en: recaptcha: errors: incorrect-captcha-sol: 'Oh! Its error with reCAPTCHA!' plugin: contact_form: actions: 'Actions' add_form: 'Add Form' add_field: 'Add Field' add_new_field: 'Add New Field' add_option: 'Add Option' body: 'Body' body_value: 'This e-mail was send from contact form.' button: back: 'Back' submit: 'Submit' captcha: 'Captcha' created_at: 'Created_at' custom_class: 'Custom Class' copy_shortcode_post: 'Copy shortcode to post:' count: 'Count' contact_form: 'Contact Form' default: 'Default' description: 'Description' delete: 'Delete' duplicate_field: 'Duplicate Field' edit: 'Edit' edit_field: 'Edit Field' error_captcha: 'Oh! Its error with CAPTCHA!' form_settings_email: 'Form Settings Email' form_settings_messages: 'Form Settings Messages' include_lank: 'Include blank' include_other: 'Include other' message: save: 'The contact form has been created.' delete: 'The contact form has been deleted.' msg_data_found_list: 'No data found in the list' msg_delete: 'Are you sure?' lbl_message_has_been_success: 'Your message has been sent successfully.' msg_message_has_been_sent_success_tank_you: 'Your message has been sent successfully. Thank you very much.' lbl_failed_sending_message: 'Failed sending the message.' msg_failed_sending_message_please_contact_admin: 'Failed sending the message. Please try again later or contact administrator by other means.' lbl_there_was_validation_error: 'There was a validation error.' msg_there_was_validation_error_please_confirm_submit_form: 'There was a validation error. Please confirm the fields and submit the form again.' lbl_shipment_considered_spam: 'Shipment is considered spam.' msg_falied_sending_message_please_contact_admin: 'Failed sending the message. Please try again later or contact administrator by other means.' lbl_you_must_accept_all_terms: 'You must accept all terms.' msg_please_accept_terms_conditions_contiue: 'Please accept the terms and conditions to continue.' lbl_you_must_complete_all_fields: 'You must complete all fields.' msg_please_fill_the_required_field: 'Please fill in the required field.' lbl_there_field_user_input_longer_maximum_allowed_length: 'There is a field that the user input is longer than the maximum allowed length.' mgs_this_input_too_long: 'This input is too long.' lbl_there_field_user_input_shorter_minimum_allowed_length: 'There is a field that the user input is shorter than the minimum allowed length.' mgs_this_input_too_short: 'This input is too short.' lbl_the_code_entered_did_not_match_the_captcha: 'The code you entered did not match the CAPTCHA.' msg_the_entered_code_incorrect: 'The entered code is incorrect.' lbl_the_entered_number_format_invalid: 'The entered number format is invalid.' msg_the_numeric_format_seems_invalid: 'The numeric format seems invalid.' lbl_the_number_entered_less_allowable_limit: 'The number entered is less than the allowable limit.' msg_number_too_samll: 'Number too small.' lbl_the_number_entered_greater_than_allowable_limit: 'The number entered is greater than the allowable limit.' msg_number_too_large: 'Number too large.' lbl_the_email_is_invalid: 'The e-mail entered is invalid.' msg_the_email_address_appears_invalid: 'The e-mail address appears invalid.' lbl_url_invalid: 'The URL entered is invalid.' msg_url_appearse_invalid: 'The URL appears invalid.' lbl_phone_invalid: 'The phone number entered is invalid.' msg_phone_appearse_invalid: 'The phone number appears invalid.' lbl_have_not_correct_answer: 'Have not entered the correct answer to the riddle.' msg_answer_not_correct: 'The answer is not correct.' lbl_date_format_invalid: 'The date format entered is invalid.' msg_date_appears_invalid: 'The date format appears invalid.' lbl_date_is_earlier_allowable_limit: 'The entered date is earlier than the allowable limit.' msg_date_early: 'Date too early.' lbl_date_later_than_allowable_limit: 'The entered date is later than the allowable limit.' msg_date_too_late: 'Date too late.' lbl_file_upload_failed_some_reason: 'The file upload failed for some reason.' msg_failed_upload_file: 'Failed to upload the file.' lbl_upload_file_not_valid_format: 'The uploaded file is not in a valid format.' msg_invalid_file_format: 'Invalid file format.' lbl_uploaded_file_too_large: 'The uploaded file is too large' msg_file_too_large: 'This file is too large.' lbl_file_upload_failed_rails_error: 'The file upload failed for Rails error.' msg_failed_upload_file_was_error: 'Failed to upload the file. There was an error.' msg_add_longer_description_field: 'Add a longer description to this field' label: 'Label' label_required: 'Required Label' placeholder_required: 'Required Placeholder' list: 'List' list_responses: 'List Responses' name: 'Name' name_button: 'Name Button' options: 'Options' remove_field: 'Remove Field' remove_option: 'Remove Option' required: 'Required' slug: 'Slug' shortcode: 'Shortcode' subject: 'Subject' title_plugin: 'Contact Form' title_panel: form_details: 'Form Details' to: 'To' untitled: 'Untitled' upload_file: 'Upload File' es: recaptcha: errors: incorrect-captcha-sol: 'Oh! Es error con el CAPTCHA!' plugin: contact_form: actions: 'Acciones' add_form: 'Añadir Formulario' add_field: 'Añadir Campo' add_new_field: 'Añadir Nuevo Campo' add_option: 'Añadir Opcion' body: 'Cuerpo' body_value: 'Esta dirección de correo electrónico enviado a través del formulario de contacto de Sitio.' button: back: 'Atras' submit: 'Enviar' captcha: 'Captcha' created_at: 'Fecha de Creación' custom_class: 'Clase Personalizada' copy_shortcode_post: 'Copiar código corto a articulo:' count: 'Cantidad' contact_form: 'Formulario de Contacto ' default: 'defecto' description: 'Descripción' delete: 'Eliminar' duplicate_field: 'Duplicar Campo' edit: 'Editar' edit_field: 'Editar Campo' error_captcha: 'Oh! Es error con el CAPTCHA!' form_settings_email: 'Ajustes Email del Formulario' form_settings_messages: 'Ajustes Mensajes del Formulario ' include_lank: 'Incluir blanco' include_other: 'Incluir otro' message: save: 'El formulario de contacto ha sido creado.' delete: 'El formulario de contacto ha sido eliminado.' msg_data_found_list: 'No se encuentran en la lista de datos' msg_delete: 'Esta seguro?' lbl_message_has_been_success: 'Tu mensaje se ha sido enviado exitosamente.' msg_message_has_been_sent_success_tank_you: 'Tu mensaje se ha sido enviado exitosamente. Muchas gracias.' lbl_failed_sending_message: 'No se pudo enviar el mensaje.' msg_failed_sending_message_please_contact_admin: 'No se pudo enviar el mensaje. Inténtelo más tarde o póngase en contacto con el administrador por otros medios.' lbl_there_was_validation_error: 'Hubo un error de validación.' msg_there_was_validation_error_please_confirm_submit_form: 'Hubo un error de validación. Por favor, confirme los campos y enviar el formulario de nuevo.' lbl_shipment_considered_spam: 'El envío se considera spam.' msg_falied_sending_message_please_contact_admin: 'No se pudo enviar el mensaje. Inténtelo más tarde o póngase en contacto con el administrador por otros medios.' lbl_you_must_accept_all_terms: 'Debes aceptar todos los términos.' msg_please_accept_terms_conditions_contiue: 'Por favor, acepte los términos y condiciones para continuar.' lbl_you_must_complete_all_fields: 'Debes completar todos los campos.' msg_please_fill_the_required_field: 'Por favor complete el campo requerido.' lbl_there_field_user_input_longer_maximum_allowed_length: 'Hay un campo que la entrada del usuario es más largo que la longitud máxima permitida.' mgs_this_input_too_long: 'Esta entrada es demasiado larga.' lbl_there_field_user_input_shorter_minimum_allowed_length: 'Hay un campo que la entrada del usuario es más corto que el mínimo permitido longitud.' mgs_this_input_too_short: 'Esta entrada es demasiado corto.' lbl_the_code_entered_did_not_match_the_captcha: 'El código que ha introducido no coincide con el CAPTCHA.' msg_the_entered_code_incorrect: 'El código introducido es incorrecto.' lbl_the_entered_number_format_invalid: 'El formato del número introducido no es válido.' msg_the_numeric_format_seems_invalid: 'El formato numérico parece válido.' lbl_the_number_entered_less_allowable_limit: 'El número introducido es menor que el límite permitido.' msg_number_too_samll: 'Número demasiado pequeño.' lbl_the_number_entered_greater_than_allowable_limit: 'El número introducido es mayor que el límite permitido.' msg_number_too_large: 'Número demasiado grande.' lbl_the_email_is_invalid: 'El e-mail introducido no es válido.' msg_the_email_address_appears_invalid: 'La dirección de correo electrónico no es válido.' lbl_url_invalid: 'La URL introducida no es válida.' msg_url_appearse_invalid: 'La URL no es válido.' lbl_phone_invalid: 'El número de teléfono introducido no es válido.' msg_phone_appearse_invalid: 'El número de teléfono no es válido.' lbl_have_not_correct_answer: 'No han entrado en la respuesta correcta al enigma.' msg_answer_not_correct: 'La respuesta no es correcta.' lbl_date_format_invalid: 'El formato de la fecha introducida no es válida.' msg_date_appears_invalid: 'El formato de fecha no es válido.' lbl_date_is_earlier_allowable_limit: 'La fecha introducida es anterior al límite permitido.' msg_date_early: 'Fecha demasiado pronto.' lbl_date_later_than_allowable_limit: 'La fecha introducida es posterior al límite permitido.' msg_date_too_late: 'Fecha demasiado tarde.' lbl_file_upload_failed_some_reason: 'La carga de archivos falló por alguna razón.' msg_failed_upload_file: 'Error al cargar el archivo.' lbl_upload_file_not_valid_format: 'El archivo subido no es un formato válido.' msg_invalid_file_format: 'Formato de archivo no válido.' lbl_uploaded_file_too_large: 'El archivo subido es demasiado grande.' msg_file_too_large: 'Este archivo es demasiado grande.' lbl_file_upload_failed_rails_error: 'La carga de archivos ha fallado por error Rails.' msg_failed_upload_file_was_error: 'Error al cargar el archivo. Hubo un error.' msg_add_longer_description_field: 'Agregar una descripcion en este campo' label: 'Etiqueta' label_required: 'Etiqueta Requerida' placeholder_required: 'Placeholder Requerido' list: 'Lista' list_responses: 'Lista de Respuestas' name: 'Nombre' name_button: 'Nombre de Boton' options: 'Opciones' remove_field: 'Remover Campo' remove_option: 'Remover Opcion' required: 'Requerido' slug: 'Código' shortcode: 'Código Corto' subject: 'Asunto' title_plugin: 'Formulario de Contacto' title_panel: form_details: 'Detalle Formulario' to: 'Para' untitled: 'Sin Título' upload_file: 'Subir Archivo' nl: recaptcha: errors: incorrect-captcha-sol: 'Oh! Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan met reCAPTCHA!' plugin: contact_form: actions: 'Acties' add_form: 'Formulier aanmaken' add_field: 'Veld toevoegen' add_new_field: 'Veld toevoegen' add_option: 'Optie toevoegen' body: 'Body' body_value: 'Deze mail is verstuurd door het contactformulier.' button: back: 'Terug' submit: 'Verstuur' captcha: 'Captcha' created_at: 'Aangemaakt op' custom_class: 'Aangepaste CSS class' copy_shortcode_post: 'kopieer shortcode naar post:' count: 'Tel' contact_form: 'Contactformulieren' default: 'Standaard' description: 'Omschrijving' delete: 'Verwijder' duplicate_field: 'Dubbel Veld' edit: 'Bewerk' edit_field: 'Veld bewerken' error_captcha: 'Oh! Er heeft zich een fout voorgedaan met CAPTCHA!' form_settings_email: 'Formulier e-mail instellingen' form_settings_messages: 'Formulier berichtgeving instellingen' include_lank: 'Lege toevoegen' include_other: 'Andere toevoegen' message: save: 'Het contactformulier is gemaakt.' delete: 'Het contactformulier is verwijderd.' msg_data_found_list: 'Geen Contactformulieren gevonden.' msg_delete: 'Weet je het zeker?' lbl_message_has_been_success: 'Uw bericht is verzonden.' msg_message_has_been_sent_success_tank_you: 'Uw bericht is verzonden. Veel dank.' lbl_failed_sending_message: 'Het is niet gelkukt om het bericht te versturen ' msg_failed_sending_message_please_contact_admin: 'Bericht is niet verstuurd. Probeer het later opnieuw of neem contact met de beheerder op een andere manier.' lbl_there_was_validation_error: 'There was a validation error.' msg_there_was_validation_error_please_confirm_submit_form: 'Er was een validatie fout. Kunt u bevestigen dat de velden goed zijn ingevuld? en verzend het formulier opnieuw.' lbl_shipment_considered_spam: 'Zending wordt beschouwd als spam.' msg_falied_sending_message_please_contact_admin: 'Bericht versturen mislukt. Probeer het later opnieuw of neem contact met de beheerder op een andere manier.' lbl_you_must_accept_all_terms: 'U dient alle voorwaarden te accepteren.' msg_please_accept_terms_conditions_contiue: 'Accepteer de voorwaarden om door te gaan.' lbl_you_must_complete_all_fields: 'U moet alle velden invullen.' msg_please_fill_the_required_field: 'Vul alsjeblieft het verplichte veld in' lbl_there_field_user_input_longer_maximum_allowed_length: 'Er is een veld dat de gebruikersinvoer is langer dan de maximaal toegestane lengte.' mgs_this_input_too_long: 'De invoer is te lang.' lbl_there_field_user_input_shorter_minimum_allowed_length: 'Er is een veld dat de gebruikersinvoer korter is dan de minimaal toegestane lengte.' mgs_this_input_too_short: 'De invoer is te kort.' lbl_the_code_entered_did_not_match_the_captcha: 'De code matcht niet met de CAPTCHA.' msg_the_entered_code_incorrect: 'De ingevoerde code is onjuist.' lbl_the_entered_number_format_invalid: 'Het ingevoerde nummer formaat is ongeldig.' msg_the_numeric_format_seems_invalid: 'De numerieke indeling lijkt ongeldig.' lbl_the_number_entered_less_allowable_limit: 'Het ingevoerde nummer is minder dan de toegestane limiet.' msg_number_too_samll: 'Nummer te klein.' lbl_the_number_entered_greater_than_allowable_limit: 'Het ingevoerde nummer is groter dan de toegestane limiet.' msg_number_too_large: 'Nummer te groot' lbl_the_email_is_invalid: 'Het ingevoerde e-mailadres is ongeldig.' msg_the_email_address_appears_invalid: 'Het e-mailadres is ongeldig.' lbl_url_invalid: 'De ingevoerde URL is ongeldig.' msg_url_appearse_invalid: 'De URL is ongeldig.' lbl_phone_invalid: 'Het telefoonnummer is ongeldig.' msg_phone_appearse_invalid: 'Het telefoonnummer is ongeldig.' lbl_have_not_correct_answer: 'U heeft het juiste antwoord op het raadsel niet ingevoerd.' msg_answer_not_correct: 'Het antwoord is niet correct.' lbl_date_format_invalid: 'De opgegeven datumnotatie is ongeldig.' msg_date_appears_invalid: 'De datumnotatie is ongeldig.' lbl_date_is_earlier_allowable_limit: 'De ingevoerde datum is eerder dan de toegestane limiet.' msg_date_early: 'Datom is te vroeg.' lbl_date_later_than_allowable_limit: 'De ingevoerde datum is late dan de toegestane limiet.' msg_date_too_late: 'Datum is te laat.' lbl_file_upload_failed_some_reason: 'De bestandsupload is mislukt om een onbekende reden.' msg_failed_upload_file: 'Bestandsupload mislukt' lbl_upload_file_not_valid_format: 'Het geüploade bestand is niet in een geldig formaat.' msg_invalid_file_format: 'Onjuist bestandsformaat' lbl_uploaded_file_too_large: 'Het geuploade bestand is te groot' msg_file_too_large: 'Bestand is te groot.' lbl_file_upload_failed_rails_error: 'De besandsupload is mistlukt door een Rails fout.' msg_failed_upload_file_was_error: 'FDe besandsupload is mistlukt er wast een fout.' msg_add_longer_description_field: 'Voeg een langere beschrijving voor dit veld.' label: 'Label' label_required: 'Verplicht label' placeholder_required: 'Verplichte placeholder' list: 'Overzicht' list_responses: 'Overzicht reacties' name: 'Naam' name_button: 'Knop naam' options: 'Opties' remove_field: 'Verwijder veld' remove_option: 'Verwijder optie' required: 'Verplicht' slug: 'Slug' shortcode: 'Shortcode' subject: 'Onderwerp' title_plugin: 'Contactformulier' title_panel: form_details: 'Formulier Details' to: 'Naar' untitled: 'Naamloos' upload_file: 'Bestand uploaden'