runit: label: runit web management tool title: "%1 - %2" header: "%1: %2" error: Error encountered while accessing resource loading: "Please wait while loading…" footer: "State of services updated automatically every %1 seconds." services: table: caption: Services headers: pid: PID name: Name stat: Status actions: Actions log_file: Log file values: log_hint: Open tail 100 lines of %1 service log in new window log_absent: Absent footer: Updated at %1 subst: inactive: inactive down: down run: run actions: start: Start stop: Stop restart: Restart switch_down: Deactivate switch_up: Activate log: title: "Tail %3 lines of service %1 log - %2" header: "Tail %3 lines of service %1 log: %2 (%4)" counts: "Show %1 lines of log" updated: "Page updated at %1" reload: Reload raw: Raw view_file: raw: Raw title: 'File %1 on %2' header: 'View %1 file on %2' updated: "Page updated at %1" reload: Reload