# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative '../../puppet/network/format_handler' require_relative '../../puppet/util/json' Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:msgpack, :weight => 20, :mime => "application/x-msgpack", :required_methods => [:render_method, :intern_method], :intern_method => :from_data_hash) do confine :feature => :msgpack def intern(klass, text) data = MessagePack.unpack(text) return data if data.is_a?(klass) klass.from_data_hash(data) end def intern_multiple(klass, text) MessagePack.unpack(text).collect do |data| klass.from_data_hash(data) end end def render_multiple(instances) instances.to_msgpack end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:yaml) do def allowed_yaml_classes @allowed_yaml_classes ||= [ Puppet::Node::Facts, Puppet::Node, Puppet::Transaction::Report, Puppet::Resource, Puppet::Resource::Catalog ] end def intern(klass, text) data = Puppet::Util::Yaml.safe_load(text, allowed_yaml_classes) data_to_instance(klass, data) rescue Puppet::Util::Yaml::YamlLoadError => e raise Puppet::Network::FormatHandler::FormatError, _("Serialized YAML did not contain a valid instance of %{klass}: %{message}") % { klass: klass, message: e.message } end def intern_multiple(klass, text) data = Puppet::Util::Yaml.safe_load(text, allowed_yaml_classes) unless data.respond_to?(:collect) raise Puppet::Network::FormatHandler::FormatError, _("Serialized YAML did not contain a collection of instances when calling intern_multiple") end data.collect do |datum| data_to_instance(klass, datum) end rescue Puppet::Util::Yaml::YamlLoadError => e raise Puppet::Network::FormatHandler::FormatError, _("Serialized YAML did not contain a valid instance of %{klass}: %{message}") % { klass: klass, message: e.message } end def data_to_instance(klass, data) return data if data.is_a?(klass) unless data.is_a? Hash raise Puppet::Network::FormatHandler::FormatError, _("Serialized YAML did not contain a valid instance of %{klass}") % { klass: klass } end klass.from_data_hash(data) end def render(instance) instance.to_yaml end # Yaml monkey-patches Array, so this works. def render_multiple(instances) instances.to_yaml end def supported?(klass) true end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:s, :mime => "text/plain", :charset => Encoding::UTF_8, :extension => "txt") # By default, to_binary is called to render and from_binary called to intern. Note unlike # text-based formats (json, yaml, etc), we don't use to_data_hash for binary. Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:binary, :mime => "application/octet-stream", :weight => 1, :required_methods => [:render_method, :intern_method]) do end # PSON is deprecated Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:pson, :weight => 10, :required_methods => [:render_method, :intern_method], :intern_method => :from_data_hash) do confine :feature => :pson def intern(klass, text) data_to_instance(klass, PSON.parse(text)) end def intern_multiple(klass, text) PSON.parse(text).collect do |data| data_to_instance(klass, data) end end # PSON monkey-patches Array, so this works. def render_multiple(instances) instances.to_pson end # If they pass class information, we want to ignore it. # This is required for compatibility with Puppet 3.x def data_to_instance(klass, data) d = data['data'] if data.is_a?(Hash) if d data = d end return data if data.is_a?(klass) klass.from_data_hash(data) end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:json, :mime => 'application/json', :charset => Encoding::UTF_8, :weight => 15, :required_methods => [:render_method, :intern_method], :intern_method => :from_data_hash) do def intern(klass, text) data_to_instance(klass, Puppet::Util::Json.load(text)) end def intern_multiple(klass, text) Puppet::Util::Json.load(text).collect do |data| data_to_instance(klass, data) end end def render_multiple(instances) Puppet::Util::Json.dump(instances) end # Unlike PSON, we do not need to unwrap the data envelope, because legacy 3.x agents # have never supported JSON def data_to_instance(klass, data) return data if data.is_a?(klass) klass.from_data_hash(data) end end # This is really only ever going to be used for Catalogs. Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:dot, :required_methods => [:render_method]) Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:console, :mime => 'text/x-console-text', :weight => 0) do def json @json ||= Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.format(:json) end def render(datum) return datum if datum.is_a?(String) || datum.is_a?(Numeric) # Simple hash to table if datum.is_a?(Hash) && datum.keys.all? { |x| x.is_a?(String) || x.is_a?(Numeric) } output = ''.dup column_a = datum.empty? ? 2 : datum.map { |k, _v| k.to_s.length }.max + 2 datum.sort_by { |k, _v| k.to_s }.each do |key, value| output << key.to_s.ljust(column_a) output << json.render(value) .chomp.gsub(/\n */) { |x| x + (' ' * column_a) } output << "\n" end return output end # Print one item per line for arrays if datum.is_a? Array output = ''.dup datum.each do |item| output << item.to_s output << "\n" end return output end # ...or pretty-print the inspect outcome. Puppet::Util::Json.dump(datum, :pretty => true, :quirks_mode => true) end def render_multiple(data) data.collect(&:render).join("\n") end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:flat, :mime => 'text/x-flat-text', :weight => 0) do def flatten_hash(hash) hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k, v), h| case v when Hash flatten_hash(v).map do |h_k, h_v| h["#{k}.#{h_k}"] = h_v end when Array v.each_with_index do |el, i| if el.is_a? Hash flatten_hash(el).map do |el_k, el_v| h["#{k}.#{i}.#{el_k}"] = el_v end else h["#{k}.#{i}"] = el end end else h[k] = v end end end def flatten_array(array) a = {} array.each_with_index do |el, i| if el.is_a? Hash flatten_hash(el).map do |el_k, el_v| a["#{i}.#{el_k}"] = el_v end else a["#{i}"] = el end end a end def construct_output(data) output = ''.dup data.each do |key, value| output << "#{key}=#{value}" output << "\n" end output end def render(datum) return datum if datum.is_a?(String) || datum.is_a?(Numeric) # Simple hash case datum when Hash data = flatten_hash(datum) return construct_output(data) when Array data = flatten_array(datum) return construct_output(data) end Puppet::Util::Json.dump(datum, :pretty => true, :quirks_mode => true) end def render_multiple(data) data.collect(&:render).join("\n") end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create(:rich_data_json, mime: 'application/vnd.puppet.rich+json', charset: Encoding::UTF_8, weight: 30) do def intern(klass, text) Puppet.override({ :rich_data => true }) do data_to_instance(klass, Puppet::Util::Json.load(text)) end end def intern_multiple(klass, text) Puppet.override({ :rich_data => true }) do Puppet::Util::Json.load(text).collect do |data| data_to_instance(klass, data) end end end def render(instance) Puppet.override({ :rich_data => true }) do instance.to_json end end def render_multiple(instances) Puppet.override({ :rich_data => true }) do Puppet::Util::Json.dump(instances) end end def data_to_instance(klass, data) Puppet.override({ :rich_data => true }) do return data if data.is_a?(klass) klass.from_data_hash(data) end end def supported?(klass) klass == Puppet::Resource::Catalog && Puppet.lookup(:current_environment).rich_data? end end Puppet::Network::FormatHandler.create_serialized_formats(:rich_data_msgpack, mime: "application/vnd.puppet.rich+msgpack", weight: 35) do confine :feature => :msgpack def intern(klass, text) Puppet.override(rich_data: true) do data = MessagePack.unpack(text) return data if data.is_a?(klass) klass.from_data_hash(data) end end def intern_multiple(klass, text) Puppet.override(rich_data: true) do MessagePack.unpack(text).collect do |data| klass.from_data_hash(data) end end end def render_multiple(instances) Puppet.override(rich_data: true) do instances.to_msgpack end end def render(instance) Puppet.override(rich_data: true) do instance.to_msgpack end end def supported?(klass) suitable? && klass == Puppet::Resource::Catalog && Puppet.lookup(:current_environment).rich_data? end end