ArJdbc::ConnectionMethods.module_eval do # Default connection method for MS-SQL adapter (`adapter: mssql`), # uses the (open-source) jTDS driver. # If you'd like to use the "official" MS's SQL-JDBC driver, it's preferable # to use the {#sqlserver_connection} method (set `adapter: sqlserver`). def mssql_connection(config) # NOTE: this detection ain't perfect and is only meant as a temporary hack # users will get a deprecation eventually to use `adapter: sqlserver` ... if config[:driver] =~ /SQLServerDriver$/ || config[:url] =~ /^jdbc:sqlserver:/ return sqlserver_connection(config) end config[:adapter_spec] ||= ::ArJdbc::MSSQL config[:adapter_class] = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MSSQLAdapter unless config.key?(:adapter_class) return jndi_connection(config) if jndi_config?(config) ArJdbc.load_driver(:JTDS) unless config[:load_driver] == false config[:host] ||= 'localhost' config[:port] ||= 1433 config[:driver] ||= 'net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver' config[:connection_alive_sql] ||= 'SELECT 1' config[:url] ||= begin url = "jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://#{config[:host]}:#{config[:port]}/#{config[:database]}" # Instance is often a preferrable alternative to port when dynamic ports are used. # If instance is specified then port is essentially ignored. url << ";instance=#{config[:instance]}" if config[:instance] # This will enable windows domain-based authentication and will require the JTDS native libraries be available. url << ";domain=#{config[:domain]}" if config[:domain] # AppName is shown in sql server as additional information against the connection. url << ";appname=#{config[:appname]}" if config[:appname] url end unless config[:domain] config[:username] ||= 'sa' config[:password] ||= '' end jdbc_connection(config) end alias_method :jdbcmssql_connection, :mssql_connection # @note Assumes SQLServer SQL-JDBC driver on the class-path. def sqlserver_connection(config) config[:adapter_spec] ||= ::ArJdbc::MSSQL config[:adapter_class] = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MSSQLAdapter unless config.key?(:adapter_class) return jndi_connection(config) if jndi_config?(config) config[:host] ||= 'localhost' config[:driver] ||= '' config[:connection_alive_sql] ||= 'SELECT 1' config[:url] ||= begin url = "jdbc:sqlserver://#{config[:host]}" url << ( config[:port] ? ":#{config[:port]};" : ';' ) url << "databaseName=#{config[:database]};" if config[:database] url << "instanceName=#{config[:instance]};" if config[:instance] app = config[:appname] || config[:application] url << "applicationName=#{app};" if app isc = config[:integrated_security] # Win only - needs sqljdbc_auth.dll url << "integratedSecurity=#{isc};" unless isc.nil? url end jdbc_connection(config) end alias_method :jdbcsqlserver_connection, :sqlserver_connection end