# frozen_string_literal: false # Core SVG data for the trident specification sheet. # # This class should never need to be called directly. # @private class USPSFlags class Core module TridentSpecs class Build def initialize(fly: 24, unit: 'in', scaled_border: false) @config = USPSFlags.configuration.trident @scaled_border = scaled_border configure_sizes(fly) configure_labels(unit) end def svg svg = spec_header svg << add_short_trident svg << add_delta_trident svg << add_national_tridents svg end def intersections # Static labeling @fly = Rational(2048, 5) @unit = '' svg = spec_header(no_measurements: true) svg << add_intersections svg end private def box_left (BF * 27 / 32) / 2 end def box_right (BF * 37 / 32) / 2 end def add_short_trident box_top = BH / 4 box_bottom = BH * 3 / 4 add_trident(:Short, box_top, box_bottom, box_left, box_right) end def add_delta_trident box_top = BH * 3 / 16 box_bottom = BH * 13 / 16 add_trident(:Delta, box_top, box_bottom, box_left, box_right) end def add_national_tridents box_top = BH / 8 box_bottom = BH * 7 / 8 add_trident(:Circle, box_top, box_bottom, box_left, box_right) + add_trident(:Long, box_top, box_bottom, box_left, box_right) end def add_intersections svg = +'' svg += "<g transform=\"translate(-#{BF * 1 / 16}, #{BH / 4}) scale(0.6)\">" svg += USPSFlags::Core::Tridents.cc(trident_color: :blue) svg += cc_label svg += '</g>' svg += "<g transform=\"translate(#{BF * 7 / 16}, #{BH / 4}) scale(0.6)\">" svg += USPSFlags::Core::Tridents.vc(trident_color: :red) svg += vc_label svg += '</g>' svg end def cc_label offset = BF.to_f * 1 / 32 height = BF.to_f * 15 / 64 small_arrow = SA.vertical( offset, -height / 3, 0, pointer_top: height / 3, pointer_bottom: 0, label_offset: BF / 35, label_offset_y: -BF / 50, label_align: 'middle', fly: @fly, unit: @unit ) <<~SVG <!-- CC Intersection --> <g transform="translate(#{BF / 2}, #{BH - 200}) rotate(45)"> #{big_arrow} #{small_arrow} </g> SVG end def vc_label offset = BF.to_f * 1 / 32 height = BF.to_f * 15 / 64 small_arrow = SA.vertical( offset, -height * 15 / 32, 0, pointer_top: height * 15 / 32, pointer_bottom: 0, label_offset: BF / 35, label_offset_y: -BF / 50, label_align: 'middle', fly: @fly, unit: @unit ) <<~SVG <!-- CC Intersection --> <g transform="translate(#{BF / 2}, #{BH - 200}) rotate(45)"> #{big_arrow} #{small_arrow} </g> SVG end def big_arrow offset = BF * 1 / 32 height = BF * 15 / 64 SA.vertical( offset * 3, -height, 0, pointer_top: height, pointer_bottom: 0, label_offset: BF / 60, label_offset_y: -BF / 10, label_align: 'left', fly: @fly, unit: @unit ) end def configure_sizes(fly) @fly = Rational(fly) get_hoist_from_fly(@fly) configure_hoist_fraction configure_fly_fraction end def get_hoist_from_fly(fly) hoist = (fly * Rational(2, 3)) @hoist = if hoist == hoist.to_i hoist.to_i else hoist end end def configure_hoist_fraction @hoist_fraction = '' if @hoist == @hoist.to_i @hoist = @hoist.to_i else @hoist, @hoist_fraction = USPSFlags::Rational.new(@hoist).to_simplified_a end end def configure_fly_fraction @fly_fraction = '' if @fly == @fly.to_i @fly = @fly.to_i else @fly, @fly_fraction = USPSFlags::Rational.new(@fly).to_simplified_a end end def configure_labels(unit) @label_font_size = if Math.sqrt(@fly) > 24 BF * Math.log(24, Math.sqrt(@fly)) / 60 else BF / 60 end @unit_text = unit.nil? ? '' : unit.to_s @unit = unit configure_barb_label end def configure_barb_label barb_label = Rational(@config[:main_point_barb]) * @fly / BF @barb_label = if barb_label == barb_label.to_i "#{barb_label.to_i}#{@unit_text}" else "#{USPSFlags::Rational.new(barb_label).to_simplified_s}#{@unit_text}" end end def spec_header(no_measurements: false) USPSFlags::Core::TridentSpecs::Header.new( fly: @fly, fly_fraction: @fly_fraction, hoist: @hoist, hoist_fraction: @hoist_fraction, unit_text: @unit_text, scaled_border: @scaled_border, no_measurements: no_measurements ).p end def add_trident(type, box_top, box_bottom, box_left, box_right) sym = { Short: :s, Delta: :d, Circle: :stf, Long: :n }[type] Object.const_get("USPSFlags::Core::TridentSpecs::#{type}").new( bt: box_top, bb: box_bottom, bl: box_left, br: box_right, fly: @fly, unit: @unit, heading: heading(sym), config: @config, barb_label: @barb_label ).p end def heading(type_sym) type, description = { s: ['Short', 'Squadron Officers'], d: ['Delta', 'District Officers'], stf: ['Circle', 'Staff Commanders Only'], n: ['Long', 'National Officers'] }[type_sym] <<~SVG <text x="#{BF / 2}" y="#{BH * 1 / 40}" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="#{BH / 30}px" font-weight="bold" fill="#BF0D3E" text-anchor="middle">#{type}</text> <text x="#{BF / 2}" y="#{BH * 5 / 80}" font-family="sans-serif" font-size="#{BH / 40}px" fill="#BF0D3E" text-anchor="middle">#{description}</text> SVG end end end end end