#-- # Wmap # # A pure Ruby library for the Internet web application discovery and tracking. # # Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Yang Li #++ require "parallel" require "singleton" require "nokogiri" # Main class to automatically track the site inventory class Wmap::SiteTracker include Wmap::Utils include Singleton attr_accessor :sites_file, :max_parallel, :verbose, :data_dir, :known_sites # Set default instance variables def initialize (params = {}) # Initialize the instance variables @data_dir=params.fetch(:data_dir, File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/../../data/') Dir.mkdir(@data_dir) unless Dir.exist?(@data_dir) @sites_file=params.fetch(:sites_file, @data_dir+'sites') @verbose=params.fetch(:verbose, false) @max_parallel=params.fetch(:max_parallel, 30) File.write(@sites_file, "") unless File.exist?(@sites_file) # Hash table to hold the site store load_site_stores_from_file(@sites_file) end # Setter to load the known hosts into an instance variable def load_site_stores_from_file (file=@sites_file) puts "Loading the site store data repository from file: #{file} " if @verbose @known_sites=Hash.new File.write(file, "") unless File.exist?(file) f=File.open(file, 'r') f.each do |line| line=line.chomp.strip next if line.nil? next if line.empty? next if line =~ /^\s*#/ entry=line.split(%r{\t+|\,}) site=entry[0].downcase ip=entry[1] port=entry[2] status=entry[3] server=entry[4] res=entry[5].to_i fp=entry[6] loc=entry[7] timestamp=entry[8] puts "Loading entry: #{site} - #{ip} - #{status}" if @verbose @known_sites[site]= Hash.new unless @known_sites.key?(site) @known_sites[site]['ip']=ip @known_sites[site]['port']=port @known_sites[site]['status']=status @known_sites[site]['server']=server @known_sites[site]['code']=res @known_sites[site]['md5']=fp @known_sites[site]['redirection']=loc @known_sites[site]['timestamp']=timestamp end f.close puts "Successfully loading file: #{file}" if @verbose return @known_sites rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for file #{file}: #{ee}" end # Save the current site store hash table into a file def save_sites_to_file!(file_sites=@sites_file) puts "Saving the current site store table from memory to file: #{file_sites}" timestamp=Time.now f=File.open(file_sites, 'w') f.write "# Local site store created by class #{self.class} method #{__method__} at: #{timestamp}\n" f.write "# Website,Primary IP,Port,Hosting Status,Server,Response Code,MD5 Finger-print,Redirection,Timestamp\n" @known_sites.keys.sort.map do |key| f.write "#{key},#{@known_sites[key]['ip']},#{@known_sites[key]['port']},#{@known_sites[key]['status']},#{@known_sites[key]['server']},#{@known_sites[key]['code']},#{@known_sites[key]['md5']},#{@known_sites[key]['redirection']},#{@known_sites[key]['timestamp']}\n" end f.close puts "site store table is successfully saved: #{file_sites}" rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" end alias_method :save!, :save_sites_to_file! # Count numbers of entries in the site store table def count puts "Counting number of entries in the site store table ..." return @known_sites.size rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" end # Setter to add site entry to the cache one at a time def add(site) puts "Add entry to the site store: #{site}" # Preliminary sanity check site=site.strip.downcase unless site.nil? if site_known?(site) puts "Site already exists. Skip it: #{site}" return nil end site=normalize_url(site) if is_url?(site) site=url_2_site(site) if is_url?(site) puts "Site in standard format: #{site}" if @verbose raise "Exception on method #{__method__}: invalid site format of #{site}. Expected format is: http://your_website_name/" unless is_site?(site) trusted=false host=url_2_host(site) ip=host_2_ip(host) # Additional logic to refresh deactivated site, 02/12/2014 deact=Wmap::SiteTracker::DeactivatedSite.instance deact.sites_file=@data_dir + "/" + "deactivated_sites" File.write(deact.sites_file, "") unless File.exist?(deact.sites_file) deact.load_site_stores_from_file # only trust either the domain or IP we know if is_ip?(host) trusted=Wmap::CidrTracker.new(:data_dir=>@data_dir).ip_trusted?(ip) else root=get_domain_root(host) if root.nil? raise "Invalid web site format. Please check your record again." else domain_tracker=Wmap::DomainTracker.instance domain_tracker.domains_file=@data_dir + "/" + "domains" File.write(domain_tracker.domains_file, "") unless File.exist?(domain_tracker.domains_file) domain_tracker.load_domains_from_file(domain_tracker.domains_file) trusted=domain_tracker.domain_known?(root) domain_tracker=nil end end # add record only if trusted if trusted # Add logic to check site status before adding it checker=Wmap::UrlChecker.new(:data_dir=>@data_dir).check(site) raise "Site is currently down. Skip #{site}" if checker.nil? # Skip the http site if it's un-responsive; for the https we'll keep it because we're interested in analysing the SSL layer later if is_https?(site) # do nothing else raise "Site is currently down. Skip #{site}" if checker['code']==10000 end raise "Exception on add method - Fail to resolve the host-name: Host - #{host}, IP - #{ip}. Skip #{site}" unless is_ip?(ip) host_tracker = Wmap::HostTracker.instance host_tracker.data_dir= @data_dir host_tracker.hosts_file = host_tracker.data_dir + "/" + "hosts" host_tracker.load_known_hosts_from_file(host_tracker.hosts_file) # Update the local host table when necessary if is_ip?(host) # Case #1: Trusted site contains IP if host_tracker.ip_known?(host) # Try local reverse DNS lookup first puts "Local hosts table lookup for IP: #{ip}" if @verbose host=host_tracker.local_ip_2_host(host) puts "Host found from the local hosts table for #{ip}: #{host}" if @verbose site.sub!(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/,host) else # Try reverse DNS lookup over Internet as secondary precaution puts "Reverse DNS lookup for IP: #{ip}" if @verbose host1=ip_2_host(host) puts "host1: #{host1}" if @verbose if is_fqdn?(host1) if host_tracker.domain_known?(host1) # replace IP with host-name only if domain root is known puts "Host found from the Internet reverse DNS lookup for #{ip}: #{host1}" if @verbose host=host1 site.sub!(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/,host) end end end # Adding site for Case #1 raise "Site already exist! Skip #{site}" if @known_sites.key?(site) puts "Adding site: #{site}" if @verbose @known_sites[site]=Hash.new @known_sites[site]=checker if deact.site_known?(site) deact.delete(site) deact.save! end puts "Site entry loaded: #{checker}" if is_fqdn?(host) # Add logic to update the hosts table for case #1 variance # - case that reverse DNS lookup successful puts "Update local hosts table for host: #{host}" if host_tracker.host_known?(host) old_ip=host_tracker.local_host_2_ip(host) if old_ip != ip host_tracker.refresh(host) host_tracker.save! else puts "Host resolve to the same IP #{ip} - no need to update the local host table." if @verbose end else host_tracker.add(host) host_tracker.save! end end else # Case #2: Trusted site contains valid FQDN puts "Ading site: #{site}" if @verbose @known_sites[site]=Hash.new @known_sites[site]=checker if deact.site_known?(site) deact.delete(site) deact.save! end puts "Site entry loaded: #{checker}" # Add logic to update the hosts table for case #2 puts "Update local hosts table for host: #{host}" if host_tracker.host_known?(host) old_ip=host_tracker.local_host_2_ip(host) if old_ip != ip host_tracker.refresh(host) host_tracker.save! else # Skip - no need to update the local hosts table end else host_tracker.add(host) host_tracker.save! end end deact=nil host_tracker=nil return checker else puts "Problem found: untrusted Internet domain or IP. Skip #{site}" deact=nil host_tracker=nil return nil end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" checker=nil deact=nil host_tracker=nil return nil end # Setter to add site entry to the cache table in batch (from a file) def file_add(file) puts "Add entries to the local site store from file: #{file}" raise "File non-exist. Please check your file path and name again: #{file}" unless File.exist?(file) changes=Hash.new sites=file_2_list(file) changes=bulk_add(sites) unless sites.nil? or sites.empty? puts "Done loading file #{file}. " return changes rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" end # Setter to add site entry to the cache in batch (from a list) def bulk_add(list,num=@max_parallel) puts "Add entries to the local site store from list:\n #{list}" results=Hash.new list = list - [nil,""] if list.size > 0 puts "Start parallel adding on the sites:\n #{list}" Parallel.map(list, :in_processes => num) { |target| add(target) }.each do |process| if process.nil? next elsif process.empty? next #do nothing else results[process['url']]=Hash.new results[process['url']]=process end end @known_sites.merge!(results) else puts "Error: no entry is added. Please check your list and try again." end puts "Done adding site entries." if results.size>0 puts "New entries added: #{results}" else puts "No new entry added. " end return results rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose end alias_method :adds, :bulk_add # Setter to remove entry from the site store one at a time def delete(site) puts "Remove entry from the site store: #{site} " if @verbose # Additional logic to deactivate the site properly, by moving it to the DeactivatedSite list, 02/07/2014 deact=Wmap::SiteTracker::DeactivatedSite.instance deact.sites_file=@data_dir + 'deactivated_sites' File.write(deact.sites_file, "") unless File.exist?(deact.sites_file) site=site.strip.downcase site=url_2_site(site) if @known_sites.key?(site) site_info=@known_sites[site] deact.add(site,site_info) deact.save! deact=nil del=@known_sites.delete(site) puts "Entry cleared: #{site}" return del else puts "Entry not fund. Skip #{site}" deact=nil return nil end rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose deact=nil end alias_method :del, :delete # Setter to delete site entry to the cache in batch (from a file) def file_delete(file) puts "Delete entries to the local site store from file: #{file}" if @verbose raise "File non-exist. Please check your file path and name again: #{file}" unless File.exist?(file) sites=file_2_list(file) changes=Array.new changes=bulk_delete(sites) unless sites.nil? or sites.empty? rescue => ee puts "Exception on method file_delete: #{ee} for file: #{file}" if @verbose end alias_method :file_del, :file_delete # Setter to delete site entry to the cache in batch (from a list) def bulk_delete(list) puts "Delete entries to the local site store from list:\n #{list}" if @verbose sites=list changes=Array.new if sites.size > 0 sites.map do |x| x=url_2_site(x) site=delete(x) changes.push(site) unless site.nil? end puts "Done deleting sites from the list:\n #{list}" return changes else puts "Error: no entry is loaded. Please check your list and try again." end #rescue => ee # puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose end alias_method :dels, :bulk_delete # Setter to refresh the entry in the site store one at a time def refresh(site) puts "Refresh the local site store for site: #{site} " raise "Invalid site: #{site}" if site.nil? or site.empty? site=site.strip.downcase if @known_sites.key?(site) delete(site) site_info=add(site) puts "Done refresh entry: #{site}" return site_info else puts "Error entry non exist: #{site}" end return nil rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end # 'Refresh sites in the site store in batch (from a file) def file_refresh(file) puts "Refresh entries in the site store from file: #{file}" if @verbose changes=Hash.new sites=file_2_list(file) changes=bulk_refresh(sites) unless sites.nil? or sites.empty? return changes rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee} for file: #{file}" if @verbose end # 'Refresh unique sites in the site store only def refresh_uniq_sites puts "Refresh unique site entries in the site store. " if @verbose changes=Hash.new sites=get_uniq_sites if sites.size > 0 changes=bulk_refresh(sites) else puts "Error: no entry is refreshed. Please check your site store and try again." end return changes rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose end # 'Refresh sites in the site store in batch (from a list) def bulk_refresh(list,num=@max_parallel) puts "Refresh entries in the site store from list:\n #{list}" if @verbose results=Hash.new if list.size > 0 puts "Start parallel refreshing on the sites:\n #{list}" Parallel.map(list, :in_processes => num) { |target| refresh(target) }.each do |process| if process.nil? next elsif process.empty? #do nothing else results[process['url']]=Hash.new results[process['url']]=process end end # Clean up old entries, by Y.L. 03/30/2015 list.map {|x| @known_sites.delete(x)} # Add back fresh entries @known_sites.merge!(results) puts "Done refresh sites." else puts "Error: no entry is loaded. Please check your list and try again." end return results rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose end alias_method :refreshs, :bulk_refresh # Refresh all site entries in the stores in one shot def refresh_all puts "Refresh all the entries within the local site store ... " changes=Hash.new changes=bulk_refresh(@known_sites.keys) @known_sites.merge!(changes) puts "Done refresh all entries." return changes rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose end # Refresh all site entries in the stores that contains an IP instead of a hostname def refresh_ip_sites puts "Refresh all entries that contain an IP address instead of a FQDN ... " sites=get_ip_sites live_sites=sites.delete_if { |x| @known_sites[x]['code'] == 10000 or @known_sites[x]['code'] == 20000 } changes=Hash.new changes=bulk_refresh(live_sites) @known_sites.merge!(changes) puts "Done refresh IP sites." return changes rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose end # Quick validation if a site is already covered under the site store def site_known?(site) raise "Web site store not loaded properly! " if @known_sites.nil? site=site.strip.downcase unless site.nil? site=url_2_site(site) return @known_sites.key?(site) unless site.nil? rescue => ee puts "Error checking web site #{site} against the site store: #{ee}" return false end alias_method :is_known?, :site_known? # Quick validation check on an IP is already part of the site store def site_ip_known?(ip) ip=ip.chomp.strip known=false if is_ip?(ip) @known_sites.keys.map do |site| if @known_sites[site]['ip']==ip return true end end end myDis=nil return known rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" return false end alias_method :siteip_known?, :site_ip_known? # Quick check of the stored information of a site within the store def site_check(site) raise "Web site store not loaded properly! " if @known_sites.nil? site=site.strip.downcase unless site.nil? site=url_2_site(site) return @known_sites[site] unless site.nil? rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" return nil end alias_method :check, :site_check # Retrieve external hosted sites into a list def get_ext_sites puts "getter to retrieve all the external hosted sites. " if @verbose sites=Array.new @known_sites.keys.map do |key| if @known_sites[key]['status']=="ext_hosted" sites.push(key) end end sites.sort! return sites rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end alias_method :get_ext, :get_ext_sites # Retrieve a list of internal hosted site URLs def get_int_sites puts "getter to retrieve all the internal hosted sites." if @verbose sites=Array.new @known_sites.keys.map do |key| if @known_sites[key]['status']=="int_hosted" sites.push(key) end end sites.sort! return sites rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end alias_method :get_int, :get_int_sites # Retrieve a list of sites that contain an IP in the site URL def get_ip_sites puts "Getter to retrieve sites contain an IP instead of a host-name ." if @verbose sites=Array.new @known_sites.keys.map do |key| host=url_2_host(key) if is_ip?(host) sites.push(key) end end sites.sort! return sites rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end # Retrieve a list of unique sites within the known site store def get_uniq_sites puts "Getter to retrieve unique sites containing unique IP:PORT key identifier." if @verbose= #primary_host_tracker=Wmap::HostTracker::PrimaryHost.instance sites=Hash.new #uniqueness=Hash.new host_tracker=Wmap::HostTracker.instance host_tracker.hosts_file=@data_dir + 'hosts' host_tracker.load_known_hosts_from_file @known_sites.keys.map do |key| port=url_2_port(key).to_s host=url_2_host(key) md5=@known_sites[key]['md5'] code=@known_sites[key]['code'] ip=host_tracker.local_host_2_ip(host) ip=host_2_ip(host) if ip.nil? # filtering out 'un-reachable' sites next if (code == 10000 or code == 20000) # filtering out 'empty' sites next if (md5.nil? or md5.empty?) next if ip.nil? # url_new=key #if primary_host_tracker.ip_known?(ip) # p_host=primary_host_tracker.known_hosts[ip] # url_new=key.sub(host,p_host) #end id=ip+":"+port # filtering out duplicates by 'IP:PORT' key pair unless sites.key?(id) #if @known_sites.key?(key) # sites[id]=url_new #else # Further filtering out redundant site by checking MD5 finger-print #unless uniqueness.key?(md5) sites[id]=key # uniqueness[md5]=true #end #end end end #primary_host_tracker=nil host_tracker=nil return sites.values rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end alias_method :uniq_sites, :get_uniq_sites # Retrieve a list of sites that contain an IP in the site URL def get_ssl_sites puts "getter to retrieve https sites from the site store." if @verbose sites=Array.new @known_sites.keys.map do |key| key =~ /https/i sites.push(key) end sites.sort! return sites rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end # Retrieve a list of redirection URLs from the site store def get_redirection_urls puts "getter to retrieve all the redirection URLs from the site store." if @verbose urls=Array.new @known_sites.keys.map do |key| unless @known_sites[key]['redirection'].nil? urls.push(@known_sites[key]['redirection']) end end urls.sort! return urls rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end # Retrieve redirection URL if available def get_redirection_url (site) puts "getter to retrieve the redirection URL from the site store." if @verbose site=site.strip.downcase if @known_sites.key?(site) return @known_sites[site]['redirection'] else puts "Unknown site: #{site}" if @verbose return nil end rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end # Perform local host table reverse lookup for the IP sites, in hope that the hostname could now be resolved since the site was discovered def resolve_ip_sites puts "Resolve sites that contain an IP address. Update the site cache table once a hostname is found in the local host table." if @verbose updates=Array.new sites=get_ip_sites host_tracker=Wmap::HostTracker.instance host_tracker.data_dir=@data_dir sites.map do |site| puts "Work on resolve the IP site: #{site}" if @verbose ip=url_2_host(site) hostname=host_tracker.local_ip_2_host(ip) if hostname.nil? puts "Can't resolve #{ip} from the local host store. Skip #{site}" if @verbose else puts "Host-name found for IP #{ip}: #{hostname}" if @verbose updates.push(site) refresh(site) end end updates.sort! puts "The following sites are now refreshed: #{updates}" if @verbose host_tracker=nil return updates rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" if @verbose end # Search potential matching sites from the site store by using simple regular expression. Note that any upper-case char in the search string will be automatically converted into lower case def search (pattern) puts "Search site store based on the regular expression: #{pattern}" if @verbose pattern=pattern.strip.downcase results=Array.new @known_sites.keys.map do |key| if key =~ /#{pattern}/i results.push(key) end end return results rescue Exception => ee puts "Exception on method search: #{ee}" if @verbose return nil end # Print summary report on all sites that contain an IP in the site URL def print_ip_sites puts "Print sites contain an IP instead of a host-name." sites=get_ip_sites sites.map { |x| puts x } puts "End of report. " rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} " end # Retrieve and print specific information of a site in the site store def print_site(site) puts "Site Information Report for: #{site}" if @verbose site=site.strip unless site.nil? raise "Unknown site: #{site}" unless @known_sites.key?(site) ip=@known_sites[site]['ip'] port=@known_sites[site]['port'] status=@known_sites[site]['status'] server=@known_sites[site]['server'] fp=@known_sites[site]['md5'] loc=@known_sites[site]['redirection'] res=@known_sites[site]['code'] timestamp=@known_sites[site]['timestamp'] puts "#{site},#{ip},#{port},#{status},#{server},#{res},#{fp},#{loc},#{timestamp}" rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} for #{site}: #{ee}" end alias_method :print, :print_site # Print summary report of all sites URL in the site store def print_all_sites puts "\nSummary Report of the site store:" sites=@known_sites.keys.sort sites.each do |site| puts site end puts "End of the summary" rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__} " end alias_method :print_all, :print_all_sites # Retrieve and save unique sites information for the quarterly scan into a plain local file def save_uniq_sites(file) puts "Save unique sites information into a flat file: #{file}\nThis may take a long while as it go through a lengthy self correction check process, please be patient ..." prime_sites=get_prim_uniq_sites puts "Primary Sites: #{prime_sites}" if @verbose f=File.open(file,"w") f.write "Unique Sites Information Report\n" f.write "Site, IP, Port, Server, Hosting, Response Code, MD5, Redirect, Timestamps\n" prime_sites.map do |key| next if key.nil? site=key.strip raise "Unknown site: #{site}. You may need to add it into the site store first. Execute the following shell command before trying again: \n\wadd #{site}\n" unless @known_sites.key?(site) ip=@known_sites[site]['ip'] port=@known_sites[site]['port'] status=@known_sites[site]['status'] server=@known_sites[site]['server'] fp=@known_sites[site]['md5'] loc=@known_sites[site]['redirection'] res=@known_sites[site]['code'] timestamp=@known_sites[site]['timestamp'] f.write "#{site},#{ip},#{port},#{server},#{status},#{res},#{fp},#{loc},#{timestamp}\n" end f.close puts "Done!" return true # success rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" return false # fail end alias_method :dump, :save_uniq_sites # Retrieve and save unique sites information for the quarterly scan into a XML file def save_uniq_sites_xml(file) puts "Save unique sites information into XML file: #{file}\nThis may take a long while as it go through lengthy self correctness check, please be patient ..." prime_sites=get_prim_uniq_sites builder = Nokogiri::XML::Builder.new do |xml| xml.root { xml.websites { prime_sites.each do |key| next if key.nil? site=key.strip raise "Unknown site: #{site}. You may need to add it into the site store first. Execute the following shell command before trying again: \n\twmap #{site}\n" unless @known_sites.key?(site) xml.site { xml.name site xml.ip_ @known_sites[site]['ip'] xml.port_ @known_sites[site]['port'] xml.status_ @known_sites[site]['status'] xml.server_ @known_sites[site]['server'] xml.fingerprint_ @known_sites[site]['md5'] xml.redirection_ @known_sites[site]['redirection'] xml.responsecode_ @known_sites[site]['code'] xml.timestamp_ @known_sites[site]['timestamp'] } end } } end puts builder.to_xml if @verbose f=File.new(file,'w') f.write(builder.to_xml) f.close puts "Done!" return true rescue => ee puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" return false end alias_method :dump_xml, :save_uniq_sites_xml # Retrieve the unique sites from the local site store in the primary host format def get_prim_uniq_sites puts "Retrieve and prime unique sites in the site store. " if @verbose host_tracker=Wmap::HostTracker.instance host_tracker.data_dir=@data_dir primary_host_tracker=Wmap::HostTracker::PrimaryHost.instance primary_host_tracker.data_dir=@data_dir # Step 1. Retrieve the unique site list first sites=get_uniq_sites prim_uniq_sites=Array.new # Step 2. Iterate on the unique site list, spit out the site in the primary host format one at a time sites.map do |site| puts "Work on priming unique site: #{site}" if @verbose host=url_2_host(site) # case#1, for the IP only site, do nothing (presuming 'refresh_ip_sites' or 'refresh_all' method already take care of the potential discrepancy here). if is_ip?(host) prim_uniq_sites.push(site) next end ip=@known_sites[site]['ip'] # case#2, for site with an unique IP, do nothing puts "Local hosts table entry count for #{ip}: #{host_tracker.alias[ip]}" if @verbose if host_tracker.alias[ip] == 1 prim_uniq_sites.push(site) next end # case#3, case of multiple IPs for A DNS record, where the site IP may have 0 alias count, do nothing if host_tracker.alias[ip] == nil prim_uniq_sites.push(site) next end # case#4, for the site has a duplicate IP with others, we try to determine which one is the primary site # raise "Error: inconsistency detected on record: #{site}. Please run the following shell command to refresh it first: \n\srefresh #{site}" if tracker1.alias[ip].nil? if ( primary_host_tracker.known_hosts.key?(ip) and (host_tracker.alias[ip] > 1) ) new_host=primary_host_tracker.prime(host) puts "Host: #{host}, New host:#{new_host}" if @verbose unless host==new_host new_site=site.sub(host,new_host) raise "Site not found in the site tracking data repository: #{new_site}. You may need to add it into the site store first. Execute the following shell command before trying again: \n\twadd #{new_site}\n" unless @known_sites.key?(new_site) new_ip=@known_sites[new_site]['ip'] if new_ip==ip # consistency check site=new_site else # TBD - case of multiple IPs for A DNS record #raise "Inconsistency found on prime host entrance: #{new_ip}, #{ip}; #{new_site}, #{site}. Please refresh your entries by running the following shell command: \n\s refresh #{new_site}" end end end prim_uniq_sites.push(site) end primary_host_tracker=nil host_tracker=nil return prim_uniq_sites #rescue => ee # puts "Exception on method #{__method__}: #{ee}" end alias_method :get_prime, :get_prim_uniq_sites # Print summary report of external hosted sites URL in the def print_ext_sites puts "\nSummary Report of the External Hosted Site" sites=get_ext_sites sites.each do |site| puts site end return nil end alias_method :print_ext, :print_ext_sites # Print summary report of internal hosted site URLs def print_int_sites puts "\nSummary Report of the Internal Hosted Site" sites=get_int_sites sites.each do |site| puts site end return nil end alias_method :print_int, :print_int_sites # Print summary report of internal hosted site URLs def print_ssl_sites puts "\nSummary Report of the HTTPS Sites from the Site Store" sites=get_ssl_sites sites.each do |site| puts site end return nil end # Print summary report of unique sites in the site store def print_uniq_sites puts "Summary Report for the Unique sites:" puts "Website,Primary IP,Port,Hosting Status,Server,Response Code,Site MD5 Finger-print,Site Redirection,Timestamp" sites=get_uniq_sites sites.each do |site| print_site(site) end end private end