require "logstash/devutils/rspec/spec_helper" require "logstash/outputs/elasticsearch/http_client" require "json" describe LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch::HttpClient::Pool do let(:logger) { Cabin::Channel.get } let(:adapter) { } let(:initial_urls) { ["http://localhost:9200")] } let(:options) { {:resurrect_delay => 2, :url_normalizer => proc {|u| u}} } # Shorten the delay a bit to speed up tests subject {, adapter, initial_urls, options) } let(:manticore_double) { double("manticore a") } before do response_double = double("manticore response").as_null_object # Allow healtchecks allow(manticore_double).to receive(:head).with(any_args).and_return(response_double) allow(manticore_double).to receive(:get).with(any_args).and_return(response_double) allow(manticore_double).to receive(:close) allow(::Manticore::Client).to receive(:new).and_return(manticore_double) subject.start end after do subject.close end describe "initialization" do it "should be successful" do expect { subject }.not_to raise_error end end describe "the resurrectionist" do it "should start the resurrectionist when created" do expect(subject.resurrectionist_alive?).to eql(true) end it "should attempt to resurrect connections after the ressurrect delay" do expect(subject).to receive(:healthcheck!).once sleep(subject.resurrect_delay + 1) end describe "healthcheck url handling" do let(:initial_urls) { ["http://localhost:9200#{path}")] } let(:healthcheck_path) { "/some/other/path" } let(:absolute_healthcheck_path) { false } let(:path) { "/meh" } let(:options) { super.merge(:absolute_healthcheck_path => absolute_healthcheck_path, :path => path, :healthcheck_path => healthcheck_path) } context "when using query params in the initial url" do let(:initial_urls) { ["http://localhost:9200?q=s")] } it "is removed from the healthcheck request" do expect(adapter).to receive(:perform_request) do |url, method, req_path, _, _| expect(method).to eq(:head) expect(url.query).to be_nil end subject.healthcheck! end end describe "absolute_healthcheck_path" do context "when enabled" do let(:absolute_healthcheck_path) { true } it "should use the healthcheck_path as the absolute path" do expect(adapter).to receive(:perform_request) do |url, method, req_path, _, _| expect(method).to eq(:head) expect(req_path).to eq(healthcheck_path) expect(url.path).to eq("/") end subject.healthcheck! end end context "when disabled" do let(:absolute_healthcheck_path) { false } it "should use the healthcheck_path as a relative path" do expect(adapter).to receive(:perform_request) do |url, method, req_path, _, _| expect(method).to eq(:head) expect(req_path).to eq(healthcheck_path) expect(url.path).to eq(path) end subject.healthcheck! end end end end end describe "the sniffer" do it "should not start the sniffer by default" do expect(subject.sniffer_alive?).to eql(nil) end context "when enabled" do let(:options) { super.merge(:sniffing => true)} it "should start the sniffer" do expect(subject.sniffer_alive?).to eql(true) end end end describe "closing" do before do # Simulate a single in use connection on the first check of this allow(adapter).to receive(:close).and_call_original allow(subject).to receive(:wait_for_in_use_connections).and_call_original allow(subject).to receive(:in_use_connections).and_return([subject.empty_url_meta()],[]) allow(subject).to receive(:start) subject.close end it "should close the adapter" do expect(adapter).to have_received(:close) end it "should stop the resurrectionist" do expect(subject.resurrectionist_alive?).to eql(false) end it "should stop the sniffer" do # If no sniffer (the default) returns nil expect(subject.sniffer_alive?).to be_falsey end it "should wait for in use connections to terminate" do expect(subject).to have_received(:wait_for_in_use_connections).once expect(subject).to have_received(:in_use_connections).twice end end describe "connection management" do context "with only one URL in the list" do it "should use the only URL in 'with_connection'" do subject.with_connection do |c| expect(c).to eq(initial_urls.first) end end end context "with multiple URLs in the list" do before :each do allow(adapter).to receive(:perform_request).with(anything, :head, subject.healthcheck_path, {}, nil) end let(:initial_urls) { ["http://localhost:9200"),"http://localhost:9201"),"http://localhost:9202") ] } it "should minimize the number of connections to a single URL" do connected_urls = [] # If we make 2x the number requests as we have URLs we should # connect to each URL exactly 2 times (initial_urls.size*2).times do u, meta = subject.get_connection connected_urls << u end connected_urls.each {|u| subject.return_connection(u) } initial_urls.each do |url| conn_count = {|u| u == url}.size expect(conn_count).to eql(2) end end it "should correctly resurrect the dead" do u,m = subject.get_connection # The resurrectionist will call this to check on the backend response = double("response") expect(adapter).to receive(:perform_request).with(u, :head, subject.healthcheck_path, {}, nil).and_return(response) subject.return_connection(u) subject.mark_dead(u, expect(subject.url_meta(u)[:state]).to eql(:dead) sleep subject.resurrect_delay + 1 expect(subject.url_meta(u)[:state]).to eql(:alive) end end end end