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Result: "+ data['message']['result'] + "

"; // Called when there's incoming data on the websocket for this channel } }); ``` 7. Create placeholder somewhere in your view for messages. ```html

Solana subscription messages

``` 8. Create a script with a block to run websockets (`script/websockets_solana.rb`). ```ruby require_relative '../config/environment' ws_method_wrapper = SolanaRpcRuby::WebsocketsMethodsWrapper.new # Example of block that can be passed to the method to manipulate the data. block = Proc.new do |message| json = JSON.parse(message) ActionCable.server.broadcast( "wall_channel", { message: json['params'] } ) end ws_method_wrapper.root_subscribe(&block) ``` 9. Run `rails s`, open webpage where you put your placeholder. 10. Open `http://localhost:3000/address_with_websockets_view`. 11. Run `rails r script/websockets_solana.rb` in another terminal window. 12. You should see incoming websocket messages on your webpage. ### Demo scripts Gem is coming with demo scripts that you can run and test API and Websockets. 1. Clone the repo 2. Set the gemset 3. Run `ruby demo.rb` or `ruby demo_ws_METHOD.rb` to see example output. 4. Check the gem or Solana JSON RPC API docs to get more information about method usage and modify demo scripts loosely. All info about methods you can find in the docs on: https://www.rubydoc.info/github/Block-Logic/solana-rpc-ruby/main/SolanaRpcRuby Also, as a reference you can use docs from solana: https://docs.solana.com/developing/clients/jsonrpc-api ## License Copyright (c) [Block Logic Team]. License type is [MIT](https://github.com/Block-Logic/solana-rpc-ruby/blob/main/LICENSE).