module Vedeu module Input # Stores each keypress or command to be retrieved later. # module Store extend self # Add a command (a collection of characters/keypresses from an # Editor::Document) to the store. Used by Vedeu internally to # store commands entered. # # @example # Vedeu.add_command(:some_command) # # @param command [Symbol|String] # @return [Hash<Symbol => Array<Symbol|String>>] def add_command(command) all_commands << command end # Add a keypress to the store. Used by Vedeu internally to # store a keypress entered. # # @example # Vedeu.add_keypress(:escape) # # @param keypress [Symbol|String] # @return [Hash<Symbol => Array<Symbol|String>>] def add_keypress(keypress) all_keypresses << keypress end # Access all commands stored. # # @example # Vedeu.all_commands # # @return [Array<Symbol|String>] def all_commands storage[:commands] end # Access all keypresses stored. # # @example # Vedeu.all_keypresses # # @return [Array<Symbol|String>] def all_keypresses storage[:keypresses] end # Access the last command stored. If no commands have been # entered since the client application started, then this will # return nil. # # @example # Vedeu.last_command # # @return [NilClass|Symbol|String] def last_command all_commands[-1] end # Access the last keypress stored. If no keys have been pressed # since the client application started, then this will return # nil. # # @example # Vedeu.last_keypress # # @return [NilClass|Symbol|String] def last_keypress all_keypresses[-1] end # Remove all stored entries. Any commands or keypresses entered # before calling this method will be removed. # # @return [Hash<Symbol => Array<Symbol|String>>] def reset! @storage = in_memory end alias_method :reset, :reset! # Access all commands and keypresses stored. # # @return [Hash<Symbol => Array<Symbol|String>>] def storage @storage ||= in_memory end alias_method :all, :storage private # @return [Hash<Symbol => Array<Symbol|String>>] def in_memory { commands: [], keypresses: [], } end end # Store end # Input # @!method add_command # @see Vedeu::Input::Store.add_command # @!method add_keypress # @see Vedeu::Input::Store.add_keypress # @!method all_commands # @see Vedeu::Input::Store.all_commands # @!method all_keypresses # @see Vedeu::Input::Store.all_keypresses # @!method last_command # @see Vedeu::Input::Store.last_command # @!method last_keypress # @see Vedeu::Input::Store.last_keypress def_delegators Vedeu::Input::Store, :add_command, :add_keypress, :all_commands, :all_keypresses, :last_command, :last_keypress end # Vedeu