Active Assets ============= A Railtie that provides a full asset management system, including support for development and deployment. This includes building sprites, concatenating javascript and css via expansion definitions. Active Assets includes two libraries, Active Expansions and Active Sprites. gem install active_assets Gemfile ------- gem 'active_assets', '~>0.2.0.rc3' In your rails app ----------------- ### application.rb ... require 'rails/all' require 'active_assets/railtie' ... ## The dsls ### Introduction to Active Expansions ActiveExpansions allow you to register Rails javascript and stylesheet expansions via a simple dsl. Addionally, the assets in the expansion are concatenated when appropriate and the expansion delivers the concatenated (or 'cached') assets' path in the appropriate environments. Also, files can be specified as deploy only or only for a specific environment. For example, you may wish to include jQuery or Prototype src files in development and use minified libraries from cdn sources in production. This is supported. * Below demonstration shows several variations on how to declare expansions. Note that these declaration are redundant to demonstrate how to accomplish the same thing in different ways. * Alternatively you can also register your assets in multiple files. Simply omit `config/asets.rb` and add as many .rb files as you like inside a directory `config/assets` * Note the `register` is optional `Rails.application.expansions do` will work the same way #### config/assets.rb Rails.application.expansions.register do expansion :global, :type => :js do _'vendor/jquery' _'application' end expansion :global, :type => :css do _'vendor/reset' _'application' end expansion :global do _'vendor/jquery.js' _'application.js' _'vendor/reset.css' _'application.css' end js do expansion :global do _'vendor/jquery' _'application' end end css do expansion :global do _'vendor/reset' _'application' end end expansion :global do js do _'vendor/jquery' _'application' end css do _'vendor/reset' _'application' end end end #### config/assets/js.rb (suggestion only) Rails.application.expansions.js do expansion :global do _'vendor/jquery' _'application' end end #### config/assets/css.rb (suggestion only) Rails.application.expansions.css do expansion :global do _'vendor/reset' _'application' end end ### Introduction to Active Sprites ActiveSprites allows you to generate sprites within your Rails apps with `rake sprites`! All you need is rmagick (in development) and you are on your way. Store the images that make up your sprites in your rails project, use the dsl below to tell ActiveSprites which images to include in your sprites, the css selector the corresponds to each image in the sprite, the location to write the sprite, and the location to write the stylesheet. #### config/sprites.rb Rails.application.sprites do sprite 'sprites/world_flags.png' => 'sprites/world_flags.css' _"sprite_images/world_flags/Argentina.gif" => ".flags.argentina" _"sprites_images/world_flags/Australia.gif" => ".flags.australia" ... end end #### To generate rake sprites or Rails.application.sprites.generate! ### More on Active Expansions You can specify certain assets only be used in a deployment setting or only be used in a production setting. The example below illustrates how to include a library in development and the same library from a cdn in production. The net result will be that the library will not get cached (concatenated) along with all of the other files because it is specified for use only in development and test. Hence, the cache file will only be comprised of the other assets in the expansion. Similarly, the cdn resort will not get cached either but instead will be used directly. The resulting expansion in production will include two paths, the cdn url to jquery and the path the cache file, in this case, public/{javascript,stylesheets}/cache/global.{js,css}. Rails.application.expansions.register do expansion :global do js do asset 'vendor/jquery', :group => [:development, :test] asset '', :group => :deploy, :cache => false _'application' end css do asset 'vendor/reset', :group => [:development, :test] asset '', :group => :deploy, :cache => false _'application' end end end `_` and `a` are aliases for `asset` #### ActiveExpansions configuration and deployment By default, ActiveExpansions will not cache your assets even if `ActionController.perform_caching` is enabled. This is because if you are not serving assets from the same server as where your application resides, then you most likely want to cache your assets at deploy time (on the front-end servers). To cache assets manually, Rails.application.expansions.javascripts.cache! Rails.application.expansions.stylesheets.cache! To enable your application to cache assets when the application is initialized, i.e. boot time, follow this example, ##### config/environments/production.rb ... config.active_expansions.precache_assets = true ... ### More on Active Sprites It is possible to add all of the world flags! Haha, see the following example, Rails.application.sprites do sprite :world_flags Dir[Rails.root.join('public/images/sprite_images/world_flags/*.{png,gif,jpg}')].each do |path| image_path = path[%r{^.*/public/images/(.*)$}, 1] klass_name = ".flag.#{File.basename(image_path, File.extname(image_path)).split(' ').join('_')}" sp image_path => klass_name end end end `_` and `sp` are aliases for `sprite_piece` Also, you will notice that I gave a symbol for the sprite instead of a mapping. This will assume that you wish to store your sprite at `path/to/your/public/images/sprites/world_flags.png` and you wish to store your stylesheet at `path/to/your/public/stylesheets/sprites/world_flags.css`. Copyright © Sam Woodard 2011. Release under the MIT License.