module Airbrake module Rails # This railtie works for any Rails application that supports railties (Rails # 3.2+ apps). It makes Airbrake Ruby work with Rails and report errors # occurring in the application automatically. class Railtie < ::Rails::Railtie initializer('airbrake.middleware') do |app| # Since Rails 3.2 the ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions middleware is # responsible for logging exceptions and showing a debugging page in # case the request is local. We want to insert our middleware after # DebugExceptions, so we don't notify Airbrake about local requests. if ::Rails.version.to_i >= 5 # Avoid the warning about deprecated strings. # Insert after DebugExceptions, since ConnectionManagement doesn't # exist in Rails 5 anymore. app.config.middleware.insert_after( ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions, Airbrake::Rack::Middleware ) elsif defined?(::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement) # Insert after ConnectionManagement to avoid DB connection leakage: # app.config.middleware.insert_after( ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement, 'Airbrake::Rack::Middleware' ) else # Insert after DebugExceptions for apps without ActiveRecord. app.config.middleware.insert_after( ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions, 'Airbrake::Rack::Middleware' ) end end rake_tasks do # Report exceptions occurring in Rake tasks. require 'airbrake/rake' # Defines tasks such as `airbrake:test` & `airbrake:deploy`. require 'airbrake/rake/tasks' end initializer('airbrake.action_controller') do ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do # Patches ActionController with methods that allow us to retrieve # interesting request data. Appends that information to notices. require 'airbrake/rails/action_controller' include Airbrake::Rails::ActionController if Airbrake::Config.instance.performance_stats # Cache route information for the duration of the request. require 'airbrake/rails/action_controller_route_subscriber' ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe( 'start_processing.action_controller', ) # Send route stats. require 'airbrake/rails/action_controller_notify_subscriber' ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe( 'process_action.action_controller', ) # Send performance breakdown: where a request spends its time. require 'airbrake/rails/action_controller_performance_breakdown_subscriber' ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe( 'process_action.action_controller', ) require 'airbrake/rails/net_http' end end end initializer('airbrake.active_record') do ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do # Reports exceptions occurring in some bugged ActiveRecord callbacks. # Applicable only to the versions of Rails lower than 4.2. require 'airbrake/rails/active_record' include Airbrake::Rails::ActiveRecord if defined?(ActiveRecord) && Airbrake::Config.instance.performance_stats # Send SQL queries. require 'airbrake/rails/active_record_subscriber' ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe( 'sql.active_record', ) # Filter out parameters from SQL body. Airbrake.add_performance_filter( ::ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:adapter] ) ) end end end initializer('airbrake.active_job') do ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_job) do # Reports exceptions occurring in ActiveJob jobs. require 'airbrake/rails/active_job' include Airbrake::Rails::ActiveJob end end initializer('airbrake.action_cable') do ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_cable) do # Reports exceptions occurring in ActionCable connections. require 'airbrake/rails/action_cable' end end runner do at_exit do Airbrake.notify_sync($ERROR_INFO) if $ERROR_INFO end end end end end if defined?(ActionController::Metal) require 'airbrake/rails/action_controller' module ActionController # Adds support for Rails API/Metal for Rails < 5. Rails 5+ uses standard # hooks. # @see class Metal include Airbrake::Rails::ActionController end end end