module Axlsx # The Cell Serializer class contains the logic for serializing cells based on their type. class CellSerializer class << self # Calls the proper serialization method based on type. # @param [Integer] row_index The index of the cell's row # @param [Integer] column_index The index of the cell's column # @param [String] str The string to apend serialization to. # @return [String] def to_xml_string(row_index, column_index, cell, str='') str << '' if cell.value.nil? method = (cell.type.to_s << '_type_serialization').to_sym self.send(method, cell, str) str << '' end # builds an xml text run based on this cells attributes. # @param [String] str The string instance this run will be concated to. # @return [String] def run_xml_string(cell, str = '') if cell.is_text_run? data = cell.instance_values.reject{|key, value| value == nil || key == 'value' || key == 'type' } keys = data.keys & Cell::INLINE_STYLES str << "" keys.each do |key| case key when 'font_name' str << "" when 'color' str << data[key].to_xml_string else str << "<" << key.to_s << " val='" << data[key].to_s << "'/>" end end str << "" << "" << cell.value.to_s << "" else str << "" << cell.value.to_s << "" end str end # serializes cells that are type iso_8601 # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def iso_8601_type_serialization(cell, str='') value_serialization 'd', cell.value, str end # serializes cells that are type date # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def date_type_serialization(cell, str='') value_serialization false, DateTimeConverter::date_to_serial(cell.value).to_s, str end # Serializes cells that are type time # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def time_type_serialization(cell, str='') value_serialization false, DateTimeConverter::time_to_serial(cell.value).to_s, str end # Serializes cells that are type boolean # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def boolean_type_serialization(cell, str='') value_serialization 'b', cell.value.to_s, str end # Serializes cells that are type float # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def float_type_serialization(cell, str='') numeric_type_serialization cell, str end # Serializes cells that are type integer # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def integer_type_serialization(cell, str = '') numeric_type_serialization cell, str end # Serializes cells that are type formula # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def formula_serialization(cell, str='') str << 't="str">' << '' << cell.value.to_s.sub('=', '') << '' str << '' << cell.formula_value.to_s << '' unless cell.formula_value.nil? end # Serializes cells that are type inline_string # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def inline_string_serialization(cell, str = '') str << 't="inlineStr">' << '' run_xml_string cell, str str << '' end # Serializes cells that are type string # @param [Cell] cell The cell that is being serialized # @param [String] str The string the serialized content will be appended to. # @return [String] def string_type_serialization(cell, str='') if cell.is_formula? formula_serialization cell, str elsif !cell.ssti.nil? value_serialization 's', cell.ssti.to_s, str else inline_string_serialization cell, str end end private def numeric_type_serialization(cell, str = '') value_serialization 'n', cell.value.to_s, str end def value_serialization(serialization_type, serialization_value, str = '') str << 't="' << serialization_type << '"' if serialization_type str << '>' << serialization_value << '' end end end end