require 'spec/spec_helper' describe Shop::Tags::Helpers do dataset :pages before :all do @page = pages(:home) end before(:each) do @locals = stub(@locals).page { @page } @attrs = {} @tag = stub(@tag).attr { @attrs } stub(@tag).locals { @locals } category = @shop_category = category @shop_categories = [ @shop_category, @shop_category, @shop_category ] product = @shop_product = product @shop_products = [ @shop_product, @shop_product, @shop_product ] order = @shop_order = order item = @shop_line_item = item @shop_line_items = [ @shop_line_item, @shop_line_item, @shop_line_item ] stub(@shop_product).category { @shop_category } stub(@shop_category).products { @shop_products } stub(@shop_line_item).product { @shop_product } stub(@shop_order).line_items { @shop_line_items } end describe '#current_categories(tag)' do context 'search query' do it 'should return matching categories' do stub(@locals).shop_categories { [] } stub(@page).params { {'query'=>'term'} } mock(ShopCategory).search('term') { @shop_categories } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_categories(@tag) result.should == @shop_categories end end context 'key => value' do it 'should return matching categories' do stub(@locals).shop_categories { [] } stub(@page).params { {} } @attrs['key'] = 'find' @attrs['value'] = 'me' mock(ShopCategory).all(:conditions => { :find => 'me' }) { @shop_categories } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_categories(@tag) result.should == @shop_categories end end context 'all results' do it 'should return all categories' do stub(@locals).shop_categories { [] } stub(@page).params { {} } mock(ShopCategory).all { @shop_categories } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_categories(@tag) result.should == @shop_categories end end end describe '#current_category(tag)' do context 'parameters' do it 'should be calling an object with those attributes' do object = object.attributes.include?('handle').should == true object.attributes.include?('name').should == true object.attributes.include?('position').should == true end end context 'key => value' do it 'should return the matching category' do stub(@locals).shop_category { nil } @attrs['key'] = 'find' @attrs['value'] = 'me' mock(ShopCategory).first(:conditions => { :find => 'me' }) { @shop_category } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_category(@tag) result.should == @shop_category end end context '' do it 'should return the matching category' do stub(@locals).shop_category { @shop_category } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_category(@tag) result.should == @shop_category end end context '' do it 'should return the matching category' do stub(@locals).shop_category { nil } stub(@page).shop_product { @shop_product } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_category(@tag) result.should == @shop_category end end context 'tag.locals.shop_category' do it 'should return the matching category' do stub(@locals).shop_category { @shop_category } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_category(@tag) result.should == @shop_category end end context 'tag.locals.shop_product' do it 'should return the matching category' do stub(@page).shop_category { nil } stub(@page).shop_product { nil } stub(@locals).shop_category { nil } stub(@locals).shop_product { @shop_product } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_category(@tag) result.should == @shop_category end end context 'Using page slug' do it 'should return the matching category' do stub(@shop_category).handle { 'bob' } stub(@page).shop_category { nil } stub(@page).shop_product { nil } stub(@locals).shop_category { nil } stub(@locals).shop_product { nil } stub(@page).slug { @shop_category.handle } mock(ShopCategory).find(:first, {:conditions=>{:handle=>@shop_category.handle}}) { @shop_category } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_category(@tag) result.should == @shop_category end end end describe '#current_products(tag)' do context 'tag.locals.shop_products' do it 'should return matching products' do stub(@locals).shop_products { @shop_products } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_products(@tag) result.should == @shop_products end end context 'search query' do it 'should return matching products' do stub(@locals).shop_products { [] } stub(@page).params { {'query'=>'term'} } mock(ShopProduct).search('term') { @shop_products } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_products(@tag) result.should == @shop_products end end context 'key => value' do it 'should return the matching products' do stub(@locals).shop_products { [] } stub(@page).params { {} } @attrs['key'] = 'find' @attrs['value'] = 'me' mock(ShopProduct).all(:conditions => { :find => 'me' }) { @shop_products } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_products(@tag) result.should == @shop_products end end context 'no query' do context '' do it 'should return all products in that category' do stub(@page).params { { } } stub(@locals).shop_products { [] } stub(@page).shop_category { @shop_category } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_products(@tag) result.should == @shop_category.products end end context 'tag.locals.shop_category' do it 'should return all products in that category' do stub(@locals).shop_products { [] } stub(@page).params { { } } stub(@page).shop_category { nil } stub(@locals).shop_category { @shop_category } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_products(@tag) result.should == @shop_category.products end end context 'all results' do it 'should return all products' do stub(@page).params { {} } stub(@locals).shop_products { {} } stub(@page).shop_category { nil } stub(@locals).shop_category { nil } mock(ShopProduct).all { @shop_products } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_products(@tag) result.should == @shop_products end end end end describe '#current_product(tag)' do context 'parameters' do it 'should be calling an object with those attributes' do object = object.attributes.include?('sku').should == true object.attributes.include?('name').should == true object.attributes.include?('position').should == true end end context 'key => value' do it 'should return the matching product' do stub(@locals).shop_product { nil } @attrs['key'] = 'find' @attrs['value'] = 'me' mock(ShopProduct).first(:conditions => { :find => 'me' }) { @shop_product } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_product(@tag) result.should == @shop_product end end context '' do it 'should return the matching product' do stub(@locals).shop_product { nil } stub(@page).shop_product { @shop_product } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_product(@tag) result.should == @shop_product end end context 'tag.locals.shop_product' do it 'should return the matching product' do stub(@locals).shop_product { @shop_product } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_product(@tag) result.should == @shop_product end end context 'Using page slug' do it 'should return the matching category' do stub(@shop_product).sku { 'bob' } stub(@page).shop_product { nil } stub(@locals).shop_product { nil } stub(@page).slug { @shop_product.sku } mock(ShopProduct).find(:first, {:conditions=>{:sku=>@shop_product.sku}}) { @shop_product } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_product(@tag) result.should == @shop_product end end end describe '#current_order(tag)' do context 'existing order' do it 'should return the order' do stub(@locals).shop_order { @shop_order } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_order(@tag) result.should == @shop_order end end context 'using order id' do it 'should return the order' do stub(@locals).shop_order { nil } stub(@shop_order).id { 1 } mock(ShopOrder).find( { @shop_order } @attrs['id'] = result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_order(@tag) result.should == @shop_order end end context 'using request object' do it 'should return the order' do stub(@locals).shop_order { nil } stub(@shop_order).id { 1 } stub(@page).request.stub!.session { { :shop_order => } } mock(ShopOrder).find( { @shop_order } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_order(@tag) result.should == @shop_order end end end describe '#current_line_item(tag)' do context 'existing line item' do it 'should return the line item' do stub(@locals).shop_line_item { @shop_line_item } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_line_item(@tag) result.should == @shop_line_item end end context 'existing line item' do it 'using the current item' do stub(@shop_product).id { 1 } stub(@locals).shop_line_item { nil } stub(@locals).shop_order { @shop_order } stub(@locals).shop_product { @shop_product } mock(@shop_line_items).find_by_item_id( { @shop_line_item } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_line_item(@tag) result.should == @shop_line_item end end end describe '#current_address(tag)' do before :each do @attrs['type'] = 'billing' end context 'address exists' do before :each do @billing = stub(@shop_order).billing { @billing } stub(@locals).shop_order { @shop_order } end context 'tag exists' do it 'should return the address' do stub(@locals).address { @billing } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_address(@tag) result.should == @billing end end context 'tag doesnt exist' do it 'should return that billing address' do stub(@locals).address { nil } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_address(@tag) result.should == @billing end end end context 'address does not exist' do it 'should return nil' do stub(@locals).address { nil } stub(@shop_order).billing { nil } stub(@locals).shop_order { @shop_order } result = Shop::Tags::Helpers.current_address(@tag) result.should == nil end end end end