# CloudFormation status codes, full list: # https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-describing-stacks.html # # CREATE_COMPLETE # ROLLBACK_COMPLETE # DELETE_COMPLETE # UPDATE_COMPLETE # UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE # # CREATE_FAILED # DELETE_FAILED # ROLLBACK_FAILED # UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED # # CREATE_IN_PROGRESS # DELETE_IN_PROGRESS # REVIEW_IN_PROGRESS # ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS # UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS # UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS # UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS # UPDATE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS # module Ufo::Cfn class Stack < Base extend Memoist include Ufo::TaskDefinition::Helpers::AwsHelper include Ufo::Hooks::Concern def deploy build @stack = find_stack(@stack_name) if @stack && rollback_complete?(@stack) logger.info "Existing stack in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state. Deleting stack before continuing." cfn.delete_stack(stack_name: @stack_name) status.wait status.reset @stack = nil # at this point stack has been deleted end exit_with_message(@stack) if @stack && !updatable?(@stack) run_hooks(name: "ship", file: "ufo.rb") do @stack ? perform(:update) : perform(:create) stop_old_tasks if @options[:stop_old_task] return unless @options[:wait] status.wait end logger.info status.rollback_error_message if status.update_rollback? status.success? end def perform(action) logger.info "#{action[0..-2].capitalize}ing stack #{@stack_name.color(:green)}" cfn.send("#{action}_stack", stack_options) # Example: cfn.send("update_stack", stack_options) rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e handle_stack_error(e) end def stack_options options = { capabilities: ["CAPABILITY_IAM", "CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"], parameters: @parameters, stack_name: @stack_name, template_body: @template_body, } cfn = Ufo.config.cfn options[:notification_arns] = cfn.notification_arns if cfn.notification_arns options[:disable_rollback] = cfn.disable_rollback unless cfn.disable_rollback.nil? options[:tags] = tags(cfn.tags) if cfn.tags options end def tags(hash) hash.map do |k,v| { key: v, value: v } end end # Run hooks here so both ufo docker and ufo ship runs it # ufo docker => CLI::Build#build => Cfn::Stack#build def build run_hooks(name: "build", file: "ufo.rb") do vars = Vars.new(@options).values options_with_vars = @options.dup.merge(vars: vars) params = Params.new(options_with_vars) @parameters = params.build template = Template.new(options_with_vars) @template_body = template.body end end def scheduling_strategy scheduling_strategy = Ufo.config.ecs.scheduling_strategy scheduling_strategy.upcase if scheduling_strategy end def exit_with_message(stack) url = "https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=#{region}#/stacks" logger.info "The stack is not in an updateable state: #{stack.stack_status.color(:yellow)}." logger.info "Here's the CloudFormation url to check for more details #{url}" exit 1 end # Assume only first container_definition to get the container info. # Stack:arn:aws:cloudformation:... is in ROLLBACK_COMPLETE state and can not be updated. def handle_stack_error(e) case e.message when /state and can not be updated/ logger.info "The #{@stack_name} stack is in a state that cannot be updated. Deleted the stack and try again." logger.info "ERROR: #{e.message}" if message.include?('UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED') logger.info "You might be able to do a 'Continue Update Rollback' and skip some resources to get the stack back into a good state." end url = "https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=#{region}" logger.info "Here's the CloudFormation console url: #{url}" exit 1 when /No updates are to be performed/ logger.info "There are no updates to be performed. Exiting.".color(:yellow) exit 1 when /YAML not well-formed/ # happens if a value is a serialize Ruby Object. See: https://gist.github.com/tongueroo/737531d0bc8c92d92b5cd00493e15d9e # e.message: Template format error: YAML not well-formed. (line 207, column 9) print_code(e) else raise end end def print_code(exception) path = ".ufo/output/template.yml" md = exception.message.match(/line (\d+),/) line_number = md[1] logger.error "Template for debugging: #{path}" if md DslEvaluator.print_code(path, line_number) exit 1 else raise end end def rollback_complete?(stack) stack.stack_status == 'ROLLBACK_COMPLETE' end def updatable?(stack) stack.stack_status =~ /_COMPLETE$/ || stack.stack_status == 'UPDATE_ROLLBACK_FAILED' end def cancel stack = find_stack(@stack_name) unless stack logger.error "No #{@stack_name} stack to cancel".color(:red) exit 1 end if stack.stack_status == "CREATE_IN_PROGRESS" cfn.delete_stack(stack_name: @stack_name) logger.info "Canceling stack creation" elsif stack.stack_status == "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS" cfn.cancel_update_stack(stack_name: @stack_name) logger.info "Canceling stack update" else logger.info "The stack is not in a state to that is cancelable: #{stack.stack_status}" end end end end