require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Tessa::Model do subject(:described_module) { described_class } let(:model) { SingleAssetModel } it { be_a(Module) } describe "::asset" do it "creates ModelField and sets it by name to @tessa_fields" do expect(model.tessa_fields[:avatar]).to be_a(Tessa::Model::Field) end context "with a field named :avatar" do subject(:instance) { } it "creates an #avatar method" do expect(instance).to respond_to(:avatar) end it "creates an #avatar= method" do expect(instance).to respond_to(:avatar=) end it "allows overriding and calling super" do model.class_eval do def avatar @override_test = true super end end instance.avatar expect(instance.instance_variable_get(:@override_test)).to eq(true) end end context "with customized field" do let(:model) { MultipleAssetModel } let(:instance) { []) } it "sets all attributes on ModelField properly" do field = model.tessa_fields[:multiple_field] expect( eq("multiple_field") expect(field.multiple).to eq(true) expect(field.id_field).to eq("another_place") end end context "with inheritance hierarchy" do let(:submodel) { do asset :field2 end } it "submodel has its own list of fields" do expect(submodel.tessa_fields.keys).to eq([:avatar, :field2]) end it "does not alter parent class fields" do expect(model.tessa_fields.keys).to eq([:avatar]) end end context "on a form object" do let(:model) { SingleAssetModelForm } subject(:instance) { } it "creates an #avatar method" do expect(instance).to respond_to(:avatar) end it "creates an #avatar= method" do expect(instance).to respond_to(:avatar=) end end end describe "#asset_getter" do let(:instance) { } context "with a multiple typed field" do let(:model) { MultipleAssetModel } let(:instance) { []) } subject(:getter) { instance.multiple_field } it "calls find for each of the file_ids and returns result" do instance.another_place = [1, 2, 3] expect(Tessa::Asset).to receive(:find).with([1, 2, 3]).and_return([:a1, :a2, :a3]) expect(getter).to eq([:a1, :a2, :a3]) end it "caches the result" do instance.another_place = [1] expect(Tessa::Asset).to receive(:find).and_return(:val).once instance.multiple_field instance.multiple_field end context "with no values" do it "does not call find" do instance.another_place = [] expect(Tessa::Asset).not_to receive(:find) expect(instance.multiple_field).to eq([]) end end end context "with a singular typed field" do let(:model) { SingleAssetModel } subject(:getter) { instance.avatar } it "calls find for file_id and returns result" do instance.avatar_id = 1 expect(Tessa::Asset).to receive(:find).with(1).and_return(:a1) expect(getter).to eq(:a1) end it "caches the result" do instance.avatar_id = 1 expect(Tessa::Asset).to receive(:find).and_return(:val).once instance.avatar instance.avatar end it "wraps ActiveStorage uploads with AssetWrapper" do file ="") instance.avatar = file asset = instance.avatar expect(asset).to be_a(Tessa::ActiveStorage::AssetWrapper) # This goes to the blobs URL, which then redirects to the backend service URL expect(asset.public_url).to start_with('') # This is a direct download to the service URL (in test mode that is "disk") expect(asset.private_url).to start_with('') expect(asset.private_download_url).to start_with('') expect(asset.private_download_url).to include('&disposition=attachment') end context "with nil value" do it "does not call find" do instance.avatar_id = nil expect(Tessa::Asset).not_to receive(:find) expect(instance.avatar).to be_nil end end end context "on a form object" do let(:model) { SingleAssetModelForm } subject(:getter) { instance.avatar } it 'returns nil when empty' do expect(getter).to be_nil end it 'returns assigned upload object' do file ="") instance.avatar = file expect(getter).to eq(file) end end end describe "#asset_setter" do let(:instance) { } context "with a singular typed field" do let(:model) { SingleAssetModel } subject(:getter) { instance.avatar } let(:file) {"") } it 'attaches uploaded file' do instance.avatar = file expect( eq('avatar') expect(getter.filename).to eq('') expect(getter.content_type).to eq('text/plain') expect(getter.service_url) .to start_with('') end it 'sets the ID to be the ActiveStorage key' do instance.avatar = file expect(instance.avatar_id).to eq(instance.avatar_attachment.key) end it 'sets the ID in the attributes' do instance.avatar = file expect(instance.attributes['avatar_id']).to eq(instance.avatar_attachment.key) end it 'attaches signed ID from Tessa::AssetChangeSet' do blob = ::ActiveStorage::Blob.create_before_direct_upload!({ filename: '', byte_size: file.size, content_type: file.content_type, checksum: '1234' }) changeset = changes: [{ 'id' => blob.signed_id, 'action' => 'add' }] ) instance.avatar = changeset expect(instance.avatar_id).to eq(instance.avatar_attachment.key) end it 'does nothing when "add"ing an existing blob' do # Before this HTTP POST, we've previously uploaded this file instance.avatar = file # In this HTTP POST, we re-upload the 'add' action with the same ID changeset = changes: [{ 'id' => instance.avatar_attachment.key, 'action' => 'add' }] ) # We expect that we're not going to detatch the existing attachment expect(instance.avatar_attachment).to_not receive(:destroy) # act instance.avatar = changeset expect(instance.avatar_id).to eq(instance.avatar_attachment.key) end end context "with a multiple typed field" do let(:model) { MultipleAssetModel } let(:instance) { []) } let(:file) {"") } let(:file2) {"LICENSE.txt") } it 'attaches uploaded files' do instance.multiple_field = [file, file2] expect(instance.multiple_field[0].name).to eq('multiple_field') expect(instance.multiple_field[0].filename).to eq('') expect(instance.multiple_field[0].content_type).to eq('text/plain') expect(instance.multiple_field[0].service_url) .to start_with('') expect(instance.multiple_field[1].name).to eq('multiple_field') expect(instance.multiple_field[1].filename).to eq('LICENSE.txt') expect(instance.multiple_field[1].content_type).to eq('text/plain') expect(instance.multiple_field[1].service_url) .to start_with('') end it 'sets the ID to be the ActiveStorage key' do instance.multiple_field = [file, file2] expect(instance.another_place).to eq( end it 'sets the ID in the attributes' do instance.multiple_field = [file, file2] expect(instance.attributes['another_place']).to eq( end it 'attaches signed ID from Tessa::AssetChangeSet' do blob = ::ActiveStorage::Blob.create_before_direct_upload!({ filename: '', byte_size: file.size, content_type: file.content_type, checksum: '1234' }) blob2 = ::ActiveStorage::Blob.create_before_direct_upload!({ filename: "LICENSE.txt", byte_size: file2.size, content_type: file2.content_type, checksum: '5678' }) changeset = changes: [ { 'id' => blob.signed_id, 'action' => 'add' }, { 'id' => blob2.signed_id, 'action' => 'add' }, ] ) instance.multiple_field = changeset expect(instance.another_place).to eq([ blob.key, blob2.key ]) end it 'does nothing when "add"ing an existing blob' do # Before this HTTP POST, we've previously uploaded these files instance.multiple_field = [file, file2] keys = # In this HTTP POST, we re-upload the 'add' action with the same ID changeset = changes: [ { 'id' => keys[0], 'action' => 'add' }, { 'id' => keys[1], 'action' => 'add' }, ] ) # We expect that we're not going to detatch the existing attachment instance.multiple_field_attachments.each do |a| expect(a).to_not receive(:destroy) end # act instance.multiple_field = changeset expect(instance.another_place).to eq(keys) end it 'replaces Tessa assets with ActiveStorage assets' do # Before deploying this code, we previously had DB records with Tessa IDs instance.update!(another_place: [1, 2, 3]) # In this HTTP POST, we removed one of the tessa assets and uploaded a # new ActiveStorage asset blob = ::ActiveStorage::Blob.create_before_direct_upload!({ filename: '', byte_size: file.size, content_type: file.content_type, checksum: '1234' }) changeset = changes: [ { 'id' => 1, 'action' => 'add' }, { 'id' => 2, 'action' => 'remove' }, { 'id' => 3, 'action' => 'add' }, { 'id' => blob.signed_id, 'action' => 'add' }, ] ) # We'll download these assets when we access #multiple_field allow(Tessa.config.connection).to receive(:get) .with("/assets/1,3") .and_return(double("response", success?: true, body: [ { 'id' => 1, 'public_url' => 'test1' }, { 'id' => 2, 'public_url' => 'test2' } ].to_json)) blob.upload(file) # act instance.multiple_field = changeset expect(instance.another_place).to eq([ blob.key, 1, 3 ]) assets = instance.multiple_field expect(assets[0].key).to eq(blob.key) expect(assets[0].service_url) .to start_with('') expect(assets[1].id).to eq(1) expect(assets[1].public_url).to eq('test1') expect(assets[2].id).to eq(2) expect(assets[2].public_url).to eq('test2') end end end describe "#apply_tessa_change_sets" do let(:instance) { } let(:sets) { [ instance_spy(Tessa::AssetChangeSet) ] } before do instance.instance_variable_set( :@pending_tessa_change_sets, { avatar: sets[0], } ) end it "iterates over all pending changesets calling apply" do instance.apply_tessa_change_sets expect(sets[0]).to have_received(:apply) end it "removes all changesets from list" do instance.apply_tessa_change_sets expect(instance.pending_tessa_change_sets).to be_empty end context "no @pending_tessa_change_sets ivar" do before do instance.instance_variable_set( :@pending_tessa_change_sets, nil ) end it "doesn't raise error" do expect { instance.apply_tessa_change_sets }.to_not raise_error end end end describe "#fetch_tessa_remote_assets" do subject(:result) { } context "argument is `nil`" do let(:arg) { nil } it "returns nil" do expect(result).to be_nil end end context "argument is `[]`" do let(:arg) { [] } it "returns []" do expect(result).to be_a(Array) expect(result).to be_empty end end context "when argument is not blank" do let(:id) { rand(100) } let(:arg) { id } it "calls Tessa::Asset.find with arguments" do expect(Tessa::Asset).to receive(:find).with(arg) result end context "when Tessa::Asset.find raises RequestFailed exception" do let(:error) {"test exception", double(status: '500')) } before do allow(Tessa::Asset).to receive(:find).and_raise(error) end context "argument is single id" do let(:arg) { id } it "returns Failure" do expect(result).to be_a(Tessa::Asset::Failure) end it "returns asset with proper data" do expect( eq(arg) end end context "argument is array" do let(:arg) { [ id, id * 2 ] } it "returns array" do expect(result).to be_a(Array) end it "returns instances of Failure" do expect(result).to all( be_a(Tessa::Asset::Failure) ) end it "returns array with an asset for each id passed" do do |a, r| expect( eq(a) end end end end end end describe "#remove_all_tessa_assets" do let(:instance) { } context "with a single typed field" do let(:model) { SingleAssetModel } before do instance.avatar_id = 1 end it "adds pending change sets for each field removing all current assets" do instance.remove_all_tessa_assets changes = instance.pending_tessa_change_sets.values .reduce(, :+) .changes .map { |change| [, change.action.to_sym] } expect(changes).to eq([ [1, :remove] ]) end end context "with a multiple typed field" do let(:model) { MultipleAssetModel } let(:instance) { []) } before do instance.another_place = [2, 3] end it "adds pending change sets for each field removing all current assets" do instance.remove_all_tessa_assets changes = instance.pending_tessa_change_sets.values .reduce(, :+) .changes .map { |change| [, change.action.to_sym] } expect(changes).to eq([ [2, :remove], [3, :remove], ]) end end end describe "adds callbacks" do context "model responds to after_commit" do let(:model) { do def self.after_commit(arg=nil) @after_commit ||= arg end end.tap { |c| c.send(:include, described_module) } } it "calls it with :apply_tessa_change_sets" do expect(model.after_commit).to eq(:apply_tessa_change_sets) end end context "model responds to before_destroy" do let(:model) { do def self.before_destroy(arg=nil) @before_destroy ||= arg end end.tap { |c| c.send(:include, described_module) } } it "calls it with :remove_all_tessa_assets" do expect(model.before_destroy).to eq(:remove_all_tessa_assets) end end end end