% if (@dashboard_items[:dhatu_website_items].map{|x, y| y[:has_permission] }).compact.uniq.any? %>
Website Elements
Manage All Elements of your websites and much more ...
<%= render partial: "/layouts/dashboard/#{@current_layout}/items", locals: { items: @dashboard_items[:dhatu_website_items] } %>
<% end %>
<% if (@dashboard_items[:dhatu_marketing_items].map{|x, y| y[:has_permission] }).compact.uniq.any? %>
Marketing Elements
Manage All Elements of your websites and much more ...
<%= render partial: "/layouts/dashboard/#{@current_layout}/items", locals: { items: @dashboard_items[:dhatu_marketing_items] } %>
<% end %>
<% if (@dashboard_items[:configuration_items].map{|x, y| y[:has_permission] }).compact.uniq.any? %>
Manage All Elements of your websites and much more ...
<%= render partial: "/layouts/dashboard/#{@current_layout}/items", locals: { items: @dashboard_items[:configuration_items] } %>
<% end %>