Feature: Create and manage jobs
In order to reduce cost of getting a new project up onto Jenkins
As a project developer
I want to add a new project to Jenkins as a job
Given I have a Jenkins server running
And the Jenkins server has no current jobs
Scenario: Setup jenkins job for git scm (jenkins create)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see exactly
Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins.
Triggering initial build...
Trigger additional builds via:
URL: http://localhost:3010/job/ruby/build
CLI: jenkins build ruby
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "list --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "ruby"
Scenario: Create job via $JENKINS_HOST and $JENKINS_PORT (jenkins create)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
And env variable $JENKINS_HOST set to "localhost"
And env variable $JENKINS_PORT set to "3010"
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create ."
Then I should see "http://localhost:3010/job/ruby/build"
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "list"
Then I should see "ruby"
Scenario: Don't trigger initial job build (jenkins create --no-build)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --no-build --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see exactly
Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins.
Trigger builds via:
URL: http://localhost:3010/job/ruby/build
CLI: jenkins build ruby
Scenario: Setup jenkins job with explicit scm url/branches (jenkins create --scm URI --scm-branches='master,other')
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --scm git://localhost/myapp.git --scm-branches 'master,other' --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins."
And the job "ruby" config "scm" should be:
Scenario: Setup jenkins job with multiple rubies (jenkins create --rubies '1.8.7,rbx-head,jruby')
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --rubies '1.8.7,rbx-head,jruby' --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins."
And the job "ruby" config "axes" should be:
Scenario: Setup jenkins job with multiple rubies and multiple nodes (jenkins create --rubies.. --node_labels..)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --rubies '1.8.7,rbx-head,jruby' --node-labels '1.8.7,ubuntu' --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins."
And the job "ruby" config "axes" should be:
Scenario: Setup jenkins job for a specific node label (jenkins create --assigned_node)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --assigned_node my_node --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins."
Scenario: Select 'rails3' project type (jenkins create --template rails3)
Given I am in the "rails-3" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --template rails3 --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Added rails3 project 'rails-3' to Jenkins."
Scenario: Select 'erlang' project type (jenkins create --template erlang)
Given I am in the "erlang" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --template erlang --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Added erlang project 'erlang' to Jenkins."
Scenario: Create job without default steps (jenkins create --no-template)
Given I am in the "non-bundler" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --no-template --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Added project 'non-bundler' to Jenkins."
And the job "non-bundler" config "builders" should be:
echo "THERE ARE NO STEPS! Except this one..."
Scenario: Reject projects that don't use bundler (jenkins create)
Given I am in the "non-bundler" project folder
And the project uses "git" scm
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Ruby/Rails projects without a Gemfile are currently unsupported."
Scenario: Attempt to create project without scm (jenkins create)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "create . --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "Cannot determine project SCM. Currently supported:"
Scenario: Recreate a job (jenkins create --override)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
When I create a job
Then I should see "Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins."
When I recreate a job
Then I should see "Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins."
Scenario: Trigger a job build (jenkins build)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
When I create a job
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "build"
Then I should see "Build for 'ruby' running now..."
Scenario: Trigger a job build on invaild project (jenkins build)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "build . --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "ERROR: No job 'ruby' on server."
Scenario: Remove a job (jenkins remove)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
When I create a job
Then I should see "Added ruby project 'ruby' to Jenkins."
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "remove ."
Then I should see "Removed project 'ruby' from Jenkins."
Scenario: Remove a job that doesn't exist gives error (jenkins remove)
Given I am in the "ruby" project folder
When I run local executable "jenkins" with arguments "remove . --host localhost --port 3010"
Then I should see "ERROR: Failed to delete project 'ruby'."