#Feature: Read and manage settings # In order to make some global configurations # As an admin # I want to see and manage some settings # # Background: # And the following "settings" exist: # | title | value | id | parent_id | # | "root" | "test1" | 1 | | # | "master" | "test2" | 2 | 1 | # # Scenario: Go to the settings admin site # Given that a confirmed admin exists # And I am logged in as "admin@test.de" with password "secure12" # When I go to the admin list of settings # And I click on "New Setting" # Then I fill in "setting_title" with "Titletag.Test" # And I fill in "setting_value" with "ikusei GmbH" # And I press "Create Setting" # And I should see "titletag_test" within "table" # And I should see "ikusei GmbH" within "table" # # Scenario: manage hierarchical setting # Given that a confirmed admin exists # And I am logged in as "admin@test.de" with password "secure12" # When I go to the admin list of settings # And I click on "New Setting" # Then I fill in "setting_title" with "titletag2" # And I fill in "setting_value" with "ikusei GmbH2" # And I select "master" within "#setting_parent_id" # And I press "Create Setting" # And I should see "titletag" within "table" # And I should see "ikusei GmbH" within "table" # And I should see "1/2" within "table"