# -- encoding : utf-8 -- set :views, File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/views') include Killbill::Plugin::ActiveMerchant::Sinatra configure do # Usage: rackup -Ilib -E test if development? or test? # Make sure the plugin is initialized plugin = ::Killbill::Stripe::PaymentPlugin.new plugin.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) plugin.logger.level = Logger::INFO plugin.conf_dir = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/..' plugin.start_plugin end end helpers do def plugin(session = {}) ::Killbill::Stripe::PrivatePaymentPlugin.new(session) end end # get '/plugins/killbill-stripe' do kb_account_id = request.GET['kb_account_id'] required_parameter! :kb_account_id, kb_account_id if development? or test? # Just look at the global configuration kb_tenant_id = nil else kb_tenant_id = request.GET['kb_tenant_id'] kb_tenant = request.env['killbill_tenant'] kb_tenant_id ||= kb_tenant.id.to_s unless kb_tenant.nil? end stripe_config = (config(kb_tenant_id) || {})[:stripe] required_parameter! 'killbill-stripe', stripe_config, "is not configured for kb_tenant_id=#{kb_tenant_id}" # URL to Stripe.js stripejs_url = stripe_config[:stripejs_url] || 'https://js.stripe.com/v2/' required_parameter! :stripejs_url, stripejs_url, 'is not configured' # Public API key publishable_key = stripe_config[:api_publishable_key] required_parameter! :publishable_key, publishable_key, 'is not configured' # Skip redirect? Useful for testing the flow with Kill Bill no_redirect = request.GET['no_redirect'] == '1' locals = { :stripejs_url => stripejs_url, :publishable_key => publishable_key, :kb_account_id => kb_account_id, :kb_tenant_id => kb_tenant_id, :no_redirect => no_redirect } erb :stripejs, :locals => locals end # This is mainly for testing. Your application should redirect from the Stripe.js checkout above # to a custom endpoint where you call the Kill Bill add payment method JAX-RS API. post '/plugins/killbill-stripe', :provides => 'json' do return params.to_json if development? or test? kb_payment_method_id = plugin(session).add_payment_method(params) response = params.dup response['kb_payment_method_id'] = kb_payment_method_id response.to_json end # Create managed account post '/plugins/killbill-stripe/accounts', :provides => 'json' do kb_account_id = params.delete('kb_account_id') required_parameter! :kb_account_id, kb_account_id kb_tenant_id = params.delete('kb_tenant_id') kb_tenant = request.env['killbill_tenant'] kb_tenant_id ||= kb_tenant.id.to_s unless kb_tenant.nil? plugin(session).create_managed_account(kb_account_id, kb_tenant_id, params).params.to_json end # curl -v get '/plugins/killbill-stripe/1.0/pms/:id', :provides => 'json' do if pm = ::Killbill::Stripe::StripePaymentMethod.find_by_id(params[:id].to_i) pm.to_json else status 404 end end # curl -v get '/plugins/killbill-stripe/1.0/transactions/:id', :provides => 'json' do if transaction = ::Killbill::Stripe::StripeTransaction.find_by_id(params[:id].to_i) transaction.to_json else status 404 end end # curl -v get '/plugins/killbill-stripe/1.0/responses/:id', :provides => 'json' do if transaction = ::Killbill::Stripe::StripeResponse.find_by_id(params[:id].to_i) transaction.to_json else status 404 end end