require 'spec_helper' describe Octopus::Proxy do let(:proxy) { subject } describe 'creating a new instance', :shards => [] do it 'should initialize all shards and groups' do # FIXME: Don't test implementation details expect(proxy.shards).to include('canada', 'brazil', 'master', 'sqlite_shard', 'russia', 'alone_shard', 'aug2009', 'postgresql_shard', 'aug2010', 'aug2011') expect(proxy.shards).to include('protocol_shard') expect(proxy.has_group?('country_shards')).to be true expect(proxy.shards_for_group('country_shards')).to include(:canada, :brazil, :russia) expect(proxy.has_group?('history_shards')).to be true expect(proxy.shards_for_group('history_shards')).to include(:aug2009, :aug2010, :aug2011) end it 'should initialize the block attribute as false' do expect(proxy.block).to be_falsey end it 'should initialize replicated attribute as false' do expect(proxy.replicated).to be_falsey end it 'should work with thinking sphinx' do config = proxy.config expect(config[:adapter]).to eq('mysql2') expect(config[:database]).to eq('octopus_shard_1') expect(config[:username]).to eq('root') end unless Octopus.rails50? || Octopus.rails51? it 'should respond correctly to respond_to?(:pk_and_sequence_for)' do expect(proxy.respond_to?(:pk_and_sequence_for)).to be true end end it 'should respond correctly to respond_to?(:primary_key)' do expect(proxy.respond_to?(:primary_key)).to be true end context 'when an adapter that modifies the config' do before { OctopusHelper.octopus_env = 'modify_config' } after { OctopusHelper.octopus_env = 'octopus' } it 'should not fail with missing adapter second time round' do skip 'This test was actually failing because of a typo in the error message.' Thread.current['octopus.current_shard'] = :modify_config_read expect { }.not_to raise_error Thread.current['octopus.current_shard'] = nil end end describe 'should raise error if you have duplicated shard names' do before(:each) do OctopusHelper.octopus_env = 'production_raise_error' end it 'should raise the error' do expect { proxy }.to raise_error('You have duplicated shard names!') end end describe "should initialize just the master when you don't have a shards.yml file" do before(:each) do OctopusHelper.octopus_env = 'crazy_environment' end it 'should initialize just the master shard' do expect(proxy.shards.keys).to eq(['master']) end it 'should not initialize replication' do expect(proxy.replicated).to be_nil end end end describe 'when you have a replicated environment' do before(:each) do OctopusHelper.octopus_env = 'production_replicated' end it 'should have the replicated attribute as true' do expect(proxy.replicated).to be true end it 'should initialize the list of shards' do expect(proxy.slaves_list).to eq(%w(slave1 slave2 slave3 slave4)) end end describe 'when you have a rails application' do before(:each) do Rails = double OctopusHelper.octopus_env = 'octopus_rails' end after(:each) do Object.send(:remove_const, :Rails) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@config, nil) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@rails_env, nil) OctopusHelper.clean_connection_proxy end it 'should initialize correctly octopus common variables for the environments' do allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('staging') Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@rails_env, nil) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@environments, nil) Octopus.config expect(proxy.replicated).to be true expect(Octopus.environments).to eq(%w(staging production)) end it 'should initialize correctly the shards for the staging environment' do allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('staging') Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@rails_env, nil) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@environments, nil) Octopus.config expect(proxy.shards.keys.to_set).to eq( slave2 master))) end it 'should initialize correctly the shard octopus_shard value for logging' do allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('staging') Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@rails_env, nil) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@environments, nil) Octopus.config expect(proxy.shards['slave1'].spec.config).to have_key :octopus_shard end it 'should initialize correctly the shards for the production environment' do allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('production') Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@rails_env, nil) Octopus.instance_variable_set(:@environments, nil) Octopus.config expect(proxy.shards.keys.to_set).to eq( slave4 master))) end describe 'using the master connection', :shards => [:russia, :master] do before(:each) do allow(Rails).to receive(:env).and_return('development') end it 'should use the master connection' do user = User.create!(:name => 'Thiago') = 'New Thiago' expect(User.find_by_name('New Thiago')).not_to be_nil end it 'should work when using using syntax' do user = User.using(:russia).create!(:name => 'Thiago') = 'New Thiago' expect(User.using(:russia).find_by_name('New Thiago')).to eq(user) expect(User.find_by_name('New Thiago')).to eq(user) end it 'should work when using blocks' do Octopus.using(:russia) do @user = User.create!(:name => 'Thiago') end expect(User.find_by_name('Thiago')).to eq(@user) end it 'should work with associations' do u = Client.create!(:name => 'Thiago') i = Item.create(:name => 'Item') u.items << i end end end describe 'returning the correct connection' do describe 'should return the shard name' do it 'when current_shard is empty' do expect(proxy.shard_name).to eq(:master) end it 'when current_shard is empty with custom master' do OctopusHelper.using_environment :octopus do Octopus.config[:master_shard] = :brazil expect(proxy.shard_name).to eq(:brazil) Octopus.config[:master_shard] = nil end end it 'when current_shard is a single shard' do proxy.current_shard = :canada expect(proxy.shard_name).to eq(:canada) end it 'when current_shard is more than one shard' do proxy.current_shard = [:russia, :brazil] expect(proxy.shard_name).to eq(:russia) end end describe 'should return the connection based on shard_name' do it 'when current_shard is empty' do expect(proxy.select_connection).to eq(proxy.shards[:master].connection) end it 'when current_shard is a single shard' do proxy.current_shard = :canada expect(proxy.select_connection).to eq(proxy.shards[:canada].connection) end end end describe 'saving multiple sharded objects at once' do before :each do @p = MmorpgPlayer.using(:alone_shard).create!(:player_name => 'Thiago') end subject {! } context 'when the objects are created with #new and saved one at a time' do before :each do @p.weapons.create!(:name => 'battleaxe', :hand => 'right') @p.skills.create!(:name => 'smiting', :weapon => @p.weapons[0]) end it 'should save all associated objects on the correct shard' do expect { subject }.to_not raise_error end end context 'when the objects are created with #new and saved at the same time' do before :each do => 'battleaxe', :hand => 'right') => 'smiting', :weapon => @p.weapons[0]) end it 'should save all associated objects on the correct shard' do expect { subject }.to_not raise_error end end end describe 'connection reuse' do before :each do @item_brazil_conn = Item.using(:brazil).new(:name => 'Brazil Item').class.connection.select_connection @item_canada_conn = Item.using(:canada).new(:name => 'Canada Item').class.connection.select_connection end it 'reuses connections' do expect(Item.using(:brazil).new(:name => 'Another Brazil Item').class.connection.select_connection).to eq(@item_brazil_conn) expect(Item.using(:canada).new(:name => 'Another Canada Item').class.connection.select_connection).to eq(@item_canada_conn) end it 'reuses connections after clear_active_connections! is called' do expect(Item.using(:brazil).new(:name => 'Another Brazil Item').class.connection.select_connection).to eq(@item_brazil_conn) expect(Item.using(:canada).new(:name => 'Another Canada Item').class.connection.select_connection).to eq(@item_canada_conn) end it 'creates new connections after clear_all_connections! is called' do Item.clear_all_connections! expect(Item.using(:brazil).new(:name => 'Another Brazil Item').class.connection.select_connection).not_to eq(@item_brazil_conn) expect(Item.using(:canada).new(:name => 'Another Canada Item').class.connection.select_connection).not_to eq(@item_canada_conn) end it 'is consistent with connected?' do expect(Item.connected?).to be true expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connected?).to be true Item.clear_all_connections! expect(Item.connected?).to be false expect(ActiveRecord::Base.connected?).to be false end end end