require 'json' require 'logger' require 'timeout' require 'forwardable' class QueueWorker extend Forwardable def_delegators :client, :ack, :join, :close class << self attr_accessor :stomp def configure yield self end end attr_writer :client, :log attr_accessor :queue, :handler # @param [String] queue_name the queue to pub/sub # @param [#info, #warn, #error] log # @param [Proc] block to handle the subscription callback def initialize(queue_name = nil, log = nil, &block) @queue = queue_name @log = log @handler = block || proc { |body| Kernel.const_get(body[:class]).call(body[:args]) } end # Publish one or more messages to a queue # # @param [String] queue name # @param [Array] messages a list of objects that are or can be converted to JSON def self.publish(queue, *messages) worker = new(queue) messages.each { |msg| worker.publish(msg) } worker.close end # Peek at any number messages in the queue # # @param [String] queue_name # @param [Integer] size specify the number of messages to return def self.peek(queue_name, size = 1) counter = 0 messages = [] worker = new(queue_name) worker.subscribe_with_timeout(2, size) do |message| counter += 1 messages << JSON.parse(message.body).merge('message-id' => message.headers['message-id']) worker.quit if counter == size end messages end # Start a subscription worker with the given args def self.subscribe(*args, &block) worker = new(*args, &block) worker.subscribe worker.join end # = Publish a message to a queue # # @param [Hash] message - Data to serialize # @param [Hash] headers - Additional header options for ActiveMQ def publish(message, headers = {}) message = message.to_json unless message.is_a?(String) client.publish("/queue/#{queue}", message, { priority: 4, persistent: true }.merge(headers)) end alias push publish # Subscribe (listen) to a queue # # @param [String] queue_name specify the queue name # @param [Integer] size specify the number of messages the block may receive without sending +ack+ # @param [Proc] block to handle the subscribe callback def subscribe(queue_name = nil, size = 1, &block) callback = block || method(:call) client.subscribe("/queue/#{queue_name || queue}", { :ack => 'client', 'activemq.prefetchSize' => size }, &callback) end # Subscribe to a queue for a limited time # # @param [Integer] duration to subscribe for before closing connection # @param [Integer] size specify the number of messages the block may receive without sending +ack+ # @param [Proc] block to handle the subscribe callback def subscribe_with_timeout(duration, size = 1, &block) Timeout::timeout(duration) do subscribe(nil, size, &block) join end rescue Timeout::Error quit end # Unsubscribe from the current queue def unsubscribe(queue_name = nil) client.unsubscribe("/queue/#{queue_name || queue}") end # Unsubscribe from the current queue and close the connection def quit(queue_name = nil) unsubscribe(queue_name) close end # Handles +subscribe+ callback # # Tries to delegate processing of message to a class based on the name of the queue. For example: # # If the queue is named "scheduled/default" it will look for a class called Scheduled::Default to # initialize with the message body and then call it's +call+ method # # @param [Stomp::Message] message is the container object Stomp gives us for what is really a "frame" or package from the queue def call(message) if message.command == 'MESSAGE', symbolize_names: true), message) end rescue => e log.error(e.message) { "\n#{e.backtrace.inspect}" } ensure ack(message)'Processed') { "#{message.headers['message-id']} for #{message.headers['destination']}" } end def client @client ||= end def log @log ||= end end