# Copyright:: (c) Autotelik Media Ltd 2016 # Author :: Tom Statter # Date :: Mar 2016 # License:: MIT # # Details:: Export a model to Excel '97(-2007) file format. # # TODO: Can we switch between .xls and XSSF (POI implementation of Excel 2007 OOXML (.xlsx) file format.) # # module DataShift class ExcelExporter < ExporterBase include DataShift::Logging include DataShift::ColumnPacker include DataShift::ExcelBase # Optional, otherwise uses the standard collection of Model Methods for supplied klass attr_accessor :data_flow_schema def initialize super end def exportable?(record) return true if record.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) return true if Module.const_defined?(:Mongoid) && record.is_a?(Mongoid::Document) false end # Creates an Excel file from list of ActiveRecord objects. # Supply the full path to write XLS file to, OR to access output as String, # rather than writing to disc, pass StringIO # e.g # file_contents = StringIO.new # exporter.export(file_contents, some_records) # def export(file, export_records, options = {}) records = [*export_records] if records.blank? logger.warn('Excel Export - No objects supplied for export - no file written') return end first = records[0] raise(ArgumentError, 'Please supply set of ActiveRecord objects to export') unless exportable?(first) klass = first.class excel = start_excel(klass, options) prepare_data_flow_schema(klass) unless @data_flow_schema && @data_flow_schema.nodes.klass == klass headers = export_headers(klass) logger.info("Exporting #{records.size} #{klass} to Excel") excel.ar_to_xls(records, headers: headers, data_flow_schema: data_flow_schema) excel.auto_fit_rows.auto_fit_columns logger.info("Writing Excel to file [#{file}]") excel.write( file ) excel end def export_headers(klass) headers = if(data_flow_schema) data_flow_schema.headers else Headers.klass_to_headers(klass) end excel.set_headers( headers ) headers end def prepare_data_flow_schema(klass) @data_flow_schema = DataShift::DataFlowSchema.new @data_flow_schema.prepare_from_klass( klass ) data_flow_schema end # Create an Excel file from list of ActiveRecord objects, includes relationships # # The Associations/relationships to include are driven by Configuration Options # # See - lib/exporters/configuration.rb # def export_with_associations(file_name, klass, records, options = {}) state = DataShift::Configuration.call.with DataShift::Configuration.call.with = :all @file_name = file_name excel = start_excel(klass, options) logger.info("Processing [#{records.size}] #{klass} records to Excel") # TODO: - prepare_data_flow_schema here in middle of export, plus reaching through nodes to klass, does not smell right prepare_data_flow_schema(klass) unless @data_flow_schema && @data_flow_schema.nodes.klass == klass export_headers(klass) nodes = data_flow_schema.nodes row = 1 records.each do |obj| column = 0 nodes.each do |node| logger.info("Send to Excel: #{node.inspect}") model_method = node.model_method logger.info("Send to Excel: #{model_method.pp}") begin # pack association instances into single column if model_method.association_type? logger.info("Processing #{model_method.inspect} associations") excel[row, column] = record_to_column( obj.send( model_method.operator ), configuration.json ) else excel[row, column] = obj.send( model_method.operator ) end rescue StandardError => x logger.error("Failed to write #{model_method.inspect} to Excel") logger.error(x.inspect) end column += 1 end row += 1 end logger.info("Writing Excel to file [#{file_name}]") excel.write( file_name ) ensure DataShift::Configuration.call.with = state end end # ExcelGenerator end # DataShift