.cols); } else { t.sliderActive += 1; } } t.goToSlider(); }, prevSlider: function(el) { var t = this; if (t.isStartSlider()) { if (t.isRewindNav()) { t.sliderActive = t.blocksOn.length - t.cols; } else { return; } } else { if (t.options.scrollByPage) { t.sliderActive = Math.max(0, t.sliderActive - t.cols); } else { t.sliderActive -= 1; } } t.goToSlider(); }, jumpToSlider: function(el) { var t = this, index = Math.min(el.index() * t.cols, t.blocksOn.length - t.cols); if (index === t.sliderActive) { return; } t.sliderActive = index; t.goToSlider(); }, jumpDragToSlider: function(pos) { var t = this, jumpWidth, offset, condition, index, dragLeft = (pos > 0) ? true : false; if (t.options.scrollByPage) { jumpWidth = t.cols * t.columnWidth; offset = t.cols; } else { jumpWidth = t.columnWidth; offset = 1; } pos = Math.abs(pos); index = Math.floor(pos / jumpWidth) * offset; if (pos % jumpWidth > 20) { index += offset; } if (dragLeft) { // drag to left t.sliderActive = Math.min(t.sliderActive + index, t.blocksOn.length - t.cols); } else { // drag to right t.sliderActive = Math.max(0, t.sliderActive - index); } t.goToSlider(); }, isStartSlider: function() { return this.sliderActive === 0; }, isEndSlider: function() { var t = this; return (t.sliderActive + t.cols) > t.blocksOn.length - 1; }, goToSlider: function() { var t = this; // enable disable the nav t.enableDisableNavSlider(); t.updateSliderPosition(); }, startSliderAuto: function() { var t = this; if (t.isDrag) { t.stopSliderAuto(); return; } t.timeout = setTimeout(function() { // go to next slide t.nextSlider(); // start auto t.startSliderAuto(); }, t.options.autoTimeout); }, stopSliderAuto: function() { clearTimeout(this.timeout); }, enableDisableNavSlider: function() { var t = this, page, method; if (!t.isRewindNav()) { method = (t.isStartSlider()) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'; t.navPrev[method]('cbp-nav-stop'); method = (t.isEndSlider()) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'; t.navNext[method]('cbp-nav-stop'); } if (t.options.showPagination) { if (t.options.scrollByPage) { page = Math.ceil(t.sliderActive / t.cols); } else { if (t.isEndSlider()) { page = t.navPaginationItems.length - 1; } else { page = Math.floor(t.sliderActive / t.cols); } } // add class active on pagination's items t.navPaginationItems.removeClass('cbp-nav-pagination-active') .eq(page) .addClass('cbp-nav-pagination-active'); } if (t.customPagination) { if (t.options.scrollByPage) { page = Math.ceil(t.sliderActive / t.cols); } else { if (t.isEndSlider()) { page = t.customPaginationItems.length - 1; } else { page = Math.floor(t.sliderActive / t.cols); } } // add class active on pagination's items t.customPaginationItems.removeClass(t.customPaginationClass) .eq(page) .addClass(t.customPaginationClass); } }, /** * If slider loop is enabled don't add classes to `next` and `prev` buttons */ isRewindNav: function() { var t = this; if (!t.options.showNavigation) { return true; } if (t.blocksOn.length <= t.cols) { return false; } if (t.options.rewindNav) { return true; } return false; }, sliderItemsLength: function() { return this.blocksOn.length <= this.cols; }, /** * Arrange the items in a slider layout */ sliderLayout: function() { var t = this; t.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); // update the values with the new ones data.leftNew = t.columnWidth * index; data.topNew = 0; t.sliderFreeSpaces.push({ topStart: data.heightAndGap }); }); t.getFreeSpacesForSlider(); t.$ul.width(t.columnWidth * t.blocksOn.length - t.options.gapVertical); }, getFreeSpacesForSlider: function() { var t = this; t.freeSpaces = t.sliderFreeSpaces.slice(t.sliderActive, t.sliderActive + t.cols); t.freeSpaces.sort(function(space1, space2) { if (space1.topStart > space2.topStart) { return 1; } else if (space1.topStart < space2.topStart) { return -1; } }); }, updateSliderPosition: function() { var t = this, value = -t.sliderActive * t.columnWidth; if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { t.$ul[0].style[CubePortfolio.private.transform] = 'translate3d(' + value + 'px, 0px, 0)'; } else { t.$ul[0].style.left = value + 'px'; } t.getFreeSpacesForSlider(); t.resizeMainContainer(); }, dragSlider: function() { var t = this, $document = $(document), posInitial, pos, target, ulPosition, ulMaxWidth, isAnimating = false, events = {}, isTouch = false, touchStartEvent, isHover = false; t.isDrag = false; if (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0)) { events = { start: 'touchstart.cbp', move: 'touchmove.cbp', end: 'touchend.cbp' }; isTouch = true; } else { events = { start: 'mousedown.cbp', move: 'mousemove.cbp', end: 'mouseup.cbp' }; } function dragStart(e) { if (t.sliderItemsLength()) { return; } if (!isTouch) { e.preventDefault(); } else { touchStartEvent = e; } if (t.options.auto) { t.stopSliderAuto(); } if (isAnimating) { $(target).one('click.cbp', function() { return false; }); return; } target = $(e.target); posInitial = pointerEventToXY(e).x; pos = 0; ulPosition = -t.sliderActive * t.columnWidth; ulMaxWidth = t.columnWidth * (t.blocksOn.length - t.cols); $document.on(events.move, dragMove); $document.on(events.end, dragEnd); t.$obj.addClass('cbp-mode-slider-dragStart'); } function dragEnd(e) { t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-mode-slider-dragStart'); // put the state to animate isAnimating = true; if (pos !== 0) { target.one('click.cbp', function(e) { return false; }); // wait a frame to be sure the .cbp-mode-slider-dragStart is removed from the dom requestAnimationFrame(function() { t.jumpDragToSlider(pos); t.$ul.one(CubePortfolio.private.transitionend, afterDragEnd); }); } else { afterDragEnd.call(t); } $document.off(events.move); $document.off(events.end); } function dragMove(e) { pos = posInitial - pointerEventToXY(e).x; if (pos > 8 || pos < -8) { e.preventDefault(); } t.isDrag = true; var value = ulPosition - pos; if (pos < 0 && pos < ulPosition) { // to right value = (ulPosition - pos) / 5; } else if (pos > 0 && (ulPosition - pos) < -ulMaxWidth) { // to left value = -ulMaxWidth + (ulMaxWidth + ulPosition - pos) / 5; } if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { t.$ul[0].style[CubePortfolio.private.transform] = 'translate3d(' + value + 'px, 0px, 0)'; } else { t.$ul[0].style.left = value + 'px'; } } function afterDragEnd() { isAnimating = false; t.isDrag = false; if (t.options.auto) { if (t.mouseIsEntered) { return; } t.startSliderAuto(); } } function pointerEventToXY(e) { if (e.originalEvent !== undefined && e.originalEvent.touches !== undefined) { e = e.originalEvent.touches[0]; } return { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY }; } t.$ul.on(events.start, dragStart); }, /** * Reset the slider layout */ sliderLayoutReset: function() { var t = this; t.freeSpaces = []; t.sliderFreeSpaces = []; }, }); })(jQuery, window, document); if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') { Object.create = function(obj) { function F() {} F.prototype = obj; return new F(); }; } // http://paulirish.com/2011/requestanimationframe-for-smart-animating/ // http://my.opera.com/emoller/blog/2011/12/20/requestanimationframe-for-smart-er-animating // requestAnimationFrame polyfill by Erik M�ller. fixes from Paul Irish and Tino Zijdel // MIT license (function() { var lastTime = 0; var vendors = ['moz', 'webkit']; for (var x = 0; x < vendors.length && !window.requestAnimationFrame; x++) { window.requestAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'RequestAnimationFrame']; window.cancelAnimationFrame = window[vendors[x] + 'CancelAnimationFrame'] || window[vendors[x] + 'CancelRequestAnimationFrame']; } if (!window.requestAnimationFrame) { window.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback, element) { var currTime = new Date().getTime(); var timeToCall = Math.max(0, 16 - (currTime - lastTime)); var id = window.setTimeout(function() { callback(currTime + timeToCall); }, timeToCall); lastTime = currTime + timeToCall; return id; }; } if (!window.cancelAnimationFrame) { window.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; } }()); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; parent.filterLayout = t.filterLayout; parent.registerEvent('computeBlocksFinish', function(expression) { parent.blocksOn2On = parent.blocksOnInitial.filter(expression); parent.blocksOn2Off = parent.blocksOnInitial.not(expression); }); } // here this value point to parent grid Plugin.prototype.filterLayout = function() { var t = this; t.$obj.addClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); // [1] - blocks that are only moving with translate t.blocksOn2On.addClass('cbp-item-on2on') .each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); el.style[CubePortfolio.private.transform] = 'translate3d(' + (data.leftNew - data.left) + 'px, ' + (data.topNew - data.top) + 'px, 0)'; }); // [2] - blocks than intialy are on but after applying the filter are off t.blocksOn2Off.addClass('cbp-item-on2off'); // [3] - blocks that are off and it will be on t.blocksOff2On = t.blocksOn .filter('.cbp-item-off') .removeClass('cbp-item-off') .addClass('cbp-item-off2on') .each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); el.style.left = data.leftNew + 'px'; el.style.top = data.topNew + 'px'; }); if (t.blocksOn2Off.length) { t.blocksOn2Off.last().data('cbp').wrapper.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } else if (t.blocksOff2On.length) { t.blocksOff2On.last().data('cbp').wrapper.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } else { animationend(); } // resize main container height t.resizeMainContainer(); function animationend() { t.blocks.removeClass('cbp-item-on2off cbp-item-off2on cbp-item-on2on') .each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); data.left = data.leftNew; data.top = data.topNew; el.style.left = data.left + 'px'; el.style.top = data.top + 'px'; el.style[CubePortfolio.private.transform] = ''; }); t.blocksOff.addClass('cbp-item-off'); t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); t.filterFinish(); } }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var parent = this.parent; parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + parent.options.animationType); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.animationClassic = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || $.inArray(parent.options.animationType, ['boxShadow', 'fadeOut', 'flipBottom', 'flipOut', 'quicksand', 'scaleSides', 'skew']) < 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; parent.filterLayout = t.filterLayout; } // here this value point to parent grid Plugin.prototype.filterLayout = function() { var t = this, ulClone = t.$ul[0].cloneNode(true); ulClone.setAttribute('class', 'cbp-wrapper-helper'); t.wrapper[0].insertBefore(ulClone, t.$ul[0]); requestAnimationFrame(function() { t.$obj.addClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); t.blocksOff.addClass('cbp-item-off'); t.blocksOn.removeClass('cbp-item-off') .each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); data.left = data.leftNew; data.top = data.topNew; el.style.left = data.left + 'px'; el.style.top = data.top + 'px'; if (t.options.animationType === 'sequentially') { data.wrapper[0].style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = (index * 60) + 'ms'; } }); if (t.blocksOn.length) { t.blocksOn.last().data('cbp').wrapper.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } else if (t.blocksOnInitial.length) { t.blocksOnInitial.last().data('cbp').wrapper.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } else { animationend(); } // resize main container height t.resizeMainContainer(); }); function animationend() { t.wrapper[0].removeChild(ulClone); if (t.options.animationType === 'sequentially') { t.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { $(el).data('cbp').wrapper[0].style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = ''; }); } t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); t.filterFinish(); } }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var parent = this.parent; parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + parent.options.animationType); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.animationClone = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || $.inArray(parent.options.animationType, ['fadeOutTop', 'slideLeft', 'sequentially']) < 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; parent.filterLayout = t.filterLayout; } // here this value point to parent grid Plugin.prototype.filterLayout = function() { var t = this, ulClone = t.$ul.clone(true, true); ulClone[0].setAttribute('class', 'cbp-wrapper-helper'); t.wrapper[0].insertBefore(ulClone[0], t.$ul[0]); // hack for safari osx because it doesn't want to work if I set animationDelay // on cbp-item-wrapper before I clone the t.$ul var items = ulClone.find('.cbp-item').not('.cbp-item-off'); t.sortBlocks(items, 'top'); items.children('.cbp-item-wrapper').each(function(index, el) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = (index * 50) + 'ms'; }); requestAnimationFrame(function() { t.$obj.addClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); t.blocksOff.addClass('cbp-item-off'); t.blocksOn.removeClass('cbp-item-off') .each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); data.left = data.leftNew; data.top = data.topNew; el.style.left = data.left + 'px'; el.style.top = data.top + 'px'; data.wrapper[0].style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = (index * 50) + 'ms'; }); var onLength = t.blocksOn.length, offLength = items.length; if (onLength === 0 && offLength === 0) { animationend(); } else if (onLength < offLength) { items.last().children('.cbp-item-wrapper').one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } else { t.blocksOn.last().data('cbp').wrapper.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } // resize main container height t.resizeMainContainer(); }); function animationend() { t.wrapper[0].removeChild(ulClone[0]); t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); t.blocks.each(function(index, el) { $(el).data('cbp').wrapper[0].style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = ''; }); t.filterFinish(); } }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var parent = this.parent; parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + parent.options.animationType); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.animationCloneDelay = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || $.inArray(parent.options.animationType, ['3dflip', 'flipOutDelay', 'foldLeft', 'frontRow', 'rotateRoom', 'rotateSides', 'scaleDown', 'slideDelay', 'unfold']) < 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; parent.filterLayout = t.filterLayout; } // here this value point to parent grid Plugin.prototype.filterLayout = function() { var t = this, ulClone = t.$ul[0].cloneNode(true); ulClone.setAttribute('class', 'cbp-wrapper-helper'); t.wrapper[0].insertBefore(ulClone, t.$ul[0]); requestAnimationFrame(function() { t.$obj.addClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); t.blocksOff.addClass('cbp-item-off'); t.blocksOn.removeClass('cbp-item-off') .each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); data.left = data.leftNew; data.top = data.topNew; el.style.left = data.left + 'px'; el.style.top = data.top + 'px'; }); if (t.blocksOn.length) { t.$ul.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } else if (t.blocksOnInitial.length) { $(ulClone).one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, animationend); } else { animationend(); } // resize main container height t.resizeMainContainer(); }); function animationend() { t.wrapper[0].removeChild(ulClone); t.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + t.options.animationType); t.filterFinish(); } }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var parent = this.parent; parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-animation-' + parent.options.animationType); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.animationWrapper = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || $.inArray(parent.options.animationType, ['bounceBottom', 'bounceLeft', 'bounceTop', 'moveLeft']) < 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; var options = parent.options; t.parent = parent; t.captionOn = options.caption; parent.registerEvent('onMediaQueries', function(opt) { if (opt && opt.hasOwnProperty('caption')) { if (t.captionOn !== opt.caption) { t.destroy(); t.captionOn = opt.caption; t.init(); } } else if (t.captionOn !== options.caption) { t.destroy(); t.captionOn = options.caption; t.init(); } }); t.init(); } Plugin.prototype.init = function() { var t = this; // if caption is active if (t.captionOn == '') { return; } if (t.captionOn !== 'expand' && !CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { t.parent.options.caption = t.captionOn = 'minimal'; } // .cbp-caption-active is used only for css // so it will not generate a big css from sass if a caption is set t.parent.$obj.addClass('cbp-caption-active cbp-caption-' + t.captionOn); }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { this.parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-caption-active cbp-caption-' + this.captionOn); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.caption = function(parent) { return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; parent.registerEvent('initFinish', function() { parent.$obj.on('click.cbp', '.cbp-caption-defaultWrap', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (parent.isAnimating) { return; } parent.isAnimating = true; var defaultWrap = $(this), activeWrap = defaultWrap.next(), caption = defaultWrap.parent(), endStyle = { position: 'relative', height: activeWrap.outerHeight(true) }, startStyle = { position: 'relative', height: 0 }; parent.$obj.addClass('cbp-caption-expand-active'); // swap endStyle & startStyle if (caption.hasClass('cbp-caption-expand-open')) { var temp = startStyle; startStyle = endStyle; endStyle = temp; caption.removeClass('cbp-caption-expand-open'); } activeWrap.css(endStyle); parent.$obj.one('pluginResize.cbp', function() { parent.isAnimating = false; parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-caption-expand-active'); if (endStyle.height === 0) { caption.removeClass('cbp-caption-expand-open'); activeWrap.attr('style', ''); } }); // reposition the blocks parent.layoutAndAdjustment(); // set activeWrap to 0 so I can start animation in the next frame activeWrap.css(startStyle); // delay animation requestAnimationFrame(function() { caption.addClass('cbp-caption-expand-open'); activeWrap.css(endStyle); // used by slider layoutMode parent.triggerEvent('gridAdjust'); parent.triggerEvent('resizeGrid'); }); }); }, true); } Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { this.parent.$obj.find('.cbp-caption-defaultWrap').off('click.cbp').parent().removeClass('cbp-caption-expand-active'); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.captionExpand = function(parent) { if (parent.options.caption !== 'expand') { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); parent.pushQueue('delayFrame', deferred); parent.registerEvent('initEndWrite', function() { parent.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = (index * parent.options.displayTypeSpeed) + 'ms'; }); parent.$obj.addClass('cbp-displayType-bottomToTop'); // get last element parent.blocksOn.last().one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, function() { parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-displayType-bottomToTop'); parent.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = ''; }); // resolve event after the animation is finished deferred.resolve(); }); }, true); } CubePortfolio.plugins.displayBottomToTop = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || parent.options.displayType !== 'bottomToTop' || parent.blocksOn.length === 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); parent.pushQueue('delayFrame', deferred); parent.registerEvent('initEndWrite', function() { parent.obj.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDuration] = parent.options.displayTypeSpeed + 'ms'; parent.$obj.addClass('cbp-displayType-fadeIn'); parent.$obj.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, function() { parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-displayType-fadeIn'); parent.obj.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDuration] = ''; // resolve event after the animation is finished deferred.resolve(); }); }, true); } CubePortfolio.plugins.displayFadeIn = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || (parent.options.displayType !== 'lazyLoading' && parent.options.displayType !== 'fadeIn') || parent.blocksOn.length === 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); parent.pushQueue('delayFrame', deferred); parent.registerEvent('initEndWrite', function() { parent.obj.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDuration] = parent.options.displayTypeSpeed + 'ms'; parent.$obj.addClass('cbp-displayType-fadeInToTop'); parent.$obj.one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, function() { parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-displayType-fadeInToTop'); parent.obj.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDuration] = ''; // resolve event after the animation is finished deferred.resolve(); }); }, true); } CubePortfolio.plugins.displayFadeInToTop = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || parent.options.displayType !== 'fadeInToTop' || parent.blocksOn.length === 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); parent.pushQueue('delayFrame', deferred); parent.registerEvent('initEndWrite', function() { parent.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = (index * parent.options.displayTypeSpeed) + 'ms'; }); parent.$obj.addClass('cbp-displayType-sequentially'); // get last element parent.blocksOn.last().one(CubePortfolio.private.animationend, function() { parent.$obj.removeClass('cbp-displayType-sequentially'); parent.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.animationDelay] = ''; }); // resolve event after the animation is finished deferred.resolve(); }); }, true); } CubePortfolio.plugins.displaySequentially = function(parent) { if (!CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser || parent.options.displayType !== 'sequentially' || parent.blocksOn.length === 0) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; t.filters = $(parent.options.filters); t.filterData = []; parent.registerEvent('afterPlugins', function(elems) { // set default filter if it's present in url t.filterFromUrl(); t.registerFilter(); }); // reset filters active class after the search is used parent.registerEvent('resetFiltersVisual', function() { var arr = parent.options.defaultFilter.split('|'); t.filters.each(function(index, el) { var items = $(el).find('.cbp-filter-item'); $.each(arr, function(index, val) { var item = items.filter('[data-filter="' + val + '"]'); if (item.length) { item.addClass('cbp-filter-item-active').siblings().removeClass('cbp-filter-item-active'); arr.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); }); parent.defaultFilter = parent.options.defaultFilter; }); } Plugin.prototype.registerFilter = function() { var t = this, parent = t.parent, filtersCallback, arr = parent.defaultFilter.split('|'); t.wrap = t.filters.find('.cbp-l-filters-dropdownWrap') .on({ 'mouseover.cbp': function() { $(this).addClass('cbp-l-filters-dropdownWrap-open'); }, 'mouseleave.cbp': function() { $(this).removeClass('cbp-l-filters-dropdownWrap-open'); } }); t.filters.each(function(index, el) { var filter = $(el), filterName = '*', items = filter.find('.cbp-filter-item'), dropdown = {}; if (filter.hasClass('cbp-l-filters-dropdown')) { dropdown.wrap = filter.find('.cbp-l-filters-dropdownWrap'); dropdown.header = filter.find('.cbp-l-filters-dropdownHeader'); dropdown.headerText = dropdown.header.text(); } // activate counter for filters parent.$obj.cubeportfolio('showCounter', items); $.each(arr, function(index, val) { if (items.filter('[data-filter="' + val + '"]').length) { filterName = val; arr.splice(index, 1); return false; } }); $.data(el, 'filterName', filterName); t.filterData.push(el); t.filtersCallback(dropdown, items.filter('[data-filter="' + filterName + '"]')); items.on('click.cbp', function() { var item = $(this); if (item.hasClass('cbp-filter-item-active') || parent.isAnimating) { return; } t.filtersCallback(dropdown, item); $.data(el, 'filterName', item.data('filter')); var name = $.map(t.filterData, function(el, index) { var f = $.data(el, 'filterName'); return (f !== "" && f !== '*') ? f : null; }); if (name.length < 1) { name = ['*']; } var filterJoin = name.join('|'); if (parent.defaultFilter !== filterJoin) { // filter the items parent.$obj.cubeportfolio('filter', filterJoin); } }); }); }; Plugin.prototype.filtersCallback = function(dropdown, item) { if (!$.isEmptyObject(dropdown)) { dropdown.wrap.trigger('mouseleave.cbp'); if (dropdown.headerText) { dropdown.headerText = ''; } else { dropdown.header.html(item.html()); } } item.addClass('cbp-filter-item-active').siblings().removeClass('cbp-filter-item-active'); }; /** * Check if filters are present in url */ Plugin.prototype.filterFromUrl = function() { var match = /#cbpf=(.*?)([#\?&]|$)/gi.exec(location.href); if (match !== null) { this.parent.defaultFilter = decodeURIComponent(match[1]); } }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var t = this; t.filters.find('.cbp-filter-item').off('.cbp'); t.wrap.off('.cbp'); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.filters = function(parent) { if (parent.options.filters === '') { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var gapVerticalInitial = parent.options.gapVertical; var gapHorizontalInitial = parent.options.gapHorizontal; parent.registerEvent('onMediaQueries', function(opt) { parent.options.gapVertical = (opt && opt.hasOwnProperty('gapVertical'))? opt.gapVertical : gapVerticalInitial; parent.options.gapHorizontal = (opt && opt.hasOwnProperty('gapHorizontal'))? opt.gapHorizontal : gapHorizontalInitial; parent.blocks.each(function(index, el) { var data = $(el).data('cbp'); data.widthAndGap = data.width + parent.options.gapVertical; data.heightAndGap = data.height + parent.options.gapHorizontal; }); }); } CubePortfolio.plugins.changeGapOnMediaQueries = function(parent) { return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var options = {}; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; t.options = $.extend({}, options, t.parent.options.plugins.inlineSlider); t.runInit(); parent.registerEvent('addItemsToDOM', function() { t.runInit(); }); } function InitSlider(slider) { var t = this; if (slider.hasClass('cbp-slider-inline-ready')) { return; } slider.addClass('cbp-slider-inline-ready'); t.items = slider.find('.cbp-slider-wrapper').children('.cbp-slider-item'); t.active = t.items.filter('.cbp-slider-item--active').index(); t.total = t.items.length - 1; t.updateLeft(); slider.find('.cbp-slider-next').on('click.cbp', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (t.active < t.total) { t.active++; t.updateLeft(); } else if (t.active === t.total) { t.active = 0; t.updateLeft(); } }); slider.find('.cbp-slider-prev').on('click.cbp', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (t.active > 0) { t.active--; t.updateLeft(); } else if (t.active === 0) { t.active = t.total; t.updateLeft(); } }); }; InitSlider.prototype.updateLeft = function() { var t = this; t.items.removeClass('cbp-slider-item--active'); t.items.eq(t.active).addClass('cbp-slider-item--active'); t.items.each(function(index, el) { el.style.left = (index - t.active) + '00%'; }); }; Plugin.prototype.runInit = function() { var t = this; t.parent.$obj.find('.cbp-slider-inline').not('.cbp-slider-inline-ready').each(function(index, el) { var slider = $(el); var activeImage = slider.find('.cbp-slider-item--active').find('img')[0]; if (activeImage.hasAttribute('data-cbp-src')) { t.parent.$obj.on('lazyLoad.cbp', function(e, image) { if (image.src === activeImage.src) { new InitSlider(slider); } }); } else { new InitSlider(slider); } }); }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var t = this; t.parent.$obj.find('.cbp-slider-next').off('click.cbp'); t.parent.$obj.find('.cbp-slider-prev').off('click.cbp'); t.parent.$obj.off('lazyLoad.cbp'); t.parent.$obj.find('.cbp-slider-inline').each(function(index, el) { var slider = $(el); slider.removeClass('cbp-slider-inline-ready'); var items = slider.find('.cbp-slider-item'); items.removeClass('cbp-slider-item--active'); items.removeAttr('style'); items.eq(0).addClass('cbp-slider-item--active'); }); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.inlineSlider = function(parent) { return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var options = { loadingClass: 'cbp-lazyload', threshold: 400, // loads images 150px before they're visible }; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; var $window = $(window); // add scroll event to page for lazyLoad CubePortfolio.private.lazyLoadScroll = new CubePortfolio.private.publicEvents('scroll.cbplazyLoad', 50); function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; t.options = $.extend({}, options, t.parent.options.plugins.lazyLoad); parent.registerEvent('initFinish', function() { t.loadImages(); parent.registerEvent('resizeMainContainer', function() { t.loadImages(); }); parent.registerEvent('filterFinish', function() { t.loadImages(); }); CubePortfolio.private.lazyLoadScroll.initEvent({ instance: t, fn: t.loadImages }); }, true); } Plugin.prototype.loadImages = function() { var t = this; var imgs = t.parent.$obj.find('img').filter('[data-cbp-src]'); if (imgs.length === 0) { return; } t.screenHeight = $window.height(); imgs.each(function(index, el) { var parentNode = $(el.parentNode); if (!t.isElementInScreen(el)) { parentNode.addClass(t.options.loadingClass); return; } var dataSrc = el.getAttribute('data-cbp-src'); if (t.parent.checkSrc($('').attr('src', dataSrc)) === null) { t.removeLazyLoad(el, dataSrc); parentNode.removeClass(t.options.loadingClass); } else { parentNode.addClass(t.options.loadingClass); $('').on('load.cbp error.cbp', function() { t.removeLazyLoad(el, dataSrc, parentNode); }).attr('src', dataSrc); // for ie8 } }); }; Plugin.prototype.removeLazyLoad = function(el, dataSrc, parentNode) { var t = this; el.src = dataSrc; el.removeAttribute('data-cbp-src'); t.parent.removeAttrImage(el); // trigger public event t.parent.$obj.trigger('lazyLoad.cbp', el); if (parentNode) { if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { $(el).one(CubePortfolio.private.transitionend, function() { parentNode.removeClass(t.options.loadingClass); }); } else { parentNode.removeClass(t.options.loadingClass); } } }; Plugin.prototype.isElementInScreen = function(el) { var t = this; var bound = el.getBoundingClientRect(); var bottom = bound.bottom + t.options.threshold; var screenHeight = t.screenHeight + bottom - (bound.top - t.options.threshold); return bottom >= 0 && bottom <= screenHeight; }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { CubePortfolio.private.lazyLoadScroll.destroyEvent(this); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.lazyLoad = function(parent) { return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var options = { /** * Define the wrapper for loadMore * Values: strings that represent the elements in the document (DOM selector). */ selector: '', /** * How the loadMore functionality should behave. Load on click on the button or * automatically when you scroll the page * Values: - click * - auto */ action: 'click', /** * How many items to load when you click on the loadMore button * Values: positive integer */ loadItems: 3, }; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; t.options = $.extend({}, options, t.parent.options.plugins.loadMore); t.loadMore = $(t.options.selector).find('.cbp-l-loadMore-link'); // load click or auto action if (t.loadMore.length === 0) { return; } t.loadItems = t.loadMore.find('.cbp-l-loadMore-loadItems'); if (t.loadItems.text() === '0') { t.loadMore.addClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop'); } parent.registerEvent('filterStart', function(filter) { t.populateItems().then(function() { var itemsLen = t.items.filter(filter).length; if (itemsLen > 0) { t.loadMore.removeClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop'); t.loadItems.html(itemsLen); } else { t.loadMore.addClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop'); } }); }); t[t.options.action](); } Plugin.prototype.populateItems = function() { var t = this; if (t.items) { return $.Deferred().resolve(); } t.items = $(); // perform ajax request return $.ajax({ url: t.loadMore.attr('href'), type: 'GET', dataType: 'HTML' }).done(function(result) { var resultFlat = $.map(result.split(/\r?\n/), function(item, index) { return $.trim(item); }).join(''); if (resultFlat.length === 0) { return; } $.each($.parseHTML(resultFlat), function(index, el) { if ($(el).hasClass('cbp-item')) { t.items = t.items.add(el); } else { $.each(el.children, function(index, el2) { if ($(el2).hasClass('cbp-item')) { t.items = t.items.add(el2); } }); } }); }).fail(function() { t.items = null; t.loadMore.removeClass('cbp-l-loadMore-loading'); }); }; Plugin.prototype.populateInsertItems = function(callback) { var t = this; var insertItems = []; var filter = t.parent.defaultFilter; var foundItem = 0; t.items.each(function(index, el) { if (foundItem === t.options.loadItems) { return false; } if (!filter || (filter === '*')) { insertItems.push(el); t.items[index] = null; foundItem++; } else { if ($(el).filter(filter).length) { insertItems.push(el); t.items[index] = null; foundItem++; } } }); t.items = t.items.map(function(index, el) { return el; }); // stop the loadMore if (insertItems.length === 0) { t.loadMore.removeClass('cbp-l-loadMore-loading').addClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop'); return; } t.parent.$obj.cubeportfolio('append', insertItems, callback); } Plugin.prototype.click = function() { var t = this; t.loadMore.on('click.cbp', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (t.parent.isAnimating || t.loadMore.hasClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop')) { return; } // set loading status t.loadMore.addClass('cbp-l-loadMore-loading'); t.populateItems().then(function() { t.populateInsertItems(appendCallback); }); }); function appendCallback() { // remove class from t.loadMore t.loadMore.removeClass('cbp-l-loadMore-loading'); var filter = t.parent.defaultFilter; var itemsInLoadMore; if (!filter || (filter === '*')) { itemsInLoadMore = t.items.length; } else { itemsInLoadMore = t.items.filter(filter).length; } // check if we have more loadMore if (itemsInLoadMore === 0) { t.loadMore.addClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop'); } else { t.loadItems.html(itemsInLoadMore); } } }; Plugin.prototype.auto = function() { var t = this; var $window = $(window); var isActive = false; // add scroll event to page for loadMore CubePortfolio.private.loadMoreScroll = new CubePortfolio.private.publicEvents('scroll.loadMore', 100); t.parent.$obj.one('initComplete.cbp', function() { // add events for scroll t.loadMore .addClass('cbp-l-loadMore-loading') .on('click.cbp', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }); CubePortfolio.private.loadMoreScroll.initEvent({ instance: t, fn: function() { if (!t.parent.isAnimating) { // get new items on scroll getNewItems(); } } }); // when the filter is completed t.parent.$obj.on('filterComplete.cbp', function() { getNewItems(); }); // trigger method getNewItems(); }); function getNewItems() { if (isActive || t.loadMore.hasClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop')) { return; } // add a treshold var topLoadMore = t.loadMore.offset().top - 200; var topWindow = $window.scrollTop() + $window.height(); if (topLoadMore > topWindow) { return; } // this job is now busy isActive = true; t.populateItems().then(function() { t.populateInsertItems(appendCallback); }).fail(function() { // make the job inactive isActive = false; }); } function appendCallback() { var itemsInLoadMore; var filter = t.parent.defaultFilter; if (!filter || (filter === '*')) { itemsInLoadMore = t.items.length; } else { itemsInLoadMore = t.items.filter(filter).length; } // check if we have more loadMore if (itemsInLoadMore === 0) { t.loadMore.removeClass('cbp-l-loadMore-loading').addClass('cbp-l-loadMore-stop'); } else { t.loadItems.html(itemsInLoadMore); $window.trigger('scroll.loadMore'); } // make the job inactive isActive = false; // remove events if (t.items.length === 0) { CubePortfolio.private.loadMoreScroll.destroyEvent(t); t.parent.$obj.off('filterComplete.cbp'); } } }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { this.loadMore.off('.cbp'); if (CubePortfolio.private.loadMoreScroll) { CubePortfolio.private.loadMoreScroll.destroyEvent(this); } }; CubePortfolio.plugins.loadMore = function(parent) { var plugins = parent.options.plugins; // backward compatibility if (parent.options.loadMore) { if (!plugins.loadMore) { plugins.loadMore = {}; } plugins.loadMore.selector = parent.options.loadMore; } // backward compatibility if (parent.options.loadMoreAction) { if (!plugins.loadMore) { plugins.loadMore = {}; } plugins.loadMore.action = parent.options.loadMoreAction; } if (!plugins.loadMore || !plugins.loadMore.selector) { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; var options = { delay: 0, }; var popup = { /** * init function for popup * @param cubeportfolio = cubeportfolio instance * @param type = 'lightbox' or 'singlePage' */ init: function(cubeportfolio, type) { var t = this, currentBlock; // remember cubeportfolio instance t.cubeportfolio = cubeportfolio; // remember if this instance is for lightbox or for singlePage t.type = type; // remember if the popup is open or not t.isOpen = false; t.options = t.cubeportfolio.options; if (type === 'lightbox') { t.cubeportfolio.registerEvent('resizeWindow', function() { t.resizeImage(); }); t.localOptions = $.extend({}, options, t.cubeportfolio.options.plugins.lightbox); } if (type === 'singlePageInline') { t.height = 0; // create markup, css and add events for SinglePageInline t.createMarkupSinglePageInline(); t.cubeportfolio.registerEvent('resizeGrid', function() { if (t.isOpen) { // @todo must add support for this features in the future t.close(); // workaround } }); if (t.options.singlePageInlineDeeplinking) { t.url = location.href; if (t.url.slice(-1) === '#') { t.url = t.url.slice(0, -1); } var links = t.url.split('#cbpi='); var url = links.shift(); // remove first item $.each(links, function(index, link) { t.cubeportfolio.blocksOn.each(function(index1, el) { var singlePageInline = $(el).find(t.options.singlePageInlineDelegate + '[href="' + link + '"]'); if (singlePageInline.length) { currentBlock = singlePageInline; return false; } }); if (currentBlock) { return false; } }); if (currentBlock) { t.cubeportfolio.registerEvent('initFinish', function() { t.openSinglePageInline(t.cubeportfolio.blocksOn, currentBlock[0]); }, true); } } t.localOptions = $.extend({}, options, t.cubeportfolio.options.plugins.singlePageInline); return; } // create markup, css and add events for lightbox and singlePage t.createMarkup(); if (type === 'singlePage') { t.cubeportfolio.registerEvent('resizeWindow', function() { if (t.options.singlePageStickyNavigation) { var width = t.contentWrap[0].clientWidth; if (width > 0) { t.navigationWrap.width(width); // set navigation width='window width' to center the divs t.navigation.width(width); } } }); if (t.options.singlePageDeeplinking) { t.url = location.href; if (t.url.slice(-1) === '#') { t.url = t.url.slice(0, -1); } var links = t.url.split('#cbp='); var url = links.shift(); // remove first item $.each(links, function(index, link) { t.cubeportfolio.blocksOn.each(function(index1, el) { var singlePage = $(el).find(t.options.singlePageDelegate + '[href="' + link + '"]'); if (singlePage.length) { currentBlock = singlePage; return false; } }); if (currentBlock) { return false; } }); if (currentBlock) { t.url = url; var self = currentBlock, gallery = self.attr('data-cbp-singlePage'), blocks = []; if (gallery) { blocks = self.closest($('.cbp-item')).find('[data-cbp-singlePage="' + gallery + '"]'); } else { t.cubeportfolio.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { var item = $(el); if (item.not('.cbp-item-off')) { item.find(t.options.singlePageDelegate).each(function(index2, el2) { if (!$(el2).attr('data-cbp-singlePage')) { blocks.push(el2); } }); } }); } t.openSinglePage(blocks, currentBlock[0]); } else if (links.length) { // @todo - hack to load items from loadMore var fakeLink = document.createElement('a'); fakeLink.setAttribute('href', links[0]); t.openSinglePage([fakeLink], fakeLink); } } t.localOptions = $.extend({}, options, t.cubeportfolio.options.plugins.singlePage); } }, /** * Create markup, css and add events */ createMarkup: function() { var t = this, animationCls = ''; if (t.type === 'singlePage') { if (t.options.singlePageAnimation !== 'left') { animationCls = ' cbp-popup-singlePage-' + t.options.singlePageAnimation; } } // wrap element t.wrap = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-wrap cbp-popup-' + t.type + animationCls, 'data-action': (t.type === 'lightbox') ? 'close' : '' }).on('click.cbp', function(e) { if (t.stopEvents) { return; } var action = $(e.target).attr('data-action'); if (t[action]) { t[action](); e.preventDefault(); } }); if (t.type === 'singlePage') { t.contentWrap = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-content-wrap' }).appendTo(t.wrap); if (CubePortfolio.private.browser === 'ios') { t.contentWrap.css('overflow', 'auto'); } // content element t.content = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-content' }).appendTo(t.contentWrap); } else { // content element t.content = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-content' }).appendTo(t.wrap); } // append loading div $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-loadingBox' }).appendTo(t.wrap); // add background only for ie8 if (CubePortfolio.private.browser === 'ie8') { t.bg = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-ie8bg', 'data-action': (t.type === 'lightbox') ? 'close' : '' }).appendTo(t.wrap); } if (t.type === 'singlePage') { if (t.options.singlePageStickyNavigation === false) { // create navigation wrap t.navigationWrap = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-navigation-wrap' }).appendTo(t.contentWrap); } else { // create navigation wrap t.navigationWrap = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-navigation-wrap' }).appendTo(t.wrap); } } else { // create navigation wrap t.navigationWrap = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-navigation-wrap' }).appendTo(t.wrap); } // create navigation block t.navigation = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-navigation' }).appendTo(t.navigationWrap); // close t.closeButton = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-close', 'title': 'Close (Esc arrow key)', 'data-action': 'close' }).appendTo(t.navigation); // next t.nextButton = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-next', 'title': 'Next (Right arrow key)', 'data-action': 'next' }).appendTo(t.navigation); // prev t.prevButton = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-prev', 'title': 'Previous (Left arrow key)', 'data-action': 'prev' }).appendTo(t.navigation); if (t.type === 'singlePage') { if (t.options.singlePageCounter) { // counter for singlePage t.counter = $(t.options.singlePageCounter).appendTo(t.navigation); t.counter.text(''); } t.content.on('click.cbp', t.options.singlePageDelegate, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var i, len = t.dataArray.length, href = this.getAttribute('href'), indexFound; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (t.dataArray[i].url === href) { indexFound = i; break; } } if (indexFound === undefined) { var fakeLink = document.createElement('a'); fakeLink.setAttribute('href', href); t.dataArray = [{ url: href, element: fakeLink }]; // total numbers of elements t.counterTotal = 1; t.nextButton.hide(); t.prevButton.hide(); t.singlePageJumpTo(0); } else { t.singlePageJumpTo(indexFound - t.current); } }); // if there are some events than overrides the default scroll behaviour don't go to them t.contentWrap.on('mousewheel.cbp' + ' DOMMouseScroll.cbp', function(e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }); } $(document).on('keydown.cbp', function(e) { // if is not open => return if (!t.isOpen) { return; } // if all events are stopped => return if (t.stopEvents) { return; } if (lightboxIsOpen) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); } if (e.keyCode === 37) { // prev key t.prev(); } else if (e.keyCode === 39) { // next key t.next(); } else if (e.keyCode === 27) { //esc key t.close(); } }); }, createMarkupSinglePageInline: function() { var t = this; // wrap element t.wrap = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-singlePageInline' }).on('click.cbp', function(e) { if (t.stopEvents) { return; } var action = $(e.target).attr('data-action'); if (action && t[action]) { t[action](); e.preventDefault(); } }); // content element t.content = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-content' }).appendTo(t.wrap); // append loading div // $('
', { // 'class': 'cbp-popup-loadingBox' // }).appendTo(t.wrap); // create navigation block t.navigation = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-navigation' }).appendTo(t.wrap); // close t.closeButton = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-popup-close', 'title': 'Close (Esc arrow key)', 'data-action': 'close' }).appendTo(t.navigation); }, destroy: function() { var t = this, body = $('body'); // remove off key down $(document).off('keydown.cbp'); // external lightbox and singlePageInline body.off('click.cbp', t.options.lightboxDelegate); body.off('click.cbp', t.options.singlePageDelegate); t.content.off('click.cbp', t.options.singlePageDelegate); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.off('click.cbp', t.options.singlePageInlineDelegate); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.off('click.cbp', t.options.lightboxDelegate); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.off('click.cbp', t.options.singlePageDelegate); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.removeClass('cbp-popup-isOpening'); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.find('.cbp-item').removeClass('cbp-singlePageInline-active'); t.wrap.remove(); }, openLightbox: function(blocks, currentBlock) { var t = this, i = 0, currentBlockHref, tempHref = [], element; if (t.isOpen) { return; } lightboxIsOpen = true; // remember that the lightbox is open now t.isOpen = true; // remember to stop all events after the lightbox has been shown t.stopEvents = false; // array with elements t.dataArray = []; // reset current t.current = null; currentBlockHref = currentBlock.getAttribute('href'); if (currentBlockHref === null) { throw new Error('HEI! Your clicked element doesn\'t have a href attribute.'); } $.each(blocks, function(index, item) { var href = item.getAttribute('href'), src = href, // default if element is image type = 'isImage', // default if element is image videoLink; if ($.inArray(href, tempHref) === -1) { if (currentBlockHref === href) { t.current = i; } else if (!t.options.lightboxGallery) { return; } if (/youtu\.?be/i.test(href)) { var indexVideo = href.lastIndexOf('v=') + 2; if (indexVideo === 1) { indexVideo = href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1; } videoLink = href.substring(indexVideo); if (!(/autoplay=/i.test(videoLink))) { videoLink += '&autoplay=1'; } videoLink = videoLink.replace(/\?|&/, '?'); // create new href src = '//www.youtube.com/embed/' + videoLink; type = 'isYoutube'; } else if (/vimeo\.com/i.test(href)) { videoLink = href.substring(href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (!(/autoplay=/i.test(videoLink))) { videoLink += '&autoplay=1'; } videoLink = videoLink.replace(/\?|&/, '?'); // create new href src = '//player.vimeo.com/video/' + videoLink; type = 'isVimeo'; } else if (/www\.ted\.com/i.test(href)) { // create new href src = 'http://embed.ted.com/talks/' + href.substring(href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '.html'; type = 'isTed'; } else if (/soundcloud\.com/i.test(href)) { // create new href src = href; type = 'isSoundCloud'; } else if (/(\.mp4)|(\.ogg)|(\.ogv)|(\.webm)/i.test(href)) { if (href.indexOf('|') !== -1) { // create new href src = href.split('|'); } else { // create new href src = href.split('%7C'); } type = 'isSelfHostedVideo'; } else if (/\.mp3$/i.test(href)) { src = href; type = 'isSelfHostedAudio'; } t.dataArray.push({ src: src, title: item.getAttribute(t.options.lightboxTitleSrc), type: type }); i++; } tempHref.push(href); }); // total numbers of elements t.counterTotal = t.dataArray.length; if (t.counterTotal === 1) { t.nextButton.hide(); t.prevButton.hide(); t.dataActionImg = ''; } else { t.nextButton.show(); t.prevButton.show(); t.dataActionImg = 'data-action="next"'; } // append to body t.wrap.appendTo(document.body); t.scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); t.originalStyle = $('html').attr('style'); $('html').css({ overflow: 'hidden', marginRight: window.innerWidth - $(document).width() }); t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-transitionend'); // show the wrapper (lightbox box) t.wrap.show(); // get the current element element = t.dataArray[t.current]; // call function if current element is image or video (iframe) t[element.type](element); }, openSinglePage: function(blocks, currentBlock) { var t = this, i = 0, currentBlockHref, tempHref = []; if (t.isOpen) { return; } // check singlePageInline and close it if (t.cubeportfolio.singlePageInline && t.cubeportfolio.singlePageInline.isOpen) { t.cubeportfolio.singlePageInline.close(); } // remember that the lightbox is open now t.isOpen = true; // remember to stop all events after the popup has been showing t.stopEvents = false; // array with elements t.dataArray = []; // reset current t.current = null; currentBlockHref = currentBlock.getAttribute('href'); if (currentBlockHref === null) { throw new Error('HEI! Your clicked element doesn\'t have a href attribute.'); } $.each(blocks, function(index, item) { var href = item.getAttribute('href'); if ($.inArray(href, tempHref) === -1) { if (currentBlockHref === href) { t.current = i; } t.dataArray.push({ url: href, element: item }); i++; } tempHref.push(href); }); // total numbers of elements t.counterTotal = t.dataArray.length; if (t.counterTotal === 1) { t.nextButton.hide(); t.prevButton.hide(); } else { t.nextButton.show(); t.prevButton.show(); } // append to body t.wrap.appendTo(document.body); t.scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); // go to top of the page (reset scroll) t.contentWrap.scrollTop(0); // show the wrapper t.wrap.show(); // finish the open animation t.finishOpen = 2; // if transitionend is not fulfilled t.navigationMobile = $(); t.wrap.one(CubePortfolio.private.transitionend, function() { $('html').css({ overflow: 'hidden', marginRight: window.innerWidth - $(document).width() }); t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-transitionend'); // make the navigation sticky if (t.options.singlePageStickyNavigation) { t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-singlePage-sticky'); t.navigationWrap.width(t.contentWrap[0].clientWidth); } t.finishOpen--; if (t.finishOpen <= 0) { t.updateSinglePageIsOpen.call(t); } }); if (CubePortfolio.private.browser === 'ie8' || CubePortfolio.private.browser === 'ie9') { $('html').css({ overflow: 'hidden', marginRight: window.innerWidth - $(document).width() }); t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-transitionend'); // make the navigation sticky if (t.options.singlePageStickyNavigation) { t.navigationWrap.width(t.contentWrap[0].clientWidth); setTimeout(function() { t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-singlePage-sticky'); }, 1000); } t.finishOpen--; } t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-loading'); // force reflow and then add class t.wrap.offset(); t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-singlePage-open'); // change link if (t.options.singlePageDeeplinking) { // ignore old #cbp from href t.url = t.url.split('#cbp=')[0]; location.href = t.url + '#cbp=' + t.dataArray[t.current].url; } // run callback function if ($.isFunction(t.options.singlePageCallback)) { t.options.singlePageCallback.call(t, t.dataArray[t.current].url, t.dataArray[t.current].element); } // ios bug to prevent // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9280258/prevent-body-scrolling-but-allow-overlay-scrolling if (CubePortfolio.private.browser === 'ios') { var element = t.contentWrap[0]; element.addEventListener('touchstart', function() { var top = element.scrollTop, totalScroll = element.scrollHeight, currentScroll = top + element.offsetHeight; if (top === 0) { element.scrollTop = 1; } else if (currentScroll === totalScroll) { element.scrollTop = top - 1; } }); } }, openSinglePageInline: function(blocks, currentBlock, fromOpen) { var t = this, start = 0, currentBlockHref, tempCurrent, cbpitem, parentElement; fromOpen = fromOpen || false; t.fromOpen = fromOpen; t.storeBlocks = blocks; t.storeCurrentBlock = currentBlock; // check singlePageInline and close it if (t.isOpen) { tempCurrent = t.cubeportfolio.blocksOn.index($(currentBlock).closest('.cbp-item')); if ((t.dataArray[t.current].url !== currentBlock.getAttribute('href')) || (t.current !== tempCurrent)) { t.cubeportfolio.singlePageInline.close('open', { blocks: blocks, currentBlock: currentBlock, fromOpen: true }); } else { t.close(); } return; } // remember that the lightbox is open now t.isOpen = true; // remember to stop all events after the popup has been showing t.stopEvents = false; // array with elements t.dataArray = []; // reset current t.current = null; currentBlockHref = currentBlock.getAttribute('href'); if (currentBlockHref === null) { throw new Error('HEI! Your clicked element doesn\'t have a href attribute.'); } cbpitem = $(currentBlock).closest('.cbp-item')[0]; blocks.each(function(index, el) { if (cbpitem === el) { t.current = index; } }); t.dataArray[t.current] = { url: currentBlockHref, element: currentBlock }; parentElement = $(t.dataArray[t.current].element).parents('.cbp-item').addClass('cbp-singlePageInline-active'); // total numbers of elements t.counterTotal = blocks.length; t.wrap.insertBefore(t.cubeportfolio.wrapper); t.topDifference = 0; if (t.options.singlePageInlinePosition === 'top') { t.blocksToMove = blocks; t.top = 0; } else if (t.options.singlePageInlinePosition === 'bottom') { t.blocksToMove = $(); t.top = t.cubeportfolio.height; } else if (t.options.singlePageInlinePosition === 'above') { var currentEl = $(blocks[t.current]); var top = currentEl.data('cbp').top; var end = top + currentEl.height(); t.top = top; t.blocksToMove = $(); blocks.each(function(index, el) { var element = $(el); var topEl = element.data('cbp').top; var endEl = topEl + element.height(); if (endEl <= top) { return; } if (topEl >= top) { t.blocksToMove = t.blocksToMove.add(el); } if ((topEl < top) && (endEl > top)) { t.top = endEl + t.options.gapHorizontal; if ((endEl - top) > t.topDifference) { t.topDifference = endEl - top + t.options.gapHorizontal; } } }); t.top = Math.max(t.top - t.options.gapHorizontal, 0); } else { // below var currentEl = $(blocks[t.current]); var top = currentEl.data('cbp').top; var end = top + currentEl.height(); t.top = end; t.blocksToMove = $(); blocks.each(function(index, el) { var element = $(el); var height = element.height(); var topEl = element.data('cbp').top; var endEl = topEl + height; if (endEl <= end) { return; } if (topEl >= (end - height / 2)) { t.blocksToMove = t.blocksToMove.add(el); return; } if ((endEl > end) && (topEl < end)) { if (endEl > t.top) { t.top = endEl; } if ((endEl - end) > t.topDifference) { t.topDifference = endEl - end; } } }); } t.wrap[0].style.height = t.wrap.outerHeight(true) + 'px'; // debouncer for inline content t.deferredInline = $.Deferred(); if (t.options.singlePageInlineInFocus) { t.scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var goToScroll = t.cubeportfolio.$obj.offset().top + t.top - 100; if (t.scrollTop !== goToScroll) { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: goToScroll }, 350) .promise() .then(function() { t.resizeSinglePageInline(); t.deferredInline.resolve(); }); } else { t.resizeSinglePageInline(); t.deferredInline.resolve(); } } else { t.resizeSinglePageInline(); t.deferredInline.resolve(); } t.cubeportfolio.$obj.addClass('cbp-popup-singlePageInline-open'); t.wrap.css({ top: t.top }); // change link if (t.options.singlePageInlineDeeplinking) { // ignore old #cbpi from href t.url = t.url.split('#cbpi=')[0]; location.href = t.url + '#cbpi=' + t.dataArray[t.current].url; } // register callback function if ($.isFunction(t.options.singlePageInlineCallback)) { t.options.singlePageInlineCallback.call(t, t.dataArray[t.current].url, t.dataArray[t.current].element); } }, resizeSinglePageInline: function() { var t = this; t.height = ((t.top === 0) || (t.top === t.cubeportfolio.height)) ? t.wrap.outerHeight(true) : t.wrap.outerHeight(true) - t.options.gapHorizontal; t.height += t.topDifference; t.storeBlocks.each(function(index, el) { if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.transform] = ''; } else { el.style.marginTop = ''; } }); t.blocksToMove.each(function(index, el) { if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.transform] = 'translate3d(0px, ' + t.height + 'px, 0)'; } else { el.style.marginTop = t.height + 'px'; } }); t.cubeportfolio.obj.style.height = t.cubeportfolio.height + t.height + 'px'; }, revertResizeSinglePageInline: function() { var t = this; // reset deferred object t.deferredInline = $.Deferred(); t.storeBlocks.each(function(index, el) { if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { el.style[CubePortfolio.private.transform] = ''; } else { el.style.marginTop = ''; } }); t.cubeportfolio.obj.style.height = t.cubeportfolio.height + 'px'; 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t.counter.text(counterMarkup.text()); } t.fromAJAX = { html: html, scripts: scripts }; t.finishOpen--; if (t.finishOpen <= 0) { t.updateSinglePageIsOpen.call(t); } }, updateSinglePageIsOpen: function() { var t = this, selectorSlider; t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-ready'); t.wrap.removeClass('cbp-popup-loading'); t.content.html(t.fromAJAX.html); if (t.fromAJAX.scripts) { t.appendScriptsToWrap(t.fromAJAX.scripts); } t.fromAJAX = {}; // trigger public event t.cubeportfolio.$obj.trigger('updateSinglePageStart.cbp'); // instantiate slider if exists selectorSlider = t.content.find('.cbp-slider'); if (selectorSlider.length) { selectorSlider.find('.cbp-slider-item').addClass('cbp-item'); t.slider = selectorSlider.cubeportfolio({ layoutMode: 'slider', mediaQueries: [{ width: 1, cols: 1 }], gapHorizontal: 0, gapVertical: 0, caption: '', coverRatio: '', // wp version only }); } else { t.slider = null; } // check for social share icons t.checkForSocialLinks(t.content); // trigger public event t.cubeportfolio.$obj.trigger('updateSinglePageComplete.cbp'); }, checkForSocialLinks: function(content) { var t = this; t.createFacebookShare(content.find('.cbp-social-fb')); t.createTwitterShare(content.find('.cbp-social-twitter')); t.createGooglePlusShare(content.find('.cbp-social-googleplus')); t.createPinterestShare(content.find('.cbp-social-pinterest')); }, createFacebookShare: function(item) { if (item.length && !item.attr('onclick')) { item.attr('onclick', "window.open('http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + "', '_blank', 'top=100,left=100,toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=400'); return false;"); } }, createTwitterShare: function(item) { if (item.length && !item.attr('onclick')) { item.attr('onclick', "window.open('https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?source=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + "', '_blank', 'top=100,left=100,toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=300'); return false;"); } }, createGooglePlusShare: function(item) { if (item.length && !item.attr('onclick')) { item.attr('onclick', "window.open('https://plus.google.com/share?url=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + "', '_blank', 'top=100,left=100,toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=450'); return false;"); } }, createPinterestShare: function(item) { if (item.length && !item.attr('onclick')) { var media = ''; var firstImg = this.content.find('img')[0]; if (firstImg) { media = firstImg.src; } item.attr('onclick', "window.open('http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href) + "&media=" + media + "', '_blank', 'top=100,left=100,toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=400'); return false;"); } }, updateSinglePageInline: function(html, scripts) { var t = this; t.content.html(html); if (scripts) { t.appendScriptsToWrap(scripts); } // trigger public event t.cubeportfolio.$obj.trigger('updateSinglePageInlineStart.cbp'); if (t.localOptions.delay !== 0) { setTimeout(function() { t.singlePageInlineIsOpen.call(t); }, t.localOptions.delay) } else { t.singlePageInlineIsOpen.call(t); } }, singlePageInlineIsOpen: function() { var t = this; function finishLoading() { t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-singlePageInline-ready'); t.wrap[0].style.height = ''; t.resizeSinglePageInline(); // trigger public event t.cubeportfolio.$obj.trigger('updateSinglePageInlineComplete.cbp'); } // wait to load all images t.cubeportfolio.loadImages(t.wrap, function() { // instantiate slider if exists var selectorSlider = t.content.find('.cbp-slider'); if (selectorSlider.length) { selectorSlider.find('.cbp-slider-item').addClass('cbp-item'); selectorSlider.one('initComplete.cbp', function() { t.deferredInline.done(finishLoading); }); selectorSlider.on('pluginResize.cbp', function() { t.deferredInline.done(finishLoading); }); t.slider = selectorSlider.cubeportfolio({ layoutMode: 'slider', displayType: 'default', mediaQueries: [{ width: 1, cols: 1 }], gapHorizontal: 0, gapVertical: 0, caption: '', coverRatio: '', // wp version only }); } else { t.slider = null; t.deferredInline.done(finishLoading); } // check for social share icons t.checkForSocialLinks(t.content); }); }, isImage: function(el) { var t = this, img = new Image(); t.tooggleLoading(true); t.cubeportfolio.loadImages($('
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' + '
'; t.content.html(markup); t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-ready'); t.resizeImage(); t.preloadNearbyImages(); }, next: function() { var t = this; t[t.type + 'JumpTo'](1); }, prev: function() { var t = this; t[t.type + 'JumpTo'](-1); }, lightboxJumpTo: function(index) { var t = this, el; t.current = t.getIndex(t.current + index); // get the current element el = t.dataArray[t.current]; // call function if current element is image or video (iframe) t[el.type](el); }, singlePageJumpTo: function(index) { var t = this; t.current = t.getIndex(t.current + index); // register singlePageCallback function if ($.isFunction(t.options.singlePageCallback)) { t.resetWrap(); // go to top of the page (reset scroll) t.contentWrap.scrollTop(0); t.wrap.addClass('cbp-popup-loading'); if (t.slider) { CubePortfolio.private.resize.destroyEvent($.data(t.slider[0], 'cubeportfolio')); } t.options.singlePageCallback.call(t, t.dataArray[t.current].url, t.dataArray[t.current].element); if (t.options.singlePageDeeplinking) { location.href = t.url + '#cbp=' + t.dataArray[t.current].url; } } }, resetWrap: function() { var t = this; if (t.type === 'singlePage' && t.options.singlePageDeeplinking) { location.href = t.url + '#'; } if (t.type === 'singlePageInline' && t.options.singlePageInlineDeeplinking) { location.href = t.url + '#'; } }, getIndex: function(index) { var t = this; // go to interval [0, (+ or -)this.counterTotal.length - 1] index = index % t.counterTotal; // if index is less then 0 then go to interval (0, this.counterTotal - 1] if (index < 0) { index = t.counterTotal + index; } return index; }, close: function(method, data) { var t = this; function finishClose() { // remove resize event if (t.slider) { CubePortfolio.private.resize.destroyEvent($.data(t.slider[0], 'cubeportfolio')); } // reset content t.content.html(''); // hide the wrap t.wrap.detach(); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.removeClass('cbp-popup-singlePageInline-open cbp-popup-singlePageInline-close'); if (method === 'promise') { if ($.isFunction(data.callback)) { data.callback.call(t.cubeportfolio); } } } function checkFocusInline() { // add this to prevent the page to jump after the resetWrap var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(); t.resetWrap(); $(window).scrollTop(scrollTop); if (t.options.singlePageInlineInFocus && method !== 'promise') { $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: t.scrollTop }, 350) .promise() .then(function() { finishClose(); }); } else { finishClose(); } } // now the popup is closed t.isOpen = false; if (t.type === 'singlePageInline') { if (method === 'open') { t.wrap.removeClass('cbp-popup-singlePageInline-ready'); $(t.dataArray[t.current].element).closest('.cbp-item').removeClass('cbp-singlePageInline-active'); t.openSinglePageInline(data.blocks, data.currentBlock, data.fromOpen); } else { t.height = 0; t.revertResizeSinglePageInline(); t.wrap.removeClass('cbp-popup-singlePageInline-ready'); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.addClass('cbp-popup-singlePageInline-close'); t.cubeportfolio.$obj.find('.cbp-item').removeClass('cbp-singlePageInline-active'); if (CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { t.wrap.one(CubePortfolio.private.transitionend, function() { checkFocusInline(); }); } else { checkFocusInline(); } } } else if (t.type === 'singlePage') { t.resetWrap(); $(window).scrollTop(t.scrollTop); t.stopScroll = true; t.wrap.removeClass('cbp-popup-ready cbp-popup-transitionend cbp-popup-singlePage-open cbp-popup-singlePage-sticky'); $('html').css({ overflow: '', marginRight: '', position: '' }); if (CubePortfolio.private.browser === 'ie8' || CubePortfolio.private.browser === 'ie9') { // remove resize event if (t.slider) { CubePortfolio.private.resize.destroyEvent($.data(t.slider[0], 'cubeportfolio')); } // reset content t.content.html(''); // hide the wrap t.wrap.detach(); } t.wrap.one(CubePortfolio.private.transitionend, function() { // remove resize event if (t.slider) { CubePortfolio.private.resize.destroyEvent($.data(t.slider[0], 'cubeportfolio')); } // reset content t.content.html(''); // hide the wrap t.wrap.detach(); }); } else { lightboxIsOpen = false; if (t.originalStyle) { $('html').attr('style', t.originalStyle); } else { $('html').css({ overflow: '', marginRight: '' }); } $(window).scrollTop(t.scrollTop); // remove resize event if (t.slider) { CubePortfolio.private.resize.destroyEvent($.data(t.slider[0], 'cubeportfolio')); } // reset content t.content.html(''); // hide the wrap t.wrap.detach(); } }, tooggleLoading: function(state) { var t = this; t.stopEvents = state; t.wrap[(state) ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('cbp-popup-loading'); }, resizeImage: function() { // if lightbox is not open go out if (!this.isOpen) { return; } var img = this.content.find('img'); var figure = img.parent(); var height = $(window).height() - (figure.outerHeight(true) - figure.height()) - this.content.find('.cbp-popup-lightbox-bottom').outerHeight(true); img.css('max-height', height + 'px'); }, preloadNearbyImages: function() { var t = this; var arr = [ t.getIndex(t.current + 1), t.getIndex(t.current + 2), t.getIndex(t.current + 3), t.getIndex(t.current - 1), t.getIndex(t.current - 2), t.getIndex(t.current - 3), ]; for (var i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (t.dataArray[arr[i]].type === 'isImage') { t.cubeportfolio.checkSrc(t.dataArray[arr[i]]); } } } }; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; // if lightboxShowCounter is false, put lightboxCounter to '' if (parent.options.lightboxShowCounter === false) { parent.options.lightboxCounter = ''; } // if singlePageShowCounter is false, put singlePageCounter to '' if (parent.options.singlePageShowCounter === false) { parent.options.singlePageCounter = ''; } // @todo - schedule this in future parent.registerEvent('initStartRead', function() { t.run(); }, true); } // little hack for keydown issue when lightbox & singlePage is open var lightboxIsOpen = false; var lightboxInit = false; var singlePageInit = false; Plugin.prototype.run = function() { var t = this, p = t.parent, body = $(document.body); // default value for lightbox p.lightbox = null; // LIGHTBOX if (p.options.lightboxDelegate && !lightboxInit) { // init only one time @todo lightboxInit = true; p.lightbox = Object.create(popup); p.lightbox.init(p, 'lightbox'); body.on('click.cbp', p.options.lightboxDelegate, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = $(this), gallery = self.attr('data-cbp-lightbox'), scope = t.detectScope(self), cbp = scope.data('cubeportfolio'), blocks = []; // is inside a cbp if (cbp) { cbp.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { var item = $(el); if (item.not('.cbp-item-off')) { item.find(p.options.lightboxDelegate).each(function(index2, el2) { if (gallery) { if ($(el2).attr('data-cbp-lightbox') === gallery) { blocks.push(el2); } } else { blocks.push(el2); } }); } }); } else { if (gallery) { blocks = scope.find(p.options.lightboxDelegate + '[data-cbp-lightbox=' + gallery + ']'); } else { blocks = scope.find(p.options.lightboxDelegate); } } p.lightbox.openLightbox(blocks, self[0]); }); } // default value for singlePage p.singlePage = null; // SINGLEPAGE if (p.options.singlePageDelegate && !singlePageInit) { // init only one time @todo singlePageInit = true; p.singlePage = Object.create(popup); p.singlePage.init(p, 'singlePage'); body.on('click.cbp', p.options.singlePageDelegate, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var self = $(this), gallery = self.attr('data-cbp-singlePage'), scope = t.detectScope(self), cbp = scope.data('cubeportfolio'), blocks = []; // is inside a cbp if (cbp) { cbp.blocksOn.each(function(index, el) { var item = $(el); if (item.not('.cbp-item-off')) { item.find(p.options.singlePageDelegate).each(function(index2, el2) { if (gallery) { if ($(el2).attr('data-cbp-singlePage') === gallery) { blocks.push(el2); } } else { blocks.push(el2); } }); } }); } else { if (gallery) { blocks = scope.find(p.options.singlePageDelegate + '[data-cbp-singlePage=' + gallery + ']'); } else { blocks = scope.find(p.options.singlePageDelegate); } } p.singlePage.openSinglePage(blocks, self[0]); }); } // default value for singlePageInline p.singlePageInline = null; // SINGLEPAGEINLINE if (p.options.singlePageInlineDelegate) { p.singlePageInline = Object.create(popup); p.singlePageInline.init(p, 'singlePageInline'); p.$obj.on('click.cbp', p.options.singlePageInlineDelegate, function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var oldDate = $.data(this, 'cbp-locked'), newDate = $.data(this, 'cbp-locked', +new Date()); if (!oldDate || ((newDate - oldDate) > 300)) { p.singlePageInline.openSinglePageInline(p.blocksOn, this); } }); } }; Plugin.prototype.detectScope = function(item) { var singlePageInline, singlePage, cbp; singlePageInline = item.closest('.cbp-popup-singlePageInline'); if (singlePageInline.length) { cbp = item.closest('.cbp', singlePageInline[0]); return (cbp.length) ? cbp : singlePageInline; } singlePage = item.closest('.cbp-popup-singlePage'); if (singlePage.length) { cbp = item.closest('.cbp', singlePage[0]); return (cbp.length) ? cbp : singlePage; } cbp = item.closest('.cbp'); return (cbp.length) ? cbp : $(document.body); }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var p = this.parent; $(document.body).off('click.cbp'); // @todo - remove these from here lightboxInit = false; singlePageInit = false; // destroy lightbox if enabled if (p.lightbox) { p.lightbox.destroy(); } // destroy singlePage if enabled if (p.singlePage) { p.singlePage.destroy(); } // destroy singlePage inline if enabled if (p.singlePageInline) { p.singlePageInline.destroy(); } }; CubePortfolio.plugins.popUp = function(parent) { return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; t.searchInput = $(parent.options.search); t.searchInput.each(function(index, el) { var selector = el.getAttribute('data-search'); if (!selector) { selector = '*'; } $.data(el, 'searchData', { value: el.value, el: selector }); }); var timeout = null; t.searchInput.on('keyup.cbp paste.cbp', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var el = $(this); clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(function() { t.runEvent.call(t, el); }, 350); }); t.searchNothing = t.searchInput.siblings('.cbp-search-nothing').detach(); t.searchNothingHeight = null; t.searchNothingHTML = t.searchNothing.html(); t.searchInput.siblings('.cbp-search-icon').on('click.cbp', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); t.runEvent.call(t, $(this).prev().val('')); }); } Plugin.prototype.runEvent = function(el) { var t = this, value = el.val(), searchData = el.data('searchData'), reg = new RegExp(value, 'i'); if (searchData.value === value || t.parent.isAnimating) { return; } searchData.value = value; if (value.length > 0) { el.attr('value', value); } else { el.removeAttr('value'); } t.parent.$obj.cubeportfolio('filter', function(blocks) { var blocksNew = blocks.filter(function(index, block) { var text = $(block).find(searchData.el).text(); if (text.search(reg) > -1) { return true; } }); if (blocksNew.length === 0 && t.searchNothing.length) { var innerText = t.searchNothingHTML.replace('{{query}}', value); t.searchNothing.html(innerText); t.searchNothing.appendTo(t.parent.$obj); if (t.searchNothingHeight === null) { t.searchNothingHeight = t.searchNothing.outerHeight(true); } t.parent.registerEvent('resizeMainContainer', function() { t.parent.height = t.parent.height + t.searchNothingHeight; t.parent.obj.style.height = t.parent.height + 'px'; }, true); } else { t.searchNothing.detach(); } // reset filters active class after the search is used t.parent.triggerEvent('resetFiltersVisual'); return blocksNew; }, function() { el.trigger('keyup.cbp'); }); }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var t = this; t.searchInput.off('.cbp'); t.searchInput.next('.cbp-search-icon').off('.cbp'); t.searchInput.each(function(index, el) { $.removeData(el); }); }; CubePortfolio.plugins.search = function(parent) { if (parent.options.search === '') { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document); (function($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; var options = { /** * Pagination custom selector * Values: strings that represent the elements in the document (DOM selector). */ pagination: '', paginationClass: 'cbp-pagination-active', }; var CubePortfolio = $.fn.cubeportfolio.constructor; function Plugin(parent) { var t = this; t.parent = parent; t.options = $.extend({}, options, t.parent.options.plugins.slider); var customPagination = $(t.options.pagination); if (customPagination.length > 0) { t.parent.customPagination = customPagination; t.parent.customPaginationItems = customPagination.children(); t.parent.customPaginationClass = t.options.paginationClass; t.parent.customPaginationItems.on('click.cbp', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); if (t.parent.sliderStopEvents) { return; } t.parent.jumpToSlider($(this)); }); } t.parent.registerEvent('gridAdjust', function() { t.sliderMarkup.call(t.parent); t.parent.registerEvent('gridAdjust', function() { t.updateSlider.call(t.parent); }); }, true); } /** * Create mark-up for slider layout */ Plugin.prototype.sliderMarkup = function() { var t = this; t.sliderStopEvents = false; t.sliderActive = 0; t.$obj.one('initComplete.cbp', function() { t.$obj.addClass('cbp-mode-slider'); }); t.nav = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-nav' }); t.nav.on('click.cbp', '[data-slider-action]', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); if (t.sliderStopEvents) { return; } var el = $(this), action = el.attr('data-slider-action'); if (t[action + 'Slider']) { t[action + 'Slider'](el); } }); if (t.options.showNavigation) { t.controls = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-nav-controls' }); t.navPrev = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-nav-prev', 'data-slider-action': 'prev' }).appendTo(t.controls); t.navNext = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-nav-next', 'data-slider-action': 'next' }).appendTo(t.controls); t.controls.appendTo(t.nav); } if (t.options.showPagination) { t.navPagination = $('
', { 'class': 'cbp-nav-pagination' }).appendTo(t.nav); } if (t.controls || t.navPagination) { t.nav.appendTo(t.$obj); } t.updateSliderPagination(); if (t.options.auto) { if (t.options.autoPauseOnHover) { t.mouseIsEntered = false; t.$obj.on('mouseenter.cbp', function(e) { t.mouseIsEntered = true; t.stopSliderAuto(); }).on('mouseleave.cbp', function(e) { t.mouseIsEntered = false; t.startSliderAuto(); }); } t.startSliderAuto(); } if (t.options.drag && CubePortfolio.private.modernBrowser) { t.dragSlider(); } }; Plugin.prototype.updateSlider = function() { var t = this; t.updateSliderPosition(); t.updateSliderPagination(); }; Plugin.prototype.destroy = function() { var t = this; if (t.parent.customPaginationItems) { t.parent.customPaginationItems.off('.cbp'); } if (t.parent.controls || t.parent.navPagination) { t.parent.nav.off('.cbp'); t.parent.nav.remove(); } }; CubePortfolio.plugins.slider = function(parent) { if (parent.options.layoutMode !== 'slider') { return null; } return new Plugin(parent); }; })(jQuery, window, document);