require 'singleton' module MP class Config include Singleton class OptionNotGivenError < RuntimeError; end class Option attr_reader :attribute, :name, :message, :default def initialize(attribute, options, &block) @attribute = attribute @overrides = ENV @default = options[:default] @name = options.fetch(:name, attribute).to_s @message = options.fetch(:message, "Must specify #{attribute} with #{name}=") @required = options.fetch(:required, true) @parser = block @attribute, @name, @message = attribute, name, message end def default @default.is_a?(Proc) ? : @default end def write(value) @value = value end def fetch(local_default) value = fetch_from(@overrides) || @value || local_default || default @parser ? : value end def read(*args) required = args.empty? ? @required : args[0] value = fetch(nil) raise if value.nil? && required value end private def name_variants key = name.to_s # for ENV vars we need the upcase, in general we want to allow case-insensitive access for simplicity [key, key.upcase, key.downcase] end def fetch_from(hash) # lookup each variant of the key all_possible_values = hash.values_at(*name_variants) # grab the first non-nil value out of the possible values all_possible_values.compact[0] end end def self.configure yield instance end def initialize @attributes = {} end def add(attribute, options={}, &block) option =, options, &block) @attributes[] = option self.class.class_eval do define_method("#{option.attribute}=") do |value| write(, value) end define_method(option.attribute) do |*args| read( end end end def write(attribute, value) @attributes[attribute].write(value) end def fetch(attribute, default=nil) @attributes[attribute].fetch(default) end def read(attribute, *args) @attributes[attribute].read(*args) end def [](key) fetch(key) end def expose_as_method method_name = underscore( config_class = self Object.class_eval do define_method(method_name) do config_class end end end # The reverse of +camelize+. Makes an underscored, lowercase form from the expression in the string. # # Changes '::' to '/' to convert namespaces to paths. # # Examples: # "ActiveRecord".underscore # => "active_record" # "ActiveRecord::Errors".underscore # => active_record/errors def underscore(camel_cased_word) camel_cased_word.to_s.gsub(/::/, '/'). gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2'). tr("-", "_"). downcase end end end