en: tennpipes: admin: login: title: "Login" email: "Email" password: "Password" bypass: "Bypass login?" sign_in: "Sign In" error: "Email or password wrong." save: "Save" save_and_continue: "Save and continue" cancel: "Cancel" list: "List" edit: "Edit" new: "New" show: "Show" delete: "Delete" confirm: "Are you sure?" created_at: "Created at" all: "All" profile: "Edit your profile" settings: "Settings" logout: "Exit the admin" select_all: "Select all" deselect_all: "Deselect all" delete_selected: "Delete selected" delete_selected_title: "Are you sure you want to delete all the selected items?" example: "Ex: a simple text" new_title: "New %{model}" create_title: "Editing %{model}" create_success: "%{model} was successfully created." create_error: "Couldn't create the %{model}" edit_title: "Editing %{model}" edit_warning: "Couldn't find the %{model} with ID %{id}." update_title: "Editing %{model}" update_success: "%{model} with ID %{id} was successfully updated." update_error: "Couldn't update the %{model}." update_warning: "Couldn't find the %{model} with ID %{id}" delete_title: "Delete %{model}?" delete_success: "%{model} with ID %{id} was successfully deleted." delete_error: "Unable to delete %{model}!" delete_warning: "Couldn't find the %{model} with ID %{id}." destroy_many_error: "You must select at least one %{model} to delete." destroy_many_success: "%{model} %{ids} were successfully deleted." custom_errors: title: "Error" '403': title: "Error 403" description: "Forbidden" '404': title: "Error 404" description: "Not Found" '500': title: "Error 500" description: "Server Error"