// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('validators/validator') ; /** Handle parsing and display of dates. @class @extends SC.Validator @author Charles Jolley @version 1.0 */ SC.Validator.Date = SC.Validator.extend( /** @scope SC.Validator.Date.prototype */ { /** The standard format you want the validator to convert dates to. */ format: 'NNN d, yyyy h:mm:ss a', /** If true, dates will be converted to a natural language format if possible such as "Tomorrow" or "Today". */ naturalLanguage: true, /** if we have a number, then convert to a date object. */ fieldValueForObject: function(object, form, field) { var date ; if (typeof(object) == "number") { date = new Date(object) ; } else if (object instanceof Date) { date = object; } if (date) object = date.format(this.get('format'),this.get('naturalLanguage')) ; return object ; }, /** Try to pase value as a date. convert into a number, or return null if it could not be parsed. */ objectForFieldValue: function(value, form, field) { if (value) { var date = Date.parseDate(value) ; value = (date) ? date.getTime() : null ; } return value ; } }) ;