(function (undefined) { angular.module('rails').factory('railsRootWrapper', function () { return { wrap: function (data, resource) { var result = {}; result[angular.isArray(data) ? resource.config.pluralName : resource.config.name] = data; return result; }, unwrap: function (response, resource) { if (response.data && response.data.hasOwnProperty(resource.config.name)) { response.data = response.data[resource.config.name]; } else if (response.data && response.data.hasOwnProperty(resource.config.pluralName)) { response.data = response.data[resource.config.pluralName]; } return response; } }; }); angular.module('rails').provider('RailsResource', function () { var defaultOptions = { rootWrapping: true, updateMethod: 'put', httpConfig: {}, defaultParams: undefined, underscoreParams: true, fullResponse: false, extensions: [] }; /** * Enables or disables root wrapping by default for RailsResources * Defaults to true. * @param {boolean} value true to enable root wrapping, false to disable * @returns {RailsResourceProvider} The provider instance */ this.rootWrapping = function (value) { defaultOptions.rootWrapping = value; return this; }; /** * Configures what HTTP operation should be used for update by default for RailsResources. * Defaults to 'put' * @param value * @returns {RailsResourceProvider} The provider instance */ this.updateMethod = function (value) { defaultOptions.updateMethod = value; return this; }; /** * Configures default HTTP configuration operations for all RailsResources. * * @param {Object} value See $http for available configuration options. * @returns {RailsResourceProvider} The provider instance */ this.httpConfig = function (value) { defaultOptions.httpConfig = value; return this; }; /** * Configures default HTTP query parameters for all RailsResources. * * @param {Object} value Object of key/value pairs representing the HTTP query parameters for all HTTP operations. * @returns {RailsResourceProvider} The provider instance */ this.defaultParams = function (value) { defaultOptions.defaultParams = value; return this; }; /** * Configures whether or not underscore query parameters * @param {boolean} value true to underscore. Defaults to true. * @returns {RailsResourceProvider} The provider instance */ this.underscoreParams = function (value) { defaultOptions.underscoreParams = value; return this; }; /** * Configures whether the full response from $http is returned or just the result data. * @param {boolean} value true to return full $http response. Defaults to false. * @returns {RailsResourceProvider} The provider instance */ this.fullResponse = function (value) { defaultOptions.fullResponse = value; return this; }; /** * List of RailsResource extensions to include by default. * * @param {...string} extensions One or more extension names to include * @returns {*} */ this.extensions = function () { defaultOptions.extensions = []; angular.forEach(arguments, function (value) { defaultOptions.extensions = defaultOptions.extensions.concat(value); }); return this; }; this.$get = ['$http', '$q', 'railsUrlBuilder', 'railsSerializer', 'railsRootWrapper', 'RailsResourceInjector', function ($http, $q, railsUrlBuilder, railsSerializer, railsRootWrapper, RailsResourceInjector) { function RailsResource(value) { if (value) { var response = this.constructor.deserialize({data: value}); if (this.constructor.config.rootWrapping) { response = railsRootWrapper.unwrap(response, this.constructor); } angular.extend(this, response.data); } } /** * Extends the RailsResource to the child constructor function making the child constructor a subclass of * RailsResource. This is modeled off of CoffeeScript's class extend function. All RailsResource * class properties defined are copied to the child class and the child's prototype chain is configured * to allow instances of the child class to have all of the instance methods of RailsResource. * * Like CoffeeScript, a __super__ property is set on the child class to the parent resource's prototype chain. * This is done to allow subclasses to extend the functionality of instance methods and still * call back to the original method using: * * Class.__super__.method.apply(this, arguments); * * @param {function} child Child constructor function * @returns {function} Child constructor function */ RailsResource.extendTo = function (child) { angular.forEach(this, function (value, key) { child[key] = value; }); if (angular.isArray(this.$modules)) { child.$modules = this.$modules.slice(0); } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = this.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = this.prototype; return child; }; /** * Copies a mixin's properties to the resource. * * If module is a String then we it will be loaded using Angular's dependency injection. If the name is * not valid then Angular will throw an error. * * @param {...String|function|Object} mixins The mixin or name of the mixin to add. * @returns {RailsResource} this */ RailsResource.extend = function () { angular.forEach(arguments, function (mixin) { addMixin(this, this, mixin, function (Resource, mixin) { if (angular.isFunction(mixin.extended)) { mixin.extended(Resource); } }); }, this); return this; }; /** * Copies a mixin's properties to the resource's prototype chain. * * If module is a String then we it will be loaded using Angular's dependency injection. If the name is * not valid then Angular will throw an error. * * @param {...String|function|Object} mixins The mixin or name of the mixin to add * @returns {RailsResource} this */ RailsResource.include = function () { angular.forEach(arguments, function (mixin) { addMixin(this, this.prototype, mixin, function (Resource, mixin) { if (angular.isFunction(mixin.included)) { mixin.included(Resource); } }); }, this); return this; }; /** * Sets configuration options. This method may be called multiple times to set additional options or to * override previous values (such as the case with inherited resources). * @param cfg */ RailsResource.configure = function (cfg) { cfg = cfg || {}; if (this.config) { cfg = angular.extend({}, this.config, cfg); } this.config = {}; this.config.idAttribute = cfg.idAttribute || 'id'; this.config.url = cfg.url; this.config.rootWrapping = booleanParam(cfg.rootWrapping, defaultOptions.rootWrapping); // using undefined check because config.rootWrapping || true would be true when config.rootWrapping === false this.config.httpConfig = cfg.httpConfig || defaultOptions.httpConfig; this.config.httpConfig.headers = angular.extend({'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, this.config.httpConfig.headers || {}); this.config.defaultParams = cfg.defaultParams || defaultOptions.defaultParams; this.config.underscoreParams = booleanParam(cfg.underscoreParams, defaultOptions.underscoreParams); this.config.updateMethod = (cfg.updateMethod || defaultOptions.updateMethod).toLowerCase(); this.config.fullResponse = booleanParam(cfg.fullResponse, defaultOptions.fullResponse); this.config.requestTransformers = cfg.requestTransformers ? cfg.requestTransformers.slice(0) : []; this.config.responseInterceptors = cfg.responseInterceptors ? cfg.responseInterceptors.slice(0) : []; this.config.afterResponseInterceptors = cfg.afterResponseInterceptors ? cfg.afterResponseInterceptors.slice(0) : []; this.config.interceptors = cfg.interceptors ? cfg.interceptors.slice(0) : []; this.config.serializer = RailsResourceInjector.getService(cfg.serializer || railsSerializer()); this.config.name = this.config.serializer.underscore(cfg.name); // we don't want to turn undefined name into "undefineds" then the plural name won't update when the name is set if (this.config.name) { this.config.pluralName = this.config.serializer.underscore(cfg.pluralName || this.config.serializer.pluralize(this.config.name)); } this.config.urlBuilder = railsUrlBuilder(this.config); this.config.resourceConstructor = this; this.extend.apply(this, loadExtensions((cfg.extensions || []).concat(defaultOptions.extensions))); angular.forEach(this.$mixins, function (mixin) { if (angular.isFunction(mixin.configure)) { mixin.configure(this.config, cfg); } }, this); }; /** * Configures the URL for the resource. * @param {String|function} url The url string or function. */ RailsResource.setUrl = function (url) { this.configure({url: url}); }; RailsResource.buildUrl = function (context) { return this.config.urlBuilder(context); }; /** * Interceptors utilize $q promises to allow for both synchronous and asynchronous processing during * a request / response cycle. * * Interceptors can be added as a service factory name or as an object with properties matching one * or more of the phases. Each property should have a value of a function to be called during that phase. * * There are multiple phases for both request and response. In addition, each phase has a corresponding * error phase to handle promise rejections. * * Each request phase interceptor is called with the $http config object, the resource constructor, and if * applicable the resource instance. The interceptor is free to modify the config or create a new one. * The interceptor function must return a valid $http config or a promise that will eventually resolve * to a config object. * * The valid request phases are: * * * beforeRequest: Interceptors are called prior to any data serialization or root wrapping. * * beforeRequestError: Interceptors get called when a previous interceptor threw an error or * resolved with a rejection. * * beforeRequestWrapping: Interceptors are called after data serialization but before root wrapping. * * beforeRequestWrappingError: Interceptors get called when a previous interceptor threw an error or * resolved with a rejection. * * request: Interceptors are called after any data serialization and root wrapping have been performed. * * requestError: Interceptors get called when a previous interceptor threw an error or * resolved with a rejection. * * The beforeResponse and response interceptors are called with the $http response object, * the resource constructor, and if applicable the resource instance. The afterResponse interceptors * are typically called with the response data instead of the full response object unless the config option * fullResponse has been set to true. Like the request interceptor callbacks the response callbacks can * manipulate the data or return new data. The interceptor function must return * * The valid response phases are: * * * beforeResponse: Interceptors are called prior to any data processing. * * beforeResponseError: Interceptors get called when a previous interceptor threw an error or * resolved with a rejection. * * beforeResponseDeserialize: Interceptors are called after root unwrapping but prior to data deserializing. * * beforeResponseDeserializeError: Interceptors get called when a previous interceptor threw an error or * resolved with a rejection. * * response: Interceptors are called after the data has been deserialized and root unwrapped but * prior to the data being copied to the resource instance if applicable. * * responseError: Interceptors get called when a previous interceptor threw an error or * resolved with a rejection. * * afterResponse: Interceptors are called at the very end of the response chain after all processing * has been completed. The value of the first parameter is one of the following: * - resource instance: When fullResponse is false and the operation was called on a resource instance. * - response data: When fullResponse is false and the operation was called on the resource class. * - $http response: When fullResponse is true * * afterResponseError: Interceptors get called when a previous interceptor threw an error or * resolved with a rejection. * * @param {String | Object} interceptor */ RailsResource.addInterceptor = function (interceptor) { this.config.interceptors.push(interceptor); }; /** * Adds an interceptor callback function for the specified phase. * @param {String} phase The interceptor phase, one of: * beforeRequest, request, beforeResponse, response, afterResponse * @param fn The function to call. */ RailsResource.intercept = function (phase, fn) { var interceptor = {}; fn = RailsResourceInjector.getDependency(fn); interceptor[phase] = function (value, resourceConstructor, context) { return fn(value, resourceConstructor, context) || value; }; this.addInterceptor(interceptor); }; /** * Adds interceptor on 'beforeRequest' phase. * @param fn(httpConfig, constructor, context) - httpConfig is the config object to pass to $http, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.interceptBeforeRequest = function (fn) { this.intercept('beforeRequest', fn); }; /** * Adds interceptor on 'beforeRequestWrapping' phase. * @param fn(httpConfig, constructor, context) - httpConfig is the config object to pass to $http, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.interceptBeforeRequestWrapping = function (fn) { this.intercept('beforeRequestWrapping', fn); }; /** * Adds interceptor on 'request' phase. * @param fn(httpConfig, constructor, context) - httpConfig is the config object to pass to $http, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.interceptRequest = function (fn) { this.intercept('request', fn); }; /** * Adds interceptor on 'beforeResponse' phase. * @param fn(response data, constructor, context) - response data is either the resource instance returned or an array of resource instances, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.interceptBeforeResponse = function (fn) { this.intercept('beforeResponse', fn); }; /** * Adds interceptor on 'beforeResponseDeserialize' phase. * @param fn(response data, constructor, context) - response data is either the resource instance returned or an array of resource instances, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.interceptBeforeResponseDeserialize = function (fn) { this.intercept('beforeResponseDeserialize', fn); }; /** * Adds interceptor on 'response' phase. * @param fn(response data, constructor, context) - response data is either the resource instance returned or an array of resource instances, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.interceptResponse = function (fn) { this.intercept('response', fn); }; /** * Adds interceptor on 'afterResponse' phase. * @param fn(response data, constructor, context) - response data is either the resource instance returned or an array of resource instances, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.interceptAfterResponse = function (fn) { this.intercept('afterResponse', fn); }; /** * Deprecated, see interceptors * Add a callback to run on response. * @deprecated since version 1.0.0, use interceptResponse instead * @param fn(response data, constructor, context) - response data is either the resource instance returned or an array of resource instances, * constructor is the resource class calling the function, * context is the resource instance of the calling method (create, update, delete) or undefined if the method was a class method (get, query) */ RailsResource.beforeResponse = function (fn) { fn = RailsResourceInjector.getDependency(fn); this.interceptResponse(function (response, resource, context) { fn(response.data, resource.config.resourceConstructor, context); return response; }); }; /** * Deprecated, see interceptors * Add a callback to run after response has been processed. These callbacks are not called on object construction. * @deprecated since version 1.0.0, use interceptAfterResponse instead * @param fn(response data, constructor) - response data is either the resource instance returned or an array of resource instances and constructor is the resource class calling the function */ RailsResource.afterResponse = function (fn) { fn = RailsResourceInjector.getDependency(fn); this.interceptAfterResponse(function (response, resource, context) { fn(response, resource.config.resourceConstructor, context); return response; }); }; /** * Deprecated, see interceptors * Adds a function to run after serializing the data to send to the server, but before root-wrapping it. * @deprecated since version 1.0.0, use interceptBeforeRequestWrapping instead * @param fn (data, constructor) - data object is the serialized resource instance, and constructor the resource class calling the function */ RailsResource.beforeRequest = function (fn) { fn = RailsResourceInjector.getDependency(fn); this.interceptBeforeRequestWrapping(function (httpConfig, resource) { httpConfig.data = fn(httpConfig.data, resource.config.resourceConstructor) || httpConfig.data; return httpConfig; }); }; RailsResource.serialize = function (httpConfig) { if (httpConfig.data) { httpConfig.data = this.config.serializer.serialize(httpConfig.data); } return httpConfig; }; /** * Deserializes the response data on the $http response. Stores the original version of the data * on the response as "originalData" and sets the deserialized data in the "data" property. * @param response The $http response object * @returns {*} The $http response */ RailsResource.deserialize = function (response) { response.data = this.config.serializer.deserialize(response.data, this.config.resourceConstructor); return response; }; /** * Deprecated, see interceptors * Transform data after response has been converted to a resource instance * @deprecated * @param promise * @param context */ RailsResource.callResponseInterceptors = function (promise, context) { var config = this.config; forEachDependency(config.responseInterceptors, function (interceptor) { promise.resource = config.resourceConstructor; promise.context = context; promise = interceptor(promise); }); return promise; }; /** * Deprecated, see interceptors * Transform data after response has been converted to a resource instance * @deprecated * @param promise * @param context */ RailsResource.callAfterResponseInterceptors = function (promise) { var config = this.config; // data is now deserialized. call response interceptors including afterResponse forEachDependency(config.afterResponseInterceptors, function (interceptor) { promise.resource = config.resourceConstructor; promise = interceptor(promise); }); return promise; }; RailsResource.runInterceptorPhase = function (phase, context, promise) { var config = this.config, chain = []; forEachDependency(config.interceptors, function (interceptor) { if (interceptor[phase] || interceptor[phase + 'Error']) { chain.push(interceptor[phase], interceptor[phase + 'Error']); } }); while (chain.length) { var thenFn = chain.shift(); var rejectFn = chain.shift(); promise = promise.then(createInterceptorSuccessCallback(thenFn, config.resourceConstructor, context), createInterceptorRejectionCallback(rejectFn, config.resourceConstructor, context)); } return promise; }; /** * Executes an HTTP request using $http. * * This method is used by all RailsResource operations that execute HTTP requests. Handles serializing * the request data using the resource serializer, root wrapping (if enabled), deserializing the response * data using the resource serializer, root unwrapping (if enabled), and copying the result back into the * resource context if applicable. Executes interceptors at each phase of the request / response to allow * users to build synchronous & asynchronous customizations to manipulate the data as necessary. * * @param httpConfig The config to pass to $http, see $http docs for details * @param context An optional reference to the resource instance that is the context for the operation. * If specified, the result data will be copied into the context during the response handling. * @param resourceConfigOverrides An optional set of RailsResource configuration options overrides. * These overrides allow users to build custom operations more easily with different resource settings. * @returns {Promise} The promise that will eventually be resolved after all request / response handling * has completed. */ RailsResource.$http = function (httpConfig, context, resourceConfigOverrides) { var config = angular.extend(angular.copy(this.config), resourceConfigOverrides || {}), resourceConstructor = config.resourceConstructor, promise = $q.when(httpConfig); if (!config.skipRequestProcessing) { promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('beforeRequest', context, promise).then(function (httpConfig) { httpConfig = resourceConstructor.serialize(httpConfig); forEachDependency(config.requestTransformers, function (transformer) { httpConfig.data = transformer(httpConfig.data, config.resourceConstructor); }); return httpConfig; }); promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('beforeRequestWrapping', context, promise); if (config.rootWrapping) { promise = promise.then(function (httpConfig) { httpConfig.data = railsRootWrapper.wrap(httpConfig.data, config.resourceConstructor); return httpConfig; }); } promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('request', context, promise).then(function (httpConfig) { return $http(httpConfig); }); } else { promise = $http(httpConfig); } promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('beforeResponse', context, promise); promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('beforeResponse', context, promise).then(function (response) { // store off the data so we don't lose access to it after deserializing and unwrapping response.originalData = response.data; return response; }); if (config.rootWrapping) { promise = promise.then(function (response) { return railsRootWrapper.unwrap(response, config.resourceConstructor); }); } promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('beforeResponseDeserialize', context, promise).then(function (response) { return resourceConstructor.deserialize(response); }); promise = this.callResponseInterceptors(promise, context); promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('response', context, promise).then(function (response) { if (context) { // we may not have response data if (response.hasOwnProperty('data') && angular.isObject(response.data)) { angular.extend(context, response.data); } } return config.fullResponse ? response : (context || response.data); }); promise = this.callAfterResponseInterceptors(promise, context); promise = this.runInterceptorPhase('afterResponse', context, promise); promise.resource = config.resourceConstructor; promise.context = context; return promise; }; /** * Processes query parameters before request. You can override to modify * the query params or return a new object. * * @param {Object} queryParams - The query parameters for the request * @returns {Object} The query parameters for the request */ RailsResource.processParameters = function (queryParams) { var newParams = {}; if (angular.isObject(queryParams) && this.config.underscoreParams) { angular.forEach(queryParams, function (v, k) { newParams[this.config.serializer.underscore(k)] = v; }, this); return newParams; } return queryParams; }; RailsResource.getParameters = function (queryParams) { var params; if (this.config.defaultParams) { // we need to clone it so we don't modify it when we add the additional // query params below params = angular.copy(this.config.defaultParams); } if (angular.isObject(queryParams)) { params = angular.extend(params || {}, queryParams); } return this.processParameters(params); }; RailsResource.getHttpConfig = function (queryParams) { var params = this.getParameters(queryParams); if (params) { return angular.extend({params: params}, this.config.httpConfig); } return angular.copy(this.config.httpConfig); }; /** * Returns a URL from the given parameters. You can override this method on your resource definitions to provide * custom logic for building your URLs or you can utilize the parameterized url strings to substitute values in the * URL string. * * The parameters in the URL string follow the normal Angular binding expression using {{ and }} for the start/end symbols. * * If the context is a number and the URL string does not contain an id parameter then the number is appended * to the URL string. * * If the context is a number and the URL string does * @param context * @param path {string} (optional) An additional path to append to the URL * @return {string} */ RailsResource.$url = RailsResource.resourceUrl = function (context, path) { if (!angular.isObject(context)) { context = {id: context}; } return appendPath(this.buildUrl(context || {}), path); }; RailsResource.$get = function (url, queryParams) { return this.$http(angular.extend({method: 'get', url: url}, this.getHttpConfig(queryParams))); }; RailsResource.query = function (queryParams, context) { return this.$get(this.resourceUrl(context), queryParams); }; RailsResource.get = function (context, queryParams) { return this.$get(this.resourceUrl(context), queryParams); }; /** * Returns the URL for this resource. * * @param path {string} (optional) An additional path to append to the URL * @returns {string} The URL for the resource */ RailsResource.prototype.$url = function (path) { return appendPath(this.constructor.resourceUrl(this), path); }; /** * Executes $http with the resource instance as the context. * * @param httpConfig The config to pass to $http, see $http docs for details * @param context An optional reference to the resource instance that is the context for the operation. * If specified, the result data will be copied into the context during the response handling. * @param resourceConfigOverrides An optional set of RailsResource configuration options overrides. * These overrides allow users to build custom operations more easily with different resource settings. * @returns {Promise} The promise that will eventually be resolved after all request / response handling * has completed. */ RailsResource.prototype.$http = function (httpConfig, resourceConfigOverrides) { return this.constructor.$http(httpConfig, this, resourceConfigOverrides); }; angular.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function (method) { RailsResource['$' + method] = function (url, data, resourceConfigOverrides) { // clone so we can manipulate w/o modifying the actual instance data = angular.copy(data); return this.$http(angular.extend({method: method, url: url, data: data}, this.getHttpConfig()), null, resourceConfigOverrides); }; RailsResource.prototype['$' + method] = function (url) { // clone so we can manipulate w/o modifying the actual instance var data = angular.copy(this, {}); return this.constructor.$http(angular.extend({method: method, url: url, data: data}, this.constructor.getHttpConfig()), this); }; }); RailsResource.prototype.create = function () { return this.$post(this.$url(), this); }; RailsResource.prototype.update = function () { return this['$' + this.constructor.config.updateMethod](this.$url(), this); }; RailsResource.prototype.get = function () { return this.constructor.$http(angular.extend({method: 'GET', url: this.$url()}, this.constructor.getHttpConfig()), this); }; RailsResource.prototype.isNew = function () { var idAttribute = this.constructor.config.idAttribute; return angular.isUndefined(this[idAttribute]) || this[idAttribute] === null; }; RailsResource.prototype.save = function () { if (this.isNew()) { return this.create(); } else { return this.update(); } }; RailsResource.$delete = function (url, queryParams) { return this.$http(angular.extend({method: 'delete', url: url}, this.getHttpConfig(queryParams))); }; RailsResource.prototype.$delete = function (url, queryParams) { return this.constructor.$http(angular.extend({method: 'delete', url: url}, this.constructor.getHttpConfig(queryParams)), this); }; //using ['delete'] instead of .delete for IE7/8 compatibility RailsResource.prototype.remove = RailsResource.prototype['delete'] = function () { return this.$delete(this.$url()); }; return RailsResource; function appendPath(url, path) { if (path) { if (path[0] !== '/') { url += '/'; } url += path; } return url; } function forEachDependency(list, callback) { var dependency; for (var i = 0, len = list.length; i < len; i++) { dependency = list[i]; if (angular.isString(dependency)) { dependency = list[i] = RailsResourceInjector.getDependency(dependency); } callback(dependency); } } function addMixin(Resource, destination, mixin, callback) { var excludedKeys = ['included', 'extended,', 'configure']; if (!Resource.$mixins) { Resource.$mixins = []; } if (angular.isString(mixin)) { mixin = RailsResourceInjector.getDependency(mixin); } if (mixin && Resource.$mixins.indexOf(mixin) === -1) { angular.forEach(mixin, function (value, key) { if (excludedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) { destination[key] = value; } }); Resource.$mixins.push(mixin); if (angular.isFunction(callback)) { callback(Resource, mixin); } } } function loadExtensions(extensions) { var modules = []; angular.forEach(extensions, function (extensionName) { extensionName = 'RailsResource' + extensionName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + extensionName.slice(1) + 'Mixin'; modules.push(RailsResourceInjector.getDependency(extensionName)); }); return modules; } function booleanParam(value, defaultValue) { return angular.isUndefined(value) ? defaultValue : value; } function createInterceptorSuccessCallback(thenFn, resourceConstructor, context) { return function (data) { return (thenFn || angular.identity)(data, resourceConstructor, context); }; } function createInterceptorRejectionCallback(rejectFn, resourceConstructor, context) { return function (rejection) { // can't use identity because we need to return a rejected promise to keep the error chain going return rejectFn ? rejectFn(rejection, resourceConstructor, context) : $q.reject(rejection); }; } }]; }); angular.module('rails').factory('railsResourceFactory', ['RailsResource', function (RailsResource) { return function (config) { function Resource() { Resource.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments); } RailsResource.extendTo(Resource); Resource.configure(config); return Resource; }; }]); }());