require "qa/engine" require "active_record" require "activerecord-import" require "qa/authority_wrapper" module Qa extend ActiveSupport::Autoload autoload :Authorities autoload :Configuration autoload :Services # @api public # # Exposes the Questioning Authority configuration # # @yield [Qa::Configuration] if a block is passed # @return [Qa::Configuration] # @see Qa::Configuration for configuration options def self.config(&block) @config ||= yield @config if block @config end def self.deprecation_warning(in_msg: nil, msg:) return if Rails.env == 'test' in_msg = in_msg.present? ? "In #{in_msg}, " : '' warn "[DEPRECATED] #{in_msg}#{msg} It will be removed in the next major release." end # Raised when the authority is not valid class InvalidAuthorityError < RuntimeError def initialize(authority_class) super "Unable to initialize authority #{authority_class}" end end # Raised when the configuration directory for local authorities doesn't exist class ConfigDirectoryNotFound < StandardError; end # Raised when a subauthority is not passed into an authority class MissingSubAuthority < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a subauthority is not valid class InvalidSubAuthority < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a request is made to a non-configured linked data authority class InvalidLinkedDataAuthority < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a response is in an unsupported format class UnsupportedFormat < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a configuration parameter is incorrect or is required and missing class InvalidConfiguration < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a request is made for an unsupported action (e.g. :search, :term are supported) class UnsupportedAction < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a linked data request to a server returns a 503 error class ServiceUnavailable < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a linked data request to a server returns a 500 error class ServiceError < ArgumentError; end # Raised when the server returns 404 for a find term request class TermNotFound < ArgumentError; end # Raised when a required mapping parameter is missing while building an IRI Template module IriTemplate class MissingParameter < StandardError; end end # Raised when data is returned but cannot be normalized class DataNormalizationError < StandardError; end # @api public # @since 5.11.0 # # @param vocab [String] # @param subauthority [String] # @param context [#params, #search_header, #fetch_header] # @param try_linked_data_config [Boolean] when true attempt to check for a linked data authority; # this is included as an option to help preserve error messaging from the 5.10.0 branch. # Unless you want to mirror the error messages of `Qa::TermsController#init_authority` then # use the default value. # # @note :try_linked_data_config is included to preserve error message text; something which is # extensively tested in this gem. # # @return [#search, #find] an authority that will respond to #search and #find; and in some cases # #fetch. This is provided as a means of normalizing how we initialize an authority. # And to provide a means to request an authority both within a controller request cycle as # well as outside of that cycle. def self.authority_for(vocab:, context:, subauthority: nil, try_linked_data_config: true) authority = build_authority_for(vocab: vocab, subauthority: subauthority, try_linked_data_config: try_linked_data_config) authority, subauthority: subauthority, context: context) end # @api private def self.build_authority_for(vocab:, subauthority: nil, try_linked_data_config: true) authority_constant_name = "Qa::Authorities::#{vocab.to_s.camelcase}" authority_constant = authority_constant_name.safe_constantize if authority_constant.nil? return if try_linked_data_config raise InvalidAuthorityError, authority_constant_name end return if authority_constant.is_a?(Class) return authority_constant.subauthority_for(subauthority) if subauthority.present? raise Qa::MissingSubAuthority, "No sub-authority provided" end private_class_method :build_authority_for end