require 'active_support/concern' module PaperTrail module VersionConcern extend ::ActiveSupport::Concern included do belongs_to :item, :polymorphic => true has_many :version_associations, :dependent => :destroy validates_presence_of :event attr_accessible :item_type, :item_id, :event, :whodunnit, :object, :object_changes, :transaction_id, :created_at if PaperTrail.active_record_protected_attributes? after_create :enforce_version_limit! scope :within_transaction, lambda { |id| where :transaction_id => id } end module ClassMethods def with_item_keys(item_type, item_id) where :item_type => item_type, :item_id => item_id end def creates where :event => 'create' end def updates where :event => 'update' end def destroys where :event => 'destroy' end def not_creates where 'event <> ?', 'create' end # Expects `obj` to be an instance of `PaperTrail::Version` by default, but can accept a timestamp if # `timestamp_arg` receives `true` def subsequent(obj, timestamp_arg = false) if timestamp_arg != true && self.primary_key_is_int? return where(arel_table[primary_key].gt([primary_key].asc) end obj = obj.send(PaperTrail.timestamp_field) if obj.is_a?(self) where(arel_table[PaperTrail.timestamp_field].gt(obj)).order(self.timestamp_sort_order) end def preceding(obj, timestamp_arg = false) if timestamp_arg != true && self.primary_key_is_int? return where(arel_table[primary_key].lt([primary_key].desc) end obj = obj.send(PaperTrail.timestamp_field) if obj.is_a?(self) where(arel_table[PaperTrail.timestamp_field].lt(obj)).order(self.timestamp_sort_order('desc')) end def between(start_time, end_time) where( arel_table[PaperTrail.timestamp_field].gt(start_time). and(arel_table[PaperTrail.timestamp_field].lt(end_time)) ).order(self.timestamp_sort_order) end # defaults to using the primary key as the secondary sort order if possible def timestamp_sort_order(direction = 'asc') [arel_table[PaperTrail.timestamp_field].send(direction.downcase)].tap do |array| array << arel_table[primary_key].send(direction.downcase) if self.primary_key_is_int? end end # Performs an attribute search on the serialized object by invoking the # identically-named method in the serializer being used. def where_object(args = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'expected to receive a Hash' unless args.is_a?(Hash) arel_field = arel_table[:object] where_conditions = do |field, value| PaperTrail.serializer.where_object_condition(arel_field, field, value) end.reduce do |condition1, condition2| condition1.and(condition2) end where(where_conditions) end def where_object_changes(args = {}) raise ArgumentError, 'expected to receive a Hash' unless args.is_a?(Hash) arel_field = arel_table[:object_changes] where_conditions = do |field, value| PaperTrail.serializer.where_object_changes_condition(arel_field, field, value) end.reduce do |condition1, condition2| condition1.and(condition2) end where(where_conditions) end def primary_key_is_int? @primary_key_is_int ||= columns_hash[primary_key].type == :integer rescue true end # Returns whether the `object` column is using the `json` type supported by PostgreSQL def object_col_is_json? @object_col_is_json ||= columns_hash['object'].type == :json end # Returns whether the `object_changes` column is using the `json` type supported by PostgreSQL def object_changes_col_is_json? @object_changes_col_is_json ||= columns_hash['object_changes'].try(:type) == :json end end # Restore the item from this version. # # Optionally this can also restore all :has_one and :has_many (including has_many :through) associations as # they were "at the time", if they are also being versioned by PaperTrail. # # Options: # :has_one set to `true` to also reify has_one associations. Default is `false`. # :has_many set to `true` to also reify has_many and has_many :through associations. # Default is `false`. # :mark_for_destruction set to `true` to mark the has_one/has_many associations that did not exist in the # reified version for destruction, instead of remove them. Default is `false`. # This option is handy for people who want to persist the reified version. # :dup `false` default behavior # `true` it always create a new object instance. It is useful for comparing two versions of the same object def reify(options = {}) return nil if object.nil? without_identity_map do options.reverse_merge!( :version_at => created_at, :mark_for_destruction => false, :has_one => false, :has_many => false ) attrs = self.class.object_col_is_json? ? object : PaperTrail.serializer.load(object) # Normally a polymorphic belongs_to relationship allows us # to get the object we belong to by calling, in this case, # `item`. However this returns nil if `item` has been # destroyed, and we need to be able to retrieve destroyed # objects. # # In this situation we constantize the `item_type` to get hold of # the class...except when the stored object's attributes # include a `type` key. If this is the case, the object # we belong to is using single table inheritance and the # `item_type` will be the base class, not the actual subclass. # If `type` is present but empty, the class is the base class. if item && options[:dup] != true model = item # Look for attributes that exist in the model and not in this version. These attributes should be set to nil. (model.attribute_names - attrs.keys).each { |k| attrs[k] = nil } else inheritance_column_name = item_type.constantize.inheritance_column class_name = attrs[inheritance_column_name].blank? ? item_type : attrs[inheritance_column_name] klass = class_name.constantize model = end if PaperTrail.serialized_attributes? model.class.unserialize_attributes_for_paper_trail attrs end # Set all the attributes in this version on the model attrs.each do |k, v| if model.has_attribute?(k) model[k.to_sym] = v else logger.warn "Attribute #{k} does not exist on #{item_type} (Version id: #{id})." end end model.send "#{model.class.version_association_name}=", self unless options[:has_one] == false reify_has_ones model, options end unless options[:has_many] == false reify_has_manys model, options end model end end # Returns what changed in this version of the item. `ActiveModel::Dirty#changes`. # returns `nil` if your `versions` table does not have an `object_changes` text column. def changeset return nil unless self.class.column_names.include? 'object_changes' _changes = self.class.object_changes_col_is_json? ? object_changes : PaperTrail.serializer.load(object_changes) @changeset ||= do |changes| if PaperTrail.serialized_attributes? item_type.constantize.unserialize_attribute_changes(changes) end end rescue {} end # Returns who put the item into the state stored in this version. def originator @originator ||= previous.whodunnit rescue nil end # Returns who changed the item from the state it had in this version. # This is an alias for `whodunnit`. def terminator @terminator ||= whodunnit end alias_method :version_author, :terminator def sibling_versions(reload = false) @sibling_versions = nil if reload == true @sibling_versions ||= self.class.with_item_keys(item_type, item_id) end def next @next ||= sibling_versions.subsequent(self).first end def previous @previous ||= sibling_versions.preceding(self).first end def index table = self.class.arel_table unless @index @index ||= if self.class.primary_key_is_int?[self.class.primary_key]).order(table[self.class.primary_key].asc).index(self) else[table[PaperTrail.timestamp_field], table[self.class.primary_key]]). order(self.class.timestamp_sort_order).index(self) end end private # In Rails 3.1+, calling reify on a previous version confuses the # IdentityMap, if enabled. This prevents insertion into the map. def without_identity_map(&block) if defined?(::ActiveRecord::IdentityMap) && ::ActiveRecord::IdentityMap.respond_to?(:without) ::ActiveRecord::IdentityMap.without(&block) else end end # Restore the `model`'s has_one associations as they were when this version was # superseded by the next (because that's what the user was looking at when they # made the change). def reify_has_ones(model, options = {}) version_table_name = model.class.paper_trail_version_class.table_name model.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_one).each do |assoc| if assoc.klass.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? version = model.class.paper_trail_version_class.joins(:version_associations). where("version_associations.foreign_key_name = ?", assoc.foreign_key). where("version_associations.foreign_key_id = ?", where("#{version_table_name}.item_type = ?", assoc.class_name). where("created_at >= ? OR transaction_id = ?", options[:version_at], transaction_id). order("#{version_table_name}.id ASC").first if version if version.event == 'create' if options[:mark_for_destruction] model.send( if model.send(, true) else model.appear_as_new_record do model.send "#{}=", nil end end else child = version.reify(options.merge(:has_many => false, :has_one => false)) model.appear_as_new_record do model.send "#{}=", child end end end end end end # Restore the `model`'s has_many associations as they were at version_at timestamp # We lookup the first child versions after version_at timestamp or in same transaction. def reify_has_manys(model, options = {}) assoc_has_many_through, assoc_has_many_directly = model.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_many). partition { |assoc| assoc.options[:through] } reify_has_many_directly(assoc_has_many_directly, model, options) reify_has_many_through(assoc_has_many_through, model, options) end # Restore the `model`'s has_many associations not associated through another association def reify_has_many_directly(associations, model, options = {}) version_table_name = model.class.paper_trail_version_class.table_name associations.each do |assoc| next unless assoc.klass.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? version_id_subquery = PaperTrail::VersionAssociation.joins(model.class.version_association_name). select("MIN(version_id)"). where("foreign_key_name = ?", assoc.foreign_key). where("foreign_key_id = ?", where("#{version_table_name}.item_type = ?", assoc.class_name). where("created_at >= ? OR transaction_id = ?", options[:version_at], transaction_id). group("item_id").to_sql versions = model.class.paper_trail_version_class.where("id IN (#{version_id_subquery})").inject({}) do |acc, v| acc.merge!(v.item_id => v) end # Pass true to force the model to load collection = model.send(, true) # Iterate each child to replace it with the previous value if there is a version after the timestamp! do |c| if (version = versions.delete( c elsif version.event == 'create' options[:mark_for_destruction] ? c.tap { |r| r.mark_for_destruction } : nil else version.reify(options.merge(:has_many => false, :has_one => false)) end end # Reify the rest of the versions and add them to the collection, these versions are for those that # have been removed from the live associations collection += { |version| version.reify(options.merge(:has_many => false, :has_one => false)) } model.send( = collection.compact end end # Restore the `model`'s has_many associations through another association # This must be called after the direct has_manys have been reified (reify_has_many_directly) def reify_has_many_through(associations, model, options = {}) associations.each do |assoc| next unless assoc.klass.paper_trail_enabled_for_model? through_collection = model.send(assoc.options[:through]) collection_keys = { |through_model| through_model.send(assoc.foreign_key) } version_id_subquery = assoc.klass.paper_trail_version_class. select("MIN(id)"). where("item_type = ?", assoc.class_name). where("item_id IN (?)", collection_keys). where("created_at >= ? OR transaction_id = ?", options[:version_at], transaction_id). group("item_id").to_sql versions = assoc.klass.paper_trail_version_class.where("id IN (#{version_id_subquery})").inject({}) do |acc, v| acc.merge!(v.item_id => v) end collection = assoc.klass.where(assoc.klass.primary_key => collection_keys) # Iterate each child to replace it with the previous value if there is a version after the timestamp! do |c| if (version = versions.delete( c elsif version.event == 'create' options[:mark_for_destruction] ? c.tap { |r| r.mark_for_destruction } : nil else version.reify(options.merge(:has_many => false, :has_one => false)) end end # Reify the rest of the versions and add them to the collection, these versions are for those that # have been removed from the live associations collection += { |version| version.reify(options.merge(:has_many => false, :has_one => false)) } model.send( = collection.compact end end # checks to see if a value has been set for the `version_limit` config option, and if so enforces it def enforce_version_limit! return unless PaperTrail.config.version_limit.is_a? Numeric previous_versions = sibling_versions.not_creates return unless previous_versions.size > PaperTrail.config.version_limit excess_previous_versions = previous_versions - previous_versions.last(PaperTrail.config.version_limit) end end end