var getType = require('should-type'); var util = require('./util'); function genKeysFunc(f) { return function(value) { var k = f(value); k.sort(); return k; }; } function Formatter(opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.seen = []; this.keys = genKeysFunc(opts.keys === false ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames : Object.keys); this.maxLineLength = typeof opts.maxLineLength === 'number' ? opts.maxLineLength : 60; this.propSep = opts.propSep || ','; this.isUTCdate = !!opts.isUTCdate; } Formatter.prototype = { constructor: Formatter, format: function(value) { var t = getType(value); var name1 = t.type, name2 = t.type; if(t.cls) { name1 += '_' + t.cls; name2 += '_' + t.cls; } if(t.sub) { name2 += '_' + t.sub; } var f = this['_format_' + name2] || this['_format_' + name1] || this['_format_' + t.type] || this.defaultFormat; return, value).trim(); }, _formatObject: function(value, opts) { opts = opts || {}; var mainKeys = opts.keys || this.keys(value); var len = 0; var formatPropertyValue = opts.formatPropertyValue || this.formatPropertyValue; var formatPropertyName = opts.formatPropertyName || this.formatPropertyName; var keyValueSep = opts.keyValueSep || ': '; var keyFilter = opts.keyFilter || function() { return true; }; this.seen.push(value); var keys = []; mainKeys.forEach(function(key) { if(!keyFilter(key)) return; var fName =, key); var f = (fName ? fName + keyValueSep : '') +, value, key); len += f.length; keys.push(f); }, this); this.seen.pop(); (opts.additionalProperties || []).forEach(function(keyValue) { var f = keyValue[0] + keyValueSep + this.format(keyValue[1]); len += f.length; keys.push(f); }, this); var prefix = opts.prefix || Formatter.constructorName(value) || ''; if(prefix.length > 0) prefix += ' '; var lbracket, rbracket; if(Array.isArray(opts.brackets)) { lbracket = opts.brackets && opts.brackets[0]; rbracket = opts.brackets && opts.brackets[1]; } else { lbracket = '{'; rbracket = '}'; } var rootValue = opts.value || ''; if(keys.length === 0) return rootValue || (prefix + lbracket + rbracket); if(len <= this.maxLineLength) { return prefix + lbracket + ' ' + (rootValue ? rootValue + ' ' : '') + keys.join(this.propSep + ' ') + ' ' + rbracket; } else { return prefix + lbracket + '\n' + (rootValue ? ' ' + rootValue + '\n' : '') + + '\n') + '\n' + rbracket; } }, formatObject: function(value, prefix, props) { props = props || this.keys(value); var len = 0; this.seen.push(value); props = { var f = this.formatProperty(value, prop); len += f.length; return f; }, this); this.seen.pop(); if(props.length === 0) return '{}'; if(len <= this.maxLineLength) { return '{ ' + (prefix ? prefix + ' ' : '') + props.join(this.propSep + ' ') + ' }'; } else { return '{' + '\n' + (prefix ? ' ' + prefix + '\n' : '') + + '\n') + '\n' + '}'; } }, formatPropertyName: function(name) { return name.match(/^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*$/) ? name : this.format(name); }, formatProperty: function(value, prop) { var desc = Formatter.getPropertyDescriptor(value, prop); var propName = this.formatPropertyName(prop); var propValue = desc.get && desc.set ? '[Getter/Setter]' : desc.get ? '[Getter]' : desc.set ? '[Setter]' : this.seen.indexOf(desc.value) >= 0 ? '[Circular]' : this.format(desc.value); return propName + ': ' + propValue; }, formatPropertyValue: function(value, prop) { var desc = Formatter.getPropertyDescriptor(value, prop); var propValue = desc.get && desc.set ? '[Getter/Setter]' : desc.get ? '[Getter]' : desc.set ? '[Setter]' : this.seen.indexOf(desc.value) >= 0 ? '[Circular]' : this.format(desc.value); return propValue; } }; Formatter.add = function add(type, cls, sub, f) { var args =; f = args.pop(); Formatter.prototype['_format_' + args.join('_')] = f; }; Formatter.formatObjectWithPrefix = function formatObjectWithPrefix(f) { return function(value) { var prefix =, value); var props = this.keys(value); if(props.length == 0) return prefix; else return this.formatObject(value, prefix, props); }; }; var functionNameRE = /^\s*function\s*(\S*)\s*\(/; Formatter.functionName = function functionName(f) { if( { return; } var matches = f.toString().match(functionNameRE); if (matches === null) { // `functionNameRE` doesn't match arrow functions. return ''; } var name = matches[1]; return name; }; Formatter.constructorName = function(obj) { while (obj) { var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'constructor'); if (descriptor !== undefined && typeof descriptor.value === 'function') { var name = Formatter.functionName(descriptor.value); if(name !== '') { return name; } } obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); } }; Formatter.getPropertyDescriptor = function(obj, value) { var desc; try { desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, value) || {value: obj[value]}; } catch(e) { desc = {value: e}; } return desc; }; Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray = function generateFunctionForIndexedArray(lengthProp, name, padding) { return function(value) { var max = this.byteArrayMaxLength || 50; var length = value[lengthProp]; var formattedValues = []; var len = 0; for(var i = 0; i < max && i < length; i++) { var b = value[i] || 0; var v = util.pad0(b.toString(16), padding); len += v.length; formattedValues.push(v); } var prefix = || name || ''; if(prefix) prefix += ' '; if(formattedValues.length === 0) return prefix + '[]'; if(len <= this.maxLineLength) { return prefix + '[ ' + formattedValues.join(this.propSep + ' ') + ' ' + ']'; } else { return prefix + '[\n' + + '\n') + '\n' + ']'; } }; }; Formatter.add('undefined', function() { return 'undefined' }); Formatter.add('null', function() { return 'null' }); Formatter.add('boolean', function(value) { return value ? 'true': 'false' }); Formatter.add('symbol', function(value) { return value.toString() }); ['number', 'boolean'].forEach(function(name) { Formatter.add('object', name, function(value) { return this._formatObject(value, { additionalProperties: [['[[PrimitiveValue]]', value.valueOf()]] }); }); }); Formatter.add('object', 'string', function(value) { var realValue = value.valueOf(); return this._formatObject(value, { keyFilter: function(key) { //skip useless indexed properties return !(key.match(/\d+/) && parseInt(key, 10) < realValue.length); }, additionalProperties: [['[[PrimitiveValue]]', realValue]] }); }); Formatter.add('object', 'regexp', function(value) { return this._formatObject(value, { value: String(value) }); }); Formatter.add('number', function(value) { if(value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) return '-0'; return String(value); }); Formatter.add('string', function(value) { return '\'' + JSON.stringify(value).replace(/^"|"$/g, '') .replace(/'/g, "\\'") .replace(/\\"/g, '"') + '\''; }); Formatter.add('object', function(value) { return this._formatObject(value); }); Formatter.add('object', 'arguments', function(value) { return this._formatObject(value, { prefix: 'Arguments', formatPropertyName: function(key) { if(!key.match(/\d+/)) { return this.formatPropertyName(key); } }, brackets: ['[', ']'] }); }); Formatter.add('object', 'array', function(value) { return this._formatObject(value, { formatPropertyName: function(key) { if(!key.match(/\d+/)) { return this.formatPropertyName(key); } }, brackets: ['[', ']'] }); }); function formatDate(value, isUTC) { var prefix = isUTC ? 'UTC' : ''; var date = value['get' + prefix + 'FullYear']() + '-' + util.pad0(value['get' + prefix + 'Month']() + 1, 2) + '-' + util.pad0(value['get' + prefix + 'Date'](), 2); var time = util.pad0(value['get' + prefix + 'Hours'](), 2) + ':' + util.pad0(value['get' + prefix + 'Minutes'](), 2) + ':' + util.pad0(value['get' + prefix + 'Seconds'](), 2) + '.' + util.pad0(value['get' + prefix + 'Milliseconds'](), 3); var to = value.getTimezoneOffset(); var absTo = Math.abs(to); var hours = Math.floor(absTo / 60); var minutes = absTo - hours * 60; var tzFormat = (to < 0 ? '+' : '-') + util.pad0(hours, 2) + util.pad0(minutes, 2); return date + ' ' + time + (isUTC ? '' : ' ' + tzFormat); } Formatter.add('object', 'date', function(value) { return this._formatObject(value, { value: formatDate(value, this.isUTCdate) }); }); Formatter.add('function', function(value) { return this._formatObject(value, { additionalProperties: [['name', Formatter.functionName(value)]] }); }); Formatter.add('object', 'error', function(value) { return this._formatObject(value, { prefix:, additionalProperties: [['message', value.message]] }); }); Formatter.add('object', 'buffer', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Buffer', 2)); Formatter.add('object', 'array-buffer', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('byteLength', 'ArrayBuffer', 2)); Formatter.add('object', 'typed-array', 'int8', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Int8Array', 2)); Formatter.add('object', 'typed-array', 'uint8', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Uint8Array', 2)); Formatter.add('object', 'typed-array', 'uint8clamped', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Uint8ClampedArray', 2)); Formatter.add('object', 'typed-array', 'int16', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Int16Array', 4)); Formatter.add('object', 'typed-array', 'uint16', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Uint16Array', 4)); Formatter.add('object', 'typed-array', 'int32', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Int32Array', 8)); Formatter.add('object', 'typed-array', 'uint32', Formatter.generateFunctionForIndexedArray('length', 'Uint32Array', 8)); //TODO add float32 and float64 Formatter.add('object', 'promise', function() { return '[Promise]';//TODO it could be nice to inspect its state and value }); Formatter.add('object', 'xhr', function() { return '[XMLHttpRequest]';//TODO it could be nice to inspect its state }); Formatter.add('object', 'html-element', function(value) { return value.outerHTML; }); Formatter.add('object', 'html-element', '#text', function(value) { return value.nodeValue; }); Formatter.add('object', 'html-element', '#document', function(value) { return value.documentElement.outerHTML; }); Formatter.add('object', 'host', function() { return '[Host]'; }); Formatter.add('object', 'set', function(value) { var iter = value.values(); var len = 0; this.seen.push(value); var props = []; var next =; while(!next.done) { var val = next.value; var f = this.format(val); len += f.length; props.push(f); next =; } this.seen.pop(); if(props.length === 0) return 'Set {}'; if(len <= this.maxLineLength) { return 'Set { ' + props.join(this.propSep + ' ') + ' }'; } else { return 'Set {\n' + + '\n') + '\n' + '}'; } }); Formatter.add('object', 'map', function(value) { var iter = value.entries(); var len = 0; this.seen.push(value); var props = []; var next =; while(!next.done) { var val = next.value; var fK = this.format(val[0]); var fV = this.format(val[1]); var f; if((fK.length + fV.length + 4) <= this.maxLineLength) { f = fK + ' => ' + fV; } else { f = fK + ' =>\n' + fV; } len += fK.length + fV.length + 4; props.push(f); next =; } this.seen.pop(); if(props.length === 0) return 'Map {}'; if(len <= this.maxLineLength) { return 'Map { ' + props.join(this.propSep + ' ') + ' }'; } else { return 'Map {\n' + + '\n') + '\n' + '}'; } }); Formatter.prototype.defaultFormat = Formatter.prototype._format_object; function defaultFormat(value, opts) { return new Formatter(opts).format(value); } defaultFormat.Formatter = Formatter; module.exports = defaultFormat;