module Katello module Concerns module LocationExtensions extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_initialize :set_default_overrides, :if => :new_record? after_save :reset_settings before_destroy :assert_deletable end def set_default_overrides self.ignore_types << self.ignore_types << end def reset_settings if self.title_changed? if ::Setting[:default_location_subscribed_hosts] == self.title_was ::Setting[:default_location_subscribed_hosts] = self.title end if ::Setting[:default_location_puppet_content] == self.title_was ::Setting[:default_location_puppet_content] = self.title end end end def assert_deletable throw :abort unless deletable? end def deletable? if ::Location.unscoped.count == 1 errors.add( :base, _('Cannot delete the last Location. '\ 'Foreman needs at least one Location to put newly published '\ 'Puppet content and Hosts registered via subscription-manager')) false elsif title == ::Setting[:default_location_subscribed_hosts] errors.add( :base, _('Cannot delete the default Location for subscribed hosts. If you '\ 'no longer want this Location, change the default Location for '\ 'subscribed hosts under Administer > Settings, tab Content.') ) false elsif title == ::Setting[:default_location_puppet_content] errors.add( :base, _('Cannot delete the default Location for Puppet content. If you '\ 'no longer want this Location, change the default Location for '\ 'Puppet content under Administer > Settings, tab Content.') ) false else true end end module ClassMethods def default_puppet_content_location ::Location.unscoped.find_by_title(::Setting[:default_location_puppet_content]) if ::Setting[:default_location_puppet_content].present? end def default_puppet_content_location! location = default_puppet_content_location fail _("Setting 'default_location_puppet_content' is not set to a valid location.") if location.nil? location end def default_host_subscribe_location ::Location.unscoped.find_by_title(::Setting[:default_location_subscribed_hosts]) if ::Setting[:default_location_subscribed_hosts].present? end def default_host_subscribe_location! location = default_host_subscribe_location fail _("Setting 'default_location_subscribed_hosts' is not set to a valid location.") if location.nil? location end def default_location_ids [default_host_subscribe_location, default_puppet_content_location] end end end end end