module Merb module Slices module Support # This module should be explicitly included into a controller, # for example in Application (the main controller of your app). # It contains optional methods for slice/plugin developers. # Generate a slice url - takes the slice's :path_prefix into account. # # @param slice_name # The name of the slice - in identifier_sym format (underscored). # @param *args # There are several possibilities regarding arguments: # - when passing a Hash only, the :default route of the current # slice will be used # - when a Symbol is passed, it's used as the route name # - a Hash with additional params can optionally be passed # # @return A uri based on the requested slice. # # @example slice_url(:awesome, :format => 'html') # @example slice_url(:forum, :posts, :format => 'xml') def slice_url(slice_name, *args) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} route_name = args[0].is_a?(Symbol) ? args.shift : :default routes = Merb::Slices.named_routes[slice_name] unless routes && route = routes[route_name] raise Merb::Router::GenerationError, "Named route not found: #{route_name}" end args.push(opts) route.generate(args, params) end end module ControllerMixin def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Setup a controller to reference a slice and its template roots # # This method is available to any class inheriting from Merb::AbstractController; # it enabled correct location of templates, as well as access to the slice module. # # @param slice_module<#to_s> The slice module to use; defaults to current module. # @param options # Optional parameters to set which component path is used (defaults to :view) and # the :path option lets you specify a subdirectory of that component path. # When :layout is set, then this is used instead of the config's :layout setting. # # @example controller_for_slice # uses current module # @example controller_for_slice SliceMod # defaults to :view templates and no subdirectory # @example controller_for_slice :templates_for => :mailer, :path => 'views' # for Merb::Mailer # @example controller_for_slice SliceMod, :templates_for => :mailer, :path => 'views' # for Merb::Mailer def controller_for_slice(slice_module = nil, options = {}) options, slice_module = slice_module.merge(options), nil if slice_module.is_a?(Hash) slice_module ||='::').first options[:templates_for] = :view unless options.key?(:templates_for) if slice_mod = Merb::Slices[slice_module.to_s] # Include the instance methods unless self.kind_of?(Merb::Slices::ControllerMixin::MixinMethods) self.send(:extend, Merb::Slices::ControllerMixin::MixinMethods) end # Reference this controller's slice module self.class_inheritable_accessor :slice, :instance_writer => false self.slice = slice_mod # Setup template roots if options[:templates_for] self._template_root = join_template_path(slice_mod.dir_for(options[:templates_for]), options[:path]) self._template_roots = [] # app-level app/views directory for shared and fallback views, layouts and partials self._template_roots << [join_template_path(Merb.dir_for(options[:templates_for]), options[:path]), :_template_location] if Merb.dir_for(options[:templates_for]) # slice-level app/views for the standard supplied views self._template_roots << [self._template_root, :_slice_template_location] # app-level slices//app/views for specific overrides self._template_roots << [join_template_path(slice_mod.app_dir_for(options[:templates_for]), options[:path]), :_slice_template_location] # additional template roots for specific overrides (optional) self._template_roots += Array(options[:template_roots]) if options[:template_roots] end # Set the layout for this slice controller layout_for_slice(options[:layout]) end end private def join_template_path(*segments) File.join(*segments.compact) end end module MixinMethods def self.extended(klass) klass.send(:include, InstanceMethods) klass.hide_action :slice if klass.respond_to?(:hide_action) end # Use the slice's layout - defaults to underscored identifier. # # This is set for generated stubs that support layouts. # # @param layout<#to_s> The layout name to use. def layout_for_slice(layout = nil) layout(layout || self.slice.config[:layout]) if layout || self.slice.config.key?(:layout) end module InstanceMethods # Reference this controller's slice module directly. # # @return A slice module. def slice; self.class.slice; end # Generate a url - takes the slice's :path_prefix into account. # # @param *args # There are several possibilities regarding arguments: # - when passing a Hash only, the :default route of the current # slice will be used # - when a single Symbol is passed, it's used as the route name, # while the slice itself will be the current one # - when two Symbols are passed, the first will be the slice name, # the second will be the route name # - a Hash with additional params can optionally be passed # # @return A uri based on the requested slice. # # @example slice_url(:controller => 'foo', :action => 'bar') # @example slice_url(:awesome, :format => 'html') # @example slice_url(:forum, :posts, :format => 'xml') def slice_url(*args) opts = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} slice_name, route_name = if args[0].is_a?(Symbol) && args[1].is_a?(Symbol) [args.shift, args.shift] # other slice identifier, route name elsif args[0].is_a?(Symbol) [slice.identifier_sym, args.shift] # self, route name else [slice.identifier_sym, :default] # self, default route end routes = Merb::Slices.named_routes[slice_name] unless routes && route = routes[route_name] raise Merb::Router::GenerationError, "Named route not found: #{route_name}" end args.push(opts) route.generate(args, params) end private # This is called after the controller is instantiated to figure out where to # for templates under the _template_root. This helps the controllers # of a slice to locate templates without looking in a subdirectory with # the name of the module. Instead it will just be app/views/controller/* # # @param context<#to_str> The controller context (the action or template name). # @param type<#to_str> The content type. Defaults to nil. # @param controller<#to_str> The name of the controller. Defaults to controller_name. # # @return # Indicating where to look for the template for the current controller, # context, and content-type. def _slice_template_location(context, type = nil, controller = controller_name) if controller && controller.include?('/') # skip first segment if given (which is the module name) segments = controller.split('/') "#{segments[1,segments.length-1].join('/')}/#{context}.#{type}" else # default template location logic _template_location(context, type, controller) end end end end end end end