// Determines if you want to include magic selectors in your sprites $disable-magic-sprite-selectors:true // sized sprites =image-size($path) width: image-width($path) height: image-height($path) //shortcut =s($sprite, $map: $icons, $class: "icons") @extend %#{$class} +image-size(sprite-file($map, $sprite)) background-position: sprite-position($map, $sprite) //only position of sprite, to remove flicker effect in chrome =sp($sprite, $map: $icons, $class: "icons") @extend %#{$class} background-position: sprite-position($map, $sprite) //icons centered on width =centerWidthIcons($name, $map: $icons) $width: image-width(sprite-file($map, $name)) margin-left: -($width/2) //icons centered on height =centerHeightIcons($name, $map: $icons) $height: image-height(sprite-file($map, $name)) margin-top: -($height/2) =sah($sprite, $map: $icons) +s($sprite, $map) +centerHeightIcons($sprite, $map) =saw($sprite, $map: $icons) +s($sprite, $map) +centerWidthIcons($sprite, $map) //icons centered function =iconsPos($name, $distance, $alignmentHeight: true, $size: "right") +s($name, $map: $icons) margin-#{$size}: $distance @if $alignmentHeight +centerHeightIcons($name) else +centerWidthIcons($name) // SVG // insert svg =svg($name, $width, $height, $folder: $svg-folder) $width: lessPoint($width) $height: lessPoint($height) +dib(middle) width: $width height: $height background: url('../images/#{$folder}/#{$name}.svg') no-repeat 0 0 +background-size($width $height) // insert svg with fallback =svgPng($name, $map: $icons, $folderSvg: $svg-folder) $path: sprite-file($map, $name) $width: image-width($path) $height: image-height($path) +svg($name, $width, $height, $folderSvg) html.no-svg & +s($name, $map)