require 'erb' module Nyaplot @@dep_libraries = {d3:''} @@additional_libraries = {} @@extension_lists = [] def self.extension_lists @@extension_lists end # Tell JavaScript back-end library to load some extension libraries # @param [String] name The name of JavaScript extension library to load def self.add_extension(name) @@extension_lists.push(name) end # Load extension library to IRuby notebook after Nyaplotjs is loaded def self.add_dependency(name, url) @@dep_libraries[name]=url; end # Load extension library to IRuby notebook before Nyaplotjs is loaded def self.add_additional_library(name, url) @@additional_libraries[name]=url end # Enable to show plots on IRuby notebook def self.init_iruby path = File.expand_path("../templates/init.js.erb", __FILE__) template = dep_libraries = @@dep_libraries additional_libraries = @@additional_libraries js = IRuby.display(IRuby.javascript(js)) end init_iruby if defined? IRuby end