#!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6; use Test; use lib IO::Path.new($?FILE).parent.path; plan 7; my $module = %*ENV ?? 'Example' !! 'RNA_Transcription'; use-ok $module; require ::($module) ; ok RNA_Transcription.can('to_rna'), 'Class RNA_Transcription has to_rna() method'; is RNA_Transcription.to_rna('C'), 'G', 'RNA complement of cytosine is guanine'; is RNA_Transcription.to_rna('G'), 'C', 'RNA complement of guanine is cytosine'; is RNA_Transcription.to_rna('T'), 'A', 'RNA complement of thymine is adenine'; is RNA_Transcription.to_rna('A'), 'U', 'RNA complement of adenine is uracil'; is RNA_Transcription.to_rna('ACGTGGTCTTAA'), 'UGCACCAGAAUU', 'transcribes all occurences';