# A visitor for converting a dynamic Sass tree into a static Sass tree. class Sass::Tree::Visitors::Perform < Sass::Tree::Visitors::Base # @param root [Tree::Node] The root node of the tree to visit. # @param environment [Sass::Environment] The lexical environment. # @return [Tree::Node] The resulting tree of static nodes. def self.visit(root, environment = nil) new(environment).send(:visit, root) end # @api private def self.perform_arguments(callable, args, keywords, splat) desc = "#{callable.type.capitalize} #{callable.name}" downcase_desc = "#{callable.type} #{callable.name}" begin unless keywords.empty? unknown_args = Sass::Util.array_minus(keywords.keys, callable.args.map {|var| var.first.underscored_name}) if callable.splat && unknown_args.include?(callable.splat.underscored_name) raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("Argument $#{callable.splat.name} of #{downcase_desc} cannot be used as a named argument.") elsif unknown_args.any? description = unknown_args.length > 1 ? 'the following arguments:' : 'an argument named' raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{desc} doesn't have #{description} #{unknown_args.map {|name| "$#{name}"}.join ', '}.") end end rescue Sass::SyntaxError => keyword_exception end # If there's no splat, raise the keyword exception immediately. The actual # raising happens in the ensure clause at the end of this function. return if keyword_exception && !callable.splat if args.size > callable.args.size && !callable.splat takes = callable.args.size passed = args.size raise Sass::SyntaxError.new( "#{desc} takes #{takes} argument#{'s' unless takes == 1} " + "but #{passed} #{passed == 1 ? 'was' : 'were'} passed.") end splat_sep = :comma if splat args += splat.to_a splat_sep = splat.separator if splat.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::List) # If the splat argument exists, there won't be any keywords passed in # manually, so we can safely overwrite rather than merge here. keywords = splat.keywords if splat.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::ArgList) end keywords = keywords.dup env = Sass::Environment.new(callable.environment) callable.args.zip(args[0...callable.args.length]) do |(var, default), value| if value && keywords.include?(var.underscored_name) raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{desc} was passed argument $#{var.name} both by position and by name.") end value ||= keywords.delete(var.underscored_name) value ||= default && default.perform(env) raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{desc} is missing argument #{var.inspect}.") unless value env.set_local_var(var.name, value) end if callable.splat rest = args[callable.args.length..-1] arg_list = Sass::Script::Value::ArgList.new(rest, keywords.dup, splat_sep) arg_list.options = env.options env.set_local_var(callable.splat.name, arg_list) end yield env rescue Exception => e ensure # If there's a keyword exception, we don't want to throw it immediately, # because the invalid keywords may be part of a glob argument that should be # passed on to another function. So we only raise it if we reach the end of # this function *and* the keywords attached to the argument list glob object # haven't been accessed. # # The keyword exception takes precedence over any Sass errors, but not over # non-Sass exceptions. if keyword_exception && !(arg_list && arg_list.keywords_accessed) && (e.nil? || e.is_a?(Sass::SyntaxError)) raise keyword_exception elsif e raise e end end protected def initialize(env) @environment = env end # If an exception is raised, this adds proper metadata to the backtrace. def visit(node) return super(node.dup) unless @environment @environment.stack.with_base(node.filename, node.line) {super(node.dup)} rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) raise e end # Keeps track of the current environment. def visit_children(parent) with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment, parent.options) do parent.children = super.flatten parent end end # Runs a block of code with the current environment replaced with the given one. # # @param env [Sass::Environment] The new environment for the duration of the block. # @yield A block in which the environment is set to `env`. # @return [Object] The return value of the block. def with_environment(env) old_env, @environment = @environment, env yield ensure @environment = old_env end # Sets the options on the environment if this is the top-level root. def visit_root(node) yield rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.sass_template ||= node.template raise e end # Removes this node from the tree if it's a silent comment. def visit_comment(node) return [] if node.invisible? node.resolved_value = run_interp_no_strip(node.value) node.resolved_value.gsub!(/\\([\\#])/, '\1') node end # Prints the expression to STDERR. def visit_debug(node) res = node.expr.perform(@environment) res = res.value if res.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String) if node.filename Sass::Util.sass_warn "#{node.filename}:#{node.line} DEBUG: #{res}" else Sass::Util.sass_warn "Line #{node.line} DEBUG: #{res}" end [] end # Runs the child nodes once for each value in the list. def visit_each(node) list = node.list.perform(@environment) with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment) do list.to_a.map do |value| if node.vars.length == 1 @environment.set_local_var(node.vars.first, value) else node.vars.zip(value.to_a) do |(var, sub_value)| @environment.set_local_var(var, sub_value || Sass::Script::Value::Null.new) end end node.children.map {|c| visit(c)} end.flatten end end # Runs SassScript interpolation in the selector, # and then parses the result into a {Sass::Selector::CommaSequence}. def visit_extend(node) parser = Sass::SCSS::StaticParser.new(run_interp(node.selector), node.filename, node.options[:importer], node.line) node.resolved_selector = parser.parse_selector node end # Runs the child nodes once for each time through the loop, varying the variable each time. def visit_for(node) from = node.from.perform(@environment) to = node.to.perform(@environment) from.assert_int! to.assert_int! to = to.coerce(from.numerator_units, from.denominator_units) range = Range.new(from.to_i, to.to_i, node.exclusive) with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment) do range.map do |i| @environment.set_local_var(node.var, Sass::Script::Value::Number.new(i, from.numerator_units, from.denominator_units)) node.children.map {|c| visit(c)} end.flatten end end # Loads the function into the environment. def visit_function(node) env = Sass::Environment.new(@environment, node.options) @environment.set_local_function(node.name, Sass::Callable.new(node.name, node.args, node.splat, env, node.children, !:has_content, "function")) [] end # Runs the child nodes if the conditional expression is true; # otherwise, tries the else nodes. def visit_if(node) if node.expr.nil? || node.expr.perform(@environment).to_bool yield node.children elsif node.else visit(node.else) else [] end end # Returns a static DirectiveNode if this is importing a CSS file, # or parses and includes the imported Sass file. def visit_import(node) if path = node.css_import? resolved_node = Sass::Tree::CssImportNode.resolved("url(#{path})") resolved_node.source_range = node.source_range return resolved_node end file = node.imported_file if @environment.stack.frames.any? {|f| f.is_import? && f.filename == file.options[:filename]} handle_import_loop!(node) end begin @environment.stack.with_import(node.filename, node.line) do root = file.to_tree Sass::Tree::Visitors::CheckNesting.visit(root) node.children = root.children.map {|c| visit(c)}.flatten node end rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:filename => node.imported_file.options[:filename]) e.add_backtrace(:filename => node.filename, :line => node.line) raise e end end # Loads a mixin into the environment. def visit_mixindef(node) env = Sass::Environment.new(@environment, node.options) @environment.set_local_mixin(node.name, Sass::Callable.new(node.name, node.args, node.splat, env, node.children, node.has_content, "mixin")) [] end # Runs a mixin. def visit_mixin(node) include_loop = true handle_include_loop!(node) if @environment.stack.frames.any? {|f| f.is_mixin? && f.name == node.name} include_loop = false @environment.stack.with_mixin(node.filename, node.line, node.name) do raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("Undefined mixin '#{node.name}'.") unless mixin = @environment.mixin(node.name) if node.children.any? && !mixin.has_content raise Sass::SyntaxError.new(%Q{Mixin "#{node.name}" does not accept a content block.}) end args = node.args.map {|a| a.perform(@environment)} keywords = Sass::Util.map_hash(node.keywords) {|k, v| [k, v.perform(@environment)]} splat = node.splat.perform(@environment) if node.splat self.class.perform_arguments(mixin, args, keywords, splat) do |env| env.caller = Sass::Environment.new(@environment) env.content = node.children if node.has_children trace_node = Sass::Tree::TraceNode.from_node(node.name, node) with_environment(env) {trace_node.children = mixin.tree.map {|c| visit(c)}.flatten} trace_node end end rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e unless include_loop e.modify_backtrace(:mixin => node.name, :line => node.line) e.add_backtrace(:line => node.line) end raise e end def visit_content(node) return [] unless content = @environment.content @environment.stack.with_mixin(node.filename, node.line, '@content') do trace_node = Sass::Tree::TraceNode.from_node('@content', node) with_environment(@environment.caller) {trace_node.children = content.map {|c| visit(c.dup)}.flatten} trace_node end rescue Sass::SyntaxError => e e.modify_backtrace(:mixin => '@content', :line => node.line) e.add_backtrace(:line => node.line) raise e end # Runs any SassScript that may be embedded in a property. def visit_prop(node) node.resolved_name = run_interp(node.name) val = node.value.perform(@environment) node.resolved_value = val.to_s node.value_source_range = val.source_range if val.source_range yield end # Returns the value of the expression. def visit_return(node) throw :_sass_return, node.expr.perform(@environment) end # Runs SassScript interpolation in the selector, # and then parses the result into a {Sass::Selector::CommaSequence}. def visit_rule(node) rule = node.rule rule = rule.map {|e| e.is_a?(String) && e != ' ' ? e.strip : e} if node.style == :compressed parser = Sass::SCSS::StaticParser.new(run_interp(node.rule), node.filename, node.options[:importer], node.line) node.parsed_rules ||= parser.parse_selector node.stack_trace = @environment.stack.to_s if node.options[:trace_selectors] with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment, node.options) do @environment.selector = node.parsed_rules node.children = node.children.map {|c| visit(c)}.flatten end node end # Loads the new variable value into the environment. def visit_variable(node) var = @environment.var(node.name) return [] if node.guarded && var && !var.null? val = node.expr.perform(@environment) if node.expr.source_range val.source_range = node.expr.source_range else val.source_range = node.source_range end @environment.set_var(node.name, val) [] end # Prints the expression to STDERR with a stylesheet trace. def visit_warn(node) res = node.expr.perform(@environment) res = res.value if res.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String) msg = "WARNING: #{res}\n " msg << @environment.stack.to_s.gsub("\n", "\n ") << "\n" Sass::Util.sass_warn msg [] end # Runs the child nodes until the continuation expression becomes false. def visit_while(node) children = [] with_environment Sass::Environment.new(@environment) do children += node.children.map {|c| visit(c)} while node.expr.perform(@environment).to_bool end children.flatten end def visit_directive(node) node.resolved_value = run_interp(node.value) yield end def visit_media(node) parser = Sass::SCSS::StaticParser.new(run_interp(node.query), node.filename, node.options[:importer], node.line) node.resolved_query ||= parser.parse_media_query_list yield end def visit_supports(node) node.condition = node.condition.deep_copy node.condition.perform(@environment) yield end def visit_cssimport(node) node.resolved_uri = run_interp([node.uri]) if node.query parser = Sass::SCSS::StaticParser.new(run_interp(node.query), node.filename, node.options[:importer], node.line) node.resolved_query ||= parser.parse_media_query_list end yield end private def run_interp_no_strip(text) text.map do |r| next r if r.is_a?(String) val = r.perform(@environment) # Interpolated strings should never render with quotes next val.value if val.is_a?(Sass::Script::Value::String) val.to_s end.join end def run_interp(text) run_interp_no_strip(text).strip end def handle_include_loop!(node) msg = "An @include loop has been found:" content_count = 0 mixins = @environment.stack.frames.select {|f| f.is_mixin?}.reverse.map {|f| f.name}.select do |name| if name == '@content' content_count += 1 false elsif content_count > 0 content_count -= 1 false else true end end return unless mixins.include?(node.name) raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{msg} #{node.name} includes itself") if mixins.size == 1 msg << "\n" << Sass::Util.enum_cons(mixins.reverse + [node.name], 2).map do |m1, m2| " #{m1} includes #{m2}" end.join("\n") raise Sass::SyntaxError.new(msg) end def handle_import_loop!(node) msg = "An @import loop has been found:" files = @environment.stack.frames.select {|f| f.is_import?}.map {|f| f.filename}.compact if node.filename == node.imported_file.options[:filename] raise Sass::SyntaxError.new("#{msg} #{node.filename} imports itself") end files << node.filename << node.imported_file.options[:filename] msg << "\n" << Sass::Util.enum_cons(files, 2).map do |m1, m2| " #{m1} imports #{m2}" end.join("\n") raise Sass::SyntaxError.new(msg) end end